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    燕子矶中学-缪春燕 language points of the play Home alone Period 3 Revision 1. Ask two students to read their writings. 2. Get students to look at Part E .First fill in the blanks and then compare their writings with the conversation. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. enter (vi.) (vt.) come or go in or into 进来之前请先敲门. 小偷从后门进入了大楼. I entered my own data into the computer. Our teacher entered me for the English competition. The two old men entered into a long discussion. write information Make take part in begin doing sth. language points1 You werent supposed towerent supposed to come home until tomorrow! The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms crossed and Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? I feel like we have to punish him or he language points2 Shuttle Discovery was supposed to return on Aug 8 . Some Americans were supposed to leave their hometown because of Hurricane Katrina . The school assembly was supposed to be held on Monday morning. sth.is expected to happen according to an arrangement 发现者号航天飞机应该在月日返回 由于飓风卡特里娜,一些美国人按安排离开家园 校会应该在周一早晨举行 be supposed to do sth. indicates that sth.should be done be to do sth. 你昨晚晚自习就应该完成家庭作业 You were to finish your homework in the evening class last night. refers to the arrangements for the future 春节将至,孩子门将买几件新衣服 The children are to buy some new clothes for the coming Spring Festival. 我将在约定的地点与伯克小姐见面 I was to meet Miss Burke at an agreed place. remain in a particular and usually undesirable state goes unpunished 她的决定未引起异议. Her decision went unchallenged. 他的抱怨未引起注意 His complaints went unnoticed. 不要让错误放在那里是有必要的. It is necessary not to let errors go uncorrected. to leave sth. in a certain state to have sth. done 不管发生什么事情,请把门关着. No matter what happens ,please have the door closed. 丹尼尔离开了房间,却让灯亮着. Daniel left the room ,but he had the light turned on. be harsh to sb 对某人严厉,对某人苛刻 be hard on sb. 继母对白雪公主很苛刻. Stepmother is very hard on Snow White. 不要对一个10岁的孩子说这些话, 这对他来说太重了些. Dont say that to a ten-year-old boy. You are being too hard on him. have a wish for/ want feel like 如果想要,我们可以外出散步 If you feel like, we can go out for a walk. 我现在不想要大吃一顿. I dont feel like (having) a big meal now. give one a particular feeling 这种材料摸起来象丝绸. The material feels like silk. language points3 Get students to translate the following sentences and point out the relative words Daniel,a person from whom we could expect good decisions This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you I dont know the reason why the room is so dirty Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms crossed and looks angry. Workbook Please allow students enough time to do A2 in class, and then check the answers together. If time permits , get students to finish B1. homework Finish A2 and B2 in their workbook. Get the students to think about the question” is the play written in American English of British English? How do you know/


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