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    新课程标准下的 中学英语教与学,常德芷兰实验学校李秘秘,第一节-阅读教与学 第二节-口语教与学 第三节-写作教与与学 第四节-Task和Project,必 修 课 程,选 修 课 程 系 列 (顺序选修课程),设计思路,采用国际通用的分级方式,将基础教育英语课程目标按照能力水平分为九个级别。 第二、五、七级为关键级,分别为小学、初中和高中毕业的基本要求。 第三、四、六级为三个关键级别之间的过渡级,其目的是指导各层次的教学,同时又为课程的灵活性和开放提供了依据。 第八、九级为较高要求,供有潜力或有特殊需要的学生选择学习。,九级目标体系示意图,一、课程标准阅读部分解读,三级: 朗读、 书面指令、大意、工具书 4万词以上(不包含教科书) 四级:朗读、说明文和信件等应用文体、 大意、猜词(上下文)、图表、事件 顺序和人物行为、工具书 10万词以上(不包含教科书) 五级:猜测词义(上下文和构词法)、篇章结构 中的逻辑关系、主题情节与预测、常见体 裁、简单策略运用、工具书 15万词以上,新课程标准阅读部分解读(2),六级:摄取主要信息和观点、猜词(上下 文与构词法)、推理预测故事情节的 发展阅读策略、通过不同信息渠道查 找信息、 20万词上(不包含教科书) 七级:主要信息并摘录要点、文章主旨和 意图、提取、筛选并重新整合文章信息、 利用上下文线索、经典英语诗歌 30万词以上 八级:观点、态度、不同文体特征、长句、浅显文学欣 赏、网络信息利用 36万词以上,新课程标准阅读部分解读(3),九级:阅读一般的英文报刊杂志 一般英文原著 商品说明书等非专业技术性材料 根据情景与上下问猜测不熟悉的语言现象 使用多种参考资料和工具书 有广泛的阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯 能有效的利用网络等媒体获取和处理信 息,二、阅读与课程目标的横向综合关系(1)内容层面,情感态度 国际视野 祖国意识 合作精神 自信意志 动机兴趣 文化意识 文化知识 文化理解 跨文化交际意识和能力,阅读,阅读与课程目标的横向综合关系(2)语言技能与知识层面,语言技能:听 说 读 写 译 语言知识:语音 词汇 语法 功能 话题,阅读,阅读与课程目标的横向综合关系(3)学习策略与审慎风格层面,学习策略:认知策略 调控策略 交际策略 资源策略 学习风格:审慎风格,阅读,Module 1 Teenage experiences Unit 1 School life 英国中学生生活印象 Unit 2 Growing pains 小鬼当家 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good 想瘦身想得快死了,Module 2 Making discoveries Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained 男孩失踪,警方迷惑 Unit 2 Wish you were here 非洲探险 Unit 3 Amazing people 木乃伊的诅咒,Module 3 Broadening horizons Unit 1 The world of our senses 雾 Unit 2 Language 英语发展简史 Unit 3 Back to the past 失落的文明,Module 4 Modern life Unit 1 Advertising 广告 Unit 2 Sporting events 奥运会 Unit 3 Tomorrows world 虚拟现实影院,Module 5 Balance and harmony Unit 1 Getting along with others 秘密与谎言 Unit 2 The environment 经济发展还是环境保护? Unit 3 Science versus nature 克隆,牛津高中教材顺序选修模块,Module 6 Making a better world Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Unit 2 What is happiness to you? Unit 3 Understanding each other Unit 4 Helping people around world,Module 7 Improving our lives Unit 1 Living with technology Unit 2 Fit for life (医药与健康) Unit 3 The world online(因特网) Unit 4 Public transport,Module 8 Appreciating literature and art Unit 1 The written world Unit 2 The universal language(音乐) Unit 3 The world of colours and light Unit 4 Films and film events,Module 9 Communicating with other cultures Unit 1 Other countries, other cultures Unit 2 Witnessing time(民族) Unit 3 The meaning of colour(宗教) Unit 4 Behind beliefs(文明),Module 10 Understanding society (社会生活的方方面面,比如法律等) Unit 1 Building the future Unit 2 People on the move Unit 3 Protecting ourselves Unit 4 Law and order,Module 11 Preparing for the future (人生规划、大学生活、工作和就业、成功) Unit 1 Careers and skills Unit 2 Getting a job Unit 3 The secret of success Unit 4 The next step,四、NSEC阅读教学的目的,1获取语言知识(Reading for language) 2获取信息知识(Reading for information) 3消遣与欣赏(Reading for pleasure),五、模块阅读结构,帮助学生学习语言、文化等方面的知识,形 成良好的阅读策略,提高阅读理解能力。 包括:读前问题(A)、阅读材料本身(B)、 读后练习(CF)和紧跟在阅读文章后面的阅 读策略(Reading strategy)。 A 三/四个问题,练习快速阅读。