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    ,牛津译林版 九年级(上)9A Unit 2,Unit Three What should I do?,Language functions and focus 1.To learn to use “wh-”words + “to” infinitives, e.g. 2. Learn different types of sentences. 3. Distinguish different types of sentences. 4. Use object complement to make sentences. 5. Learn the five basic sentence structures. 6. Understand the different meanings of the verb “get”,D,READING,一. Pre-reading As a teenager, do you often meet with some personal problems? What are they?,A Street Interview Analysis in Taipei Question 1: Which will bother you the most, please number from 1 to 8 according to their importance to you? Distribution of the Ones Bothering Children Most,Another Street Interview Analysis in Mainland,China Question 2: Which will bother you the most, please number from 1 to 8 according to their importance to you? 青少年儿童八大烦恼是:学习成绩不理想,没信心学好(占 36.9%);总也做不完的作业(占 34.8%);家长只知道关心学习成绩,不能理解我们(占 32%);家长总不让我玩,没时间玩(占 31%);只喜欢电脑游戏,其他活动没意思(占 26%);没有朋友,感到孤独(占 21.8%);爸爸、妈妈总爱争吵,家庭气氛不愉快(占 18.4%);嫌老师偏心、不公平、武断、严厉、唠叨,因此不喜欢老师(占 16.8%)。 Distribution of the Ones Bothering Children Most Observations: (1) Most of their displeasure came from homework, coming from both the family and school. (2) The other pressure came from limited time, most often because of pre-arranged classes.,Question : What will make you feel satisfied and happy? Distribution of the Factors Making Children Feel Satisfied Observations: The major responses were friend and family, then school activities.,Question : What will remove your worry or make you happy? Distribution of the Factors Making Children Happy Observations: Most children think listening to music can help them relax, and the next came playing computer games and going out,7. Question : Where does your happiness come from? Distribution of The Places Their Happiness Coming from Observations: The first is friends, and then family.,Please use one sentence to drscribe you feeling about happiness. Contents Numbers Contents Numbers Going out with family members 1 Learning English 1 Happiness is going out 4 Just feeling free3 Playing with friends 5 Having fun and relaxing 1 Reading novels1 Reading1 Always keeping a pleasant mind 1 Being happy and having fun1 With family members 1 Relaxing in life 1 Playing computer games 3 Good mood 1 Freedom 3 Painting 1 Health 1 Exercise 1 Having lots of friends 3 Dancing 1 Happiness is watching my mouse1 Feeding the dog 1 Do my favorite thinks 1 Watching my turtle 1 Watching TV 2 Swimming 1 Play computer games 1 Observations: Most of their thinking about happiness was playing with friends and going out.,While- Reading T: Every person has his own problem. Millie and Simon also meet with some problems, please listen to the audio of the reading and tell us: 1. What problems do they meet with? 2. How do they feel?,Listen the audio again and find the answers to the questions: What are Millies hobbies? Do you have any hobbies? What are they? What kind of hobbies, in your opinion, are good? Why? How do you like these hobbies? Why do the hobbies annoy her? What is Simons favorite hobby? Can you list some advantages of playing football? Why does he say “football has become a big problem now”?,Read the reading and do the following exercises: 1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students. 2. They both like football. 3. They both spend much time on their homework. 4. They both feel stressed about their study. 