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    ,Unit 66,1 abroad. go abroad 到国外 travel abroad 到国外旅行,重点单词,2 . worry worry about 担心;担忧 be worried about 担心,He is worried about his work. He worried about his work.,到国外旅行,Travel abroad,Whats the problem about deciding on a holiday?,listening question.,1 .Where does Gary think they may spend their holidays? They may go abroad. 2. Where does Gary's wife want to go? She wants to go to Egypt. 3 .Would Gary like to go there too? Yes, he would. 4. Have they made up their minds yet? No, they haven't. 5. How does Gary think they will travel? He thinks they may travel by sea.,Reading question,Key phrases,1. 度假 2. 去国外 3. 我不敢肯定 4. 去埃及 5. 拿定主意,下定决心 6. 可能是 7. 花很长时间 8. 别那么肯定 9. 太多 10. 照看,照顾 11.最后,1. spend ones holidays 2. go abroad 3. Im not sure 4. go to Egypt 5. make up ones mind 6. may be 7. take a long time 8. Dont be so sure 9. too much 10. look after 11. in the end,找出文中含情态动词的句子!,We may go abroad. We can't make up our minds. We may travel by sea. It may be cheaper. We might not go anywhere.,巧记must, can, may 表示“推测”的用法: 请看下面的顺口溜: can不肯,may不问, must肯定不否问。 这个顺口溜介绍了can (could), may (might), must 表“推测”时所适用的句式的区别。,复习,?,can不肯,即:表推测时can (could) 一般不用于肯定句; may不问,即:表推测时may (might) 一 般不用于疑问句; must肯定不否问,即:表推测时must一般 仅用于肯定句,不用于 否定句和疑问句。,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Someone is knocking at the door. Who _ it be at this hour of day? A. may B. can C. must D. should,1 spend 当“度过“讲时句型结构为: spend + n.(时光,假日)+地点状语 我打算到悉尼度假。 I am going to spend my holidays in Sydney. 我在一个小城镇度过了我的童年。 I spent my childhood in a small town.,课文讲解,2. We may go abroad. may 情态动词“可能,也许,或许“ 明天也许会下雪。 It may snow tomorrow. 如果我忙的话,也许就不去了。 If Im busy, I may not go.,3 . Im not sure. be sure 肯定 be sure of/ about + n. 对有把握 他稳操胜券 He is sure of success. be sure that. 肯定,确信 他确信自己会成功 He is sure that he will succeed. be sure to do 肯定,一定,务必 一定要在5点钟给我打电话 Be sure to call me at 5 oclock.,4 My wife wants to go to Egypt. Id like to go there, too. We cant make up our minds. (1)would like to do sth 愿意做某事,想做某事 你想看看你的房间吗? Would you like to have a look at your room? would like sth 想吃(喝,得到)某物 想来杯茶吗? Would you like a cup of tea? (2)make up ones mind 下决心,决定 我还没打定主意。 I havent make up my mind yet.,5 Will you travel by sea or by air? 选择疑问句要求答话人在两个或更多人或事物中做出选择,不能用yes 或no 作回答。 你想吃香蕉还是苹果? Would you like some bananas or apples? 我想来个苹果 Id like an apple. 你是医生,老师还是科学家? Are you a doctor, a teacher or a scientist? 都不是,我是学生。 None of them. I am a student.,6.We may travel by sea. Its cheaper, isnt it? 你是学生,不是吗?是的,我是。 You are a student, arent you? Yes, I am. 不,我不是。我是个牙医。 No, Im not. I am a dentist. 你没结婚吧,结了吗? You arent married, are you? Yes, I am. I married early. 不,我结婚了,我结婚比较早。 你不会乘船去吧,会吗? You wont travel by sea, will you? 不,我要乘船去。 Yes, Ill go by sea.,7 .It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time. take 花费,占用 It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事占用了某人时间 做这件事用了我1小时的时间。 It took me 1 hour to do the job. 我花了1小时来做这项工作。 I spent one hour doing the job.,8.Im sure youll enjoy yourselves. enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩得愉快 寒假你玩得痛快吗? Did you enjoy yourself during the winter vacation? Did you have a good time during the winter vacation?,9. Dont be so sure. We might not go anywhere. might 表示非常不确定 anywhere 任何地方,副词作状语 somewhere某地,用于肯定句 nowhere 没有任何地方 我想去转转,但是因为下雨了,我哪也没去。 I wanted to go somewhere, but because of the rain, I went nowhere.,10. My wife always worries too much. Who's going to look after the dog? Who's going to look after the house? Who's going to look after the garden? We have this problem every year. look after 照看,看管 In the end, we stay at home and look after everything! in the end 最后,到头来,说明结果 finally 最后,说明次序 at last 最后,终于(说明目的的实现),Good bye,


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