通过略读或 寻读,了解文章的主旨大意和比较明显的 细节内容。 B 阅读文章。对话或短文,跨两页,包含相关 语言和文化知识。,C 关于文章的更多问题,有时分C1, C2,从更 多的细节到文章的深层理解。培养获取信息 和处理信息的能力。 D 根据上下文猜测和理解词义,有时分D1, D2。 E 根据课文意义完成短文(变换角色、情境、 体裁),综合理解。 F 拓展延伸练习。依据与课文相关的话题或细 节开展讨论,以获得对主阅读文章的深层 次理解。 Reading strategy介绍阅读技巧和策略,也配合 主阅读文章的体裁、结构和行文特征介绍 相应的阅读方法,帮助更好地理解所读文 章,提高阅读能力。,Reading School life in the UK A 3 questions B an article; reading strategy C1, C2 questions; true or false D new words (meanings) E a passage (using words; understanding) F 2 questions;making a dialogue,Module 1 Unit 1 School life,六、阅读方法 1朗读与默读 2精读与泛读,七、NSEC的阅读技能训练,(一)理解生词(为理解文章而教生词,在阅读教学中学习词汇的用法) (二)理解课文(读前活动提供背景知识,读中活动理解文章内容,读后活动进行讨论运用,第二节 口语教与学,一、课程标准中对英语“说”的要求 二、NSEC教材中的口语安排 三、中学生英语口语薄弱的原因 四、高中英语口语的教与学的方法 五、学生提高英语口语的途径 六、学生提高英语口语能力的六大方法,一、课程标准中对英语“说”的要求,二、NSEC教材中的口语安排,NSEC是从内容安排、编排体系到采用的教学方法和练 习的设计等方面都贯彻了新课程标准的理念和精神,实 现了由高中英语教学大纲向新课程标准的平稳过渡,其 中对于英语口语培养的内容安排努力实现了新课程标准 规定的能力要求学生用书中,教材每个单元设置了若 干板块,围绕一个主要话题展开听说读写活动,每个单 元共分八个部分,每个部分都有明确的教学目的,其中 体现“说”的部分有:热身(Welcome to the Unit);读前(Prereading);语言运用(Using Language);小结 (Summing Up)。当然,在阅读(Reading)、理解 (Comprehending)、语言学习(Learning about Language)、 学习建议(Learning Tip)等这些部分都贯穿着对学生口语 能力的培养。,(一)NSEC教材的口语教学内容贴近学生的生活,富有较强的时代气息,有利于提高学生的思想品质和人文修养。 (二)NSEC中的口语活动安排运用了建构主义理论观点。,三、中学生英语口语薄弱的原因,(一)客观原因 1学生缺乏操练英语口语的机会。 2学生缺乏操练口语的语言环境。 3学生缺乏操练英语口语的时间和空间。 4学生缺乏操练英语口语的“教练”。 5文化视野狭窄,对高中教材中涉及的许多话题缺乏了解。,(二)主观原因 1师生对英语口语的重视程度不够。 学生对英语口语缺乏信心。,四、高中英语口语的教与学的方法,针对目前高中生学习的特点,认为有如下 几种方法可以用于新高中口语教学 1问答式口语教学(Interactive approach to teaching speaking) 2值日生报告(Daily Talk or Class Report) 3复述法 4小组讨论式教学 5讨论和辩 生动活泼的课外口语活动,五、学生提高英语口语的途径,(1)学生要充分认识英语口语的重要性。 (2)学生要树立信心,大胆尝试。 (3)学生学习口语应该遵循一个由易到难,由简到繁,循序渐进的过程。 (4)学生要扩大词汇量和加强听力的训练。 (5)学生要了解和熟悉英语国家文化。,六、学生提高英语口语能力的六大方法,(1)Model-based Method范例模拟法是指按照英文范例进行创造性的模拟。 (2)Theme-based Method以主题为基础的训练法是说和写的训练更为有序,目的更为明确。 (3)Recitation Method背诵是英语语言和知识积累的过程,也是训练英语发音、节奏、连贯、停顿以及换气的有效方法。,(4)Ouestioning Method能够有效地用英语提问是人与人交际的基本功。 (5)Step-by-step Method英语学习要循序渐进,学生可根据自己的英语水平训练主动技能,由简单到复杂,有字词句到对话和篇章,一步一步地训练. (6)Quantity Method训练一定要有量化目标。要求学生制订每天、每周的计划,按计划实施,每晚睡觉前检查自己是否完成了当天的训练计划,如未完 成,查询原因,调整计划。计划的内容可以是每天回答若干个问题,练习一个对话,背诵一篇短文等。,第三节 写作教与与学,一、高中英语课程标准对写作能力的要求 1能用文字及图表提供信息并进行简单描述; 2能写出常见体裁的应用文,例如:信函和一般通知等; 3能描述人物或事件,并进行简单的评论;,4能填写有关个人情况的表格,例如:申请表等; 5能以小组形式根据课文改编短剧。 6能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要; 7能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告;,8能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度; 9能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺 10能用英文书写摘要、报告、通知和公务信函等; 11能比较详细和生动地用英语描述情景、态度或感情; 12能阐述自己的观点和评述他人的观点,文体恰当,用词准确;,13能在写作中恰当地处理引用的资料及 他人的原话; 14能填写各种表格,写个人简历和申请 书,用语基本正确、得当; 15能做简单的笔头翻译; 16能在以上写作过程中做到文字通顺, 格式正确。,二、英语写作的文体特征 “文体”作为社会语言学和写作学 中的常用术语.在以往的中学英语 教中很少提到。但是课程标准对 写作能力的要求中却几次提到了 文体,这说明了新课标在原来教 学大纲基础上有了很大的进步, 也体现了人们对文体的普通视。