5. They both think study is more important than sports.,T F F F F,Read the reading fast and complete the following: Millie has lots of h_. Painting is her favourite. But she finds that she spends so much time d _her home work, and she cant find any time f _her hobbies. She cant d _how to deal with the problem. She asks the teachers to teach her how to a _ a balance between the two. Simon would like some a _on his love of football. He is so c _about football that he s _out late at night to play it. His parents are very s _with him and they want him to come home earlier. Simon feels s _and angry from time to time. He wishes he could have his parents support.,Fill in the slots according to Reading:,9 9 Reading writing, Poems, football walking, Shopping, painting Painting football A lot of homework No time 3-4 hours No information strict,More Exercises: 词组互译: 1.许多爱好 2.写诗 3.集中精力于家庭作业 4.使我不高兴 5. 取得平衡 6. 狂迷恋于 7. 感到压力 8. 最有价值,9. a Grade 9 student 10. on time 11. hand in the homework 12. Hear from 13. From time to time 14. Have ones support 15. Give sb some advice 16. My love of football,翻译: 1. 我想知道如何处理象这样的问题。 I want to know how to solve the problem like this. 2. 那个时候游泳是我最喜欢的运动。 At the moment, swimming is my favourite sport. 3. 我们知道对于9年级同学来说努力学习取得大的进步是很重要的。 We all know it is very very important to work hard and make much prograss 4. 问题是我花了大量的时间学数学以至于找不到时间学英语了。 The problem is that I spend so much time learning maths that I cant find any time for English.,5. 我只是不能决定什么时候穿T-shirt什么时候穿衬衫。 I just cant decide when to wear T-shirt and when to wear shirt. 6. 大学生们应当精力集中于英语学习而放弃自己的专业么? Should the university students focus on the English study and give up their majors? 7. 谁能教我在工作和学习中保持平衡么? Who can teach me how to achieve a balance between work and study? 8. 我希望能尽快收到妈妈的来信, I hope to hear from Mom as quickly as possible.,9. 现在的中国,大量的人对英语很狂热。 A great number of people in China are crazy about English. 10. 父母的爱已经成为孩子们的负担。 Parents love of children has become a burden. 11. 人们喜欢下班后在外面待地很晚,放松自己。 People like staying out late to relax. 12. 我的确不明白为什么他们那么喜欢那个严格的老师。 I really dont understand why they like the strict teacher. 13. 我希望我能得到所有老师的帮助。 I hope I coule have all the teachers support.,Vocabulary,翻译下列句子: 1. Ann got a poodle for her birthday. 收到一只长卷毛狗作为她的生日礼物 2. Mum got nothing but trouble for her efforts 她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻烦 3. Get me a pillow,please. 请给我一个枕头 4. He got his information out of an encyclopedia. 他从百科全书中查到了资料。 5. Peter always got high marks in math and science. Peter数学和自然科学总得高分 6. When did you get home? 你什么时候到家的,7. Do you get this question? 你明白这个问题吗? 8. I didn't get your name when we were introduced. 别人介绍我们认识时,我没听清楚你的名字 9. The drill got the children tired and cross. 操练把孩子们弄得疲惫而且恼怒 10.My parents get along well with their in-laws. 父母和姻亲们相处融洽 11.You can't get water out of a stone. 石头中可不能冒出水. 12.Many people got the mumps. 许多人得了腮腺炎,Grammar,一、wh-特殊疑问词+to-infinitive wh-特殊疑问词+to-infinitive相当于一个名词,可以在句子中充当宾语或主语; 做主语的时候,谓语动词是单数; 做宾语的时候,它的前面动词常常有:ask, decide, explain, find out, forget, hear, know, learn, remember, see, tell, understand等。,二、Sentence types: (一)按使用目的,句子可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。 1)陈述句(Declarative Sentences):说明一个事实或陈述一种看法。例如: Light travels faster than sound. 光比声传播速度快。(说明事实) The film is rather boring. 这部电影很乏味。(说明看法) 2)疑问句(Interrogative Sentences):提出问题。有以下四种: a. 一般疑问句(General Questions): Can you finish the work in time? 你能按时完成工作吗? b. 特殊疑问句(Wh-Questions): Where do you live? 你住那儿? c. 选择疑问句(Alternative Questions): Do you want tea or coffee? 你是要茶还是要咖啡? d. 反意疑问句(Tag-Questions): He doesn't know her, does he? 他不认识她,对不对?,3)祈使句(Imperative Sentences):提出请求,建议或发出命令。例如: Don't be nervous! 别紧张! 4)感叹句(Exclamatory Sentences):表示说话人惊奇、喜悦、愤怒等情绪。例如: What good news it is! 多好的消息啊! (二)句子按其结构可以分为以下三类: 1)简单句(Simple Sentences):只包含一个主谓结构句子叫简单句。例如: She is fond of collecting stamps. 她喜欢集邮。 2)并列句(Compound Sentences):包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子叫并列句,句与句之间通常用并列连词或分号来连接。例如: The food was good, but he had little appetite. 食物很精美,但他却没什么胃口。 3)复合句(Complex Sentences):包含一个主句和一个或几个从句的句子叫复合句,从句由从属连词引导。例如: The film had begun when we got to the cinema. 我们到达电影院的时候,电影已经开演了。