,表现手法-记叙文体、议论文体、 抒情文体、说明文体 社会功能的角度-新闻文体、应用文 体,文艺文体 语言风格的角度-正式和非正式文体,三、英语写作教学的四个不同阶段 阶段1Writing down学习语言的符号规则 阶段2Writing the language学习语言的潜在符 号内涵 阶段3Production writing即 composition writing训练流利且有 表现力的句式和段落的建构 阶段4Expressive writing运用语言符号达到有 目的的交流,四、写作技能的培养过程,(一)控制性写作练习(Controlled writing exercises) 1基础训练 2替换练习 3句子结构训练 4完形填空训练 5听写,(二)指导性练习(Directed Exercises) 指导性练习可以考查学生多种语言技能。这个练 习可以是写一组句子、把一堆单句重新组合、回 答一系列问题、写一个小段落或者是重新组合段 落。练习中学生需要阅读、需要改正、需要做评 语,所有的这些都是为了实现每个练,习的具体 目的而准备的。下面是几点建议:,1组句练习 2文本听写和文本重组,(三)指导性作文(Guided Composition) 1段落写作 2逻辑阐明 3写摘要 4基于调查问卷的写作 5有目的的写作 6翻译,(四)交流性的写作,包括作文写作(Expressive writing including composition writing) 1随意性的写或是抄写 2叙述和描述细节,第四节 Task和Project,Task Task 板块顺着本单元的话题,以任务的最终产品为 目标,设计了一系列的活动,学生通过结对或小组活动 的方式,亲历语言实践,在完成任务的过程中获得语言 运用能力。 该板块为在课堂内进行的开放式任务型活动学习内 容,要求学生在完成任务的过程中使用英语,培养学生 听、说、读、写的综合技能。 每个单元的 Task 板块设计一个任务,学生通过运 用英语进行听、说、读、写来完成这个任务。每个单元的任务与单元话题密切相关。,任务分三个步骤: Step 1 听或读的活动(receptive)。侧重培养学生 获取信息的能力。 Step 2 双人或小组的互动(interactive)。侧重鼓 励学生学会合作,发展与人沟通的能力,实 现教师与学生、学生与学生之间的互动。 Step 3 口头或书面产品(productive)活动。侧重 完成一个富有情景的写作或口头任务。 另外,每一个Step前都设有一个技能训练(skills building ),以确保学生顺利完成三个步骤。三个步骤在内容和能力训练上既相对独立,又相互联系,可操作性强。,Three skills building (三个技能训练) Skills building 1 对在Step 1中进行听或读活动时所要用的技能进行指导和训练 Skills building 2 对在Step 2中进行活动时所要用的技能进行指导和训练 Skills building 3 对完成Step 3中说或写所要用的技能进行指导和训练,Task Reporting school activities Skills building 1: understanding a programme Step 1: completing a timetable for a school programme Skills building 2: comparing information Step 2: reporting to your class teacher Skills building 3: writing a notice Step 3: informing your classmates,Module 1 Unit 1 School life,Writing a notice,Lead in activity What happened to you on Monday, September 12, 2006? How did you get the information? Pair work: telephone conversation about the news that school will be closed on Mon. Sept 12th,What is a notice? a piece of paper which gives written or printed information before something is going to happen (Advance with English) information or a warning given in advance about something that is going to happen in the future (Cambridge International Dictionary of English) a written or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),Why do we write a notice? to inform the public of the event or activity that will soon happen In what way can we inform the public? Put up a notice Make an announcement Visit people door to door,What should a notice be? informative attractive clear What should a notice usually include? date time venue activity,Practice,Can you write down the names of dates, months and days of a week in abbreviations? For example: 21st Aug Thur P12,Listening - completing a timetable,Listen to the interview of a scientist, find out his program for next week and write down the missing information. P12,Task (1),1. Read the timetable and guess what will be the missing information. 2. Listen and complete the timetable. P13,Skill-building 2 - comparing information,Read the chart and email, compare, take notes and find out the book. The title: The price: The year: The writer: The book: The ISBN: P14,Word study,1. I cant remember the title of the book. 2. I remember the price on the back cover. 3. Chinese dynasties 4. It was written by a famous professor. 5. It was a very recent book.,Task (2) - Reporting to your class teacher,Read directions of Part A and B. What are you supposed to do? P15,Skill-building 3 - Writing a notice,1. - What is a notice? - It is a piece of writing in a public place which gives written or printed information before something is going to happen.,2. - What should I pay attention to when writing a notice? (1) Include the most important information: time, date, event, person. (2) Make your notice clear and attractive.,Read a notice and find out : Event: Time: Reason: When to reopen: New opening hours: Person that gives the notice: P16,Word study,We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday. I / We regret to say / inform / tell you,regret(vt.), regretted, regretted,To feel sorry about a mistake and wish it had not happened I made the decision to sell the house. I regretted _. _. _.,How to write a written notice?,Notice Students Union,How to write an oral notice?,Ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention please? . Thats all. Thank you.,Writing,Write a notice to inform your classmates of the program. Present it to the class.,P17,Sample 1(written):,Notice Talks in October I am happy to inform you that in October we are going to attend five interesting and informative talks. Read the following to get some detailed information about the five talks. Li Hua,Sample 2(oral):,Hi, everybody! May I have you attention, please? In October we are going to attend five interesting and informative talks. Here they go: Thats all. Thank you.,关于task的建议,教学时间安排 2 课时,教学形式以活动为主,教学指导要突出重点,教学内容可二次处理,Project,Project 是一种开放性探究学习活动,学生在老师的 指导下,通过小组协作,利用课外时间完成他们自己选 定的课题。Project 有A、B两个部分,A部分是阅读材 料,为B部分提供范例,或者引发课题内容。B部分是 Project本身,设计有四个步骤: Planning: 在老师指导下确定课题;组内分工; Preparing: 查找资料、收集信息、调查、讨论; Producing: 拿出初稿,对其进行加工、完善; Presenting:展示各个小组的成果。 Project 既有利于发展学生的语言能力,也有利于开 发学生的非语言能力,提高他们的综合素质。,Module 1 Unit 1 School life,Project Starting a new school club A Presenting (two articles) (在教师教学用书和练习册中有相关理解的练习设计) B Project Designing a poster advertising a new school club,教案: Project: Starting a new after-school activity Teaching aims: To learn two articles about after-school activities in school To learn the use of as and require To find out how an activity attracts the students and helps the students to learn what preparations to make when they plan to start a new school club.,Teaching Key Point: The importance of arrangement and teamwork in starting a club. Teaching Difficult Point: Understand the outline of starting a new school club. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Listen to the recording of the articles on page 18 True or False questions: 1. The radio station is run by the principal. 2. The radio station started 2 years ago when CD players were allowed in school. 3. Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of every month. 4. Everyone was nice and friendly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read to them.,Step 2: Read the two articles and answer the following questions: What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time? What do they do when parents come to visit the school? Who started “Poets of the Next Generation”? What do the members of the group do when they meet?,Step 3: Fill in the blanks: The radio station in our school is _ by the student. Two years ago, I asked the _ if music could be played during _ _. He agreed. We tell students the _, _ _ and some special messages. During _ _ we tell the students what they _ or _ do for preparation. When parents come, we play songs _ by students and _ them of _, such as _ and _ _. Our English teacher Mr Owen started the group “_”. Group members _ to talk about _ and _ that we like. When I _ it, I was _ to write five poems and _ one _ to the group. I _ every one around a tree before I read. The group said they loved the poem I read.,Step 4: Vocabulary and language points: Step 5: Discussion How do these two activities attract the students? How do they help the students? Assignment: Try to find the answers to the following questions: What after-school activities do you have in your school? Do you like them? Why/ Why not? If you could start a new after-school activity to enjoy with your schoolmates, what new activity would you choose?,Step 6: Organizing: Every student has to tell their classmates what after-school activities they would like to start if they could. Form groups of members with the same choice and every group consists of at least four students. Step 7: Planning: Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks. Research information: Make the poster: Present the poster:,Step 8: Preparing: Members responsible for doing research need to find information from various sources about after-school activities and posters. Activity: What does it do? How does it attract new members? How does it help members achieve their goals? Poster: What does the poster consist of? How does it attract its viewers?,Step 9: Producing: Group members who are making the poster will have to draft the poster based on all the ideas from our previous research and discussion. When the draft is done, each member should read it carefully and give suggestions on its wording and design. Assignment: The poster makers finalizes the poster based on the suggestions of the other group members. The entire group approve the poster before next period. In next period, they are to present their poster to the class. Tell the class what is special about their activity.,关于project的建议,结合实际灵活处理 不同学生不同要求 合作学习共同提高 重在过程讲究实效,关于project的处理,根据教材要求组织学生做 教师选择后布置给学生做 教师让学生自主选择后做,关于project的理想处理,教师有一个通盘考虑 做好前期的准备工作 开学一月内作出布置 让学生分组制定计划 让学生定期汇报进度 学期结束一月前展示,Thank you ve


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