,根据不同标准,判断下列句子的类型: 1.I can see a pear and an apple on the table. 2.There is an “F” and a “U” in the word “full”. 3.Is his sister an eightyearold girl. 4.Kate has a new computer. 5.Great! 6.Whats five and one? 7.We have gone to school five times. 8.Han Meimei is in Row one? 9.Do you know that man or this man? 10.There is a pencil and two erasers in the pencil-box. 11.I have one bike, but he has two. 12.Boys and girls, come and have a rest. 13.Why dont you put on your jeans? 14.What a doctor! 15.They are drivers.,三、Object complements(宾语补足语): 1. 用于补充说明宾语的动作,一般位于宾语之后,宾语与宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。 2. 需接复合宾语的动词有:tell,let,help,teach, ask,see,have,order,make等。 3. “宾补”一般由不定式短语、分词、名词、形容词等充当。如:,e.g. We elected him monitor(名词) I found it difficult to learn English well(形容词) The doctor told me to do more exercise(不定式短语) He is going to have his hair cut(过去分词) They saw a bird flying in the sky(现在分词) 【注意】有的动词后若用不定式作其“宾补”则需要省略to。这类动词有: make,let,have,see,feel,hear,watch,notice,listen to,look at等。如: 1. I listened to them sing yesterday evening 2. Ling Feng made the baby laugh,Five kinds of sentence structure: 1S + V (主语 + 谓语): The telephone rang. His father might have died. We all breathe, drink and eat. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词是不及物动词,状语并非结构上不可缺少的成分。但在某种情况下,不加状语便不能表达完整的意思,这就引出了下列句型: 主语 + 谓语 + 状语: The meeting lasted for two hours. We walked for five miles. This box weighs five kilos. He lives in Guangzhou. They will be flying to London,2. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语: She is reading a novel. You may have seen each other. He is doing morning exercises. This factory makes machine tools. Mary has ordered a new dress. I have had my lunch. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词是及物动词,后面只跟一个宾语,因此称单宾及物动词,一般不需状语即可表达完整的意思。但在某些情况下,状语必不可少,这就引出了下列句型: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 状语: He put the vase on the table. Jim brought his suitcases upstairs. Ill take Mary to the station. They treated him kindly.,3. S + V + P (主语 + 系动词 + 表语): A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. The plan sounds perfect. This material feels soft. This is where I work. 4.主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语: She made herself a new dress. My father bought me a novel. Pass me the salt, please. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词一般只限于某些双宾语及物动词,它们可以分为两类: 第一类:give, show, send, bring, offer, read, pass, lend, leave, tell, hand, return, write, pay, throw, allow, wish, teach, promise, owe, refuse等。 She made a new dress for Mary. She made Mary a new dress.,第二类:make, buy, do, fetch, get, paint, play, save, reserve, spare, order, cook, sing, find等。 注:间接宾语有时可以改成一个由to或for引导的短语,这在意思上没有什么差别: Ill return you the book tomorrow. Ill return the book to you tomorrow. 注:第一类可以改为由 to 引导的短语;第二类可以改为由 for引导的短语。 注:间接宾语用介词词组表示的场合: a. 对间接宾语加以强调时: Ive bought it for you, not for myself. Ill hand this letter to the secretary and not to the director. b. 当直接宾语是一个人称代词时: Ill send it to you tomorrow. Youd better hand it directly to the headmaster. c. 当直接宾语比间接宾语短时: She showed the picture to the students sitting near her.,d. 当间接宾语置于句首时: Who did you send it to? To him I told the story, not to his brother. e. 当间接宾语和直接宾语都是代词时: He gave it to me. Ill lend them to you. 5. 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语: We have proved him wrong. What make you think so? She found the child fast asleep. I called him a fool. 注:这种结构中的谓语动词一般只限于某些复合宾语及物动词。,1. 收到一只长卷毛狗作为她的生日礼物(poodle 2. 她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻烦 3. 请给我一个枕头 4. 他从百科全书中查到了资料( encyclopedia). 5. Peter数学和自然科学总得高分 6. 你什么时候到家的 7. 你明白这个问题吗? 8. 别人介绍我们认识时,我没听清楚你的名字 9. 操练把孩子们弄得疲惫而且恼怒 10.父母和姻亲们相处融洽 11.石头中可不能冒出水. 12.许多人得了腮腺炎(mumps).,Thank you !,


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