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    Unit 3Unit 3 SectionSection Learning about Language Learning about Language & & Using LanguageUsing Language .单句语法填空 1The policeman signalled (signal) me to stop, and I wondered what happened. 2When I came into her office, Mary was_typing (type) a report carefully. 3Another problem arose (arise) last week and they then had to find a way to solve it. 4Over the years, the appearance (appear) of my hometown has changed a lot. 5Don't go into the kitchen. I have just finished mopping (mop) the floor. 6Personally (person), I think teachers shouldn't use cellphones during the class. 7I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I'm anxious to get help from you. 8With the help of Mrs Brown, I have made great progress in my study. 9Your main task today is to_help (help) your mother wash the curtains. 10In order to make sure that his children were safe while playing on the beach, he kept watching (watch) over them all the time. .阅读理解 A A Many people catch a cold in the spring or fall. It makes us wonder . why can't scientists find a cure (疗法) for the common cold if they can send a man to the moon? The answer is easy. There are hundreds of kinds of cold viruses (病毒) out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isn't a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and brings congestion (堵塞) with it. You feel terrible because you can't breathe well, but your body is actually “eating” the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny nose to stop the virus from getting to your cells. You may feel miserable,_but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill the cold. Different people have different ways of dealing with colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people drink warm water. Other people take medicine. There is one interesting thing to notesome scientists say taking medicine when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesn't have a way to fight with it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on their own. There is a joke, however, on taking medicine when you have a cold. It goes like this: It takes about 1 week to get over a cold if you don't take medicine, but only 7 days to get over a cold if you take medicine. 【文章大意】 本文是说明文,话题是日常生活类。文章主要说明了感冒的症状和应对感 冒的方法。 1Why does blood rush to our nose when we have a cold? A. To stop the runny nose. B. To make us breathe well. C. To fight with the cold virus. D. To lower our body temperature. 解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段的 but your body is actually “eating” the virus 可知,鼻子充血是身体在和感冒病毒作斗争。 2Which of the following can replace the underlined word “miserable”? A. uncomfortable B. surprised 1 C. worried D. frightened 解 析:A 词义猜测题。上文告诉我们,感冒会导致发烧、鼻塞、流鼻涕,出现这些症状, 当然不舒服(uncomfortable)了。 3What can we learn from the text? A. Getting a fever is a dangerous thing. B. American people never take medicine. C. Chicken soup is a new cure for the cold. D. Drinking warm water may make people feel better. 解析:D 细节理解题。根据第三段的 people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people drink warm water 可知,喝一些热水可能会让人们感觉好点。 4What does the joke seem to tell us? A. Taking medicine does harm to health. B. Taking medicine makes a cold worse. C. Taking medicine doesn't work for a cold. D. Taking medicine helps us recover soon. 解析:C 推理判断题。最后一段的笑话是在告诉我们:吃药对感冒不起作用,因为不管 你吃不吃药,感冒都是 7 天以后痊愈。 B B The idea behind Facebook is to make us feel connected all the time. But in my research, I've found that the truth is quite different. Technology, it turns out, has made being alone seem like a problem that needs solving. When young people are alone, even for a minute or two, they feel the need to connect, to get on Facebook or some other social networks and chat. But in connecting, they often end up feeling more isolated. Why? Because by being in constant (不断的) connection, they lose the ability to feel satisfied with their own company (独处) Facebook can help us keep in touch with our friends, but we too often use it instead of spending facetoface time with them. And since we feel the need to keep up with them online, we don't have moments of loneliness where we can collect our thoughts and learn how to be comfortable being alone. Sherry Turkle, Professor Facebook connects more of us to more of our friends and family in more places than we have ever been connected before. Yes, Facebook is a huge time sinkmaybe the biggest ever. Many people post useless stuff. And seeing too much of your friends' lives can make you jealous (嫉妒的), but it won't make you lonely. Jane,a former student of mine, who is back in New York after living abroad for ten years, told me that Facebook helps her a lot. The first time she moved back to New York from abroad, she felt disconnected from her family and friends. Now, because of lots of photos and information updates (更新), she knows what is happening with her friends all the time. In fact, if you are lonely in real life,you will be lonely online as well. Sree Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Officer 【文章大意】 本文是一篇议论文。文章探讨了社交网络是否使人们变得越来越孤独。 5The underlined word “isolated” in Paragraph 2 means “_” Afree Bselfish Ccareless Dlonely 2 解析:D 词义猜测题。根据第二段的 made being alone seem like a problem . When young people are alone 可知,isolated“此处指 孤独的”,故选 D 项。 6According to Sherry Turkle, we should _. Afeel satisfied with our life Bavoid using social networks Ckeep in touch with our friends Denjoy moments of loneliness 解析:D 细节理解题。根据第三段的 we don't have moments of loneliness where we can collect our thoughts and learn how to be comfortable being alone可知,Sherry Turkle认为 我们应该学会享受孤独。 7What's Jane's attitude towards Facebook? AHopeful. BDoubtful. CThankful. DRegretful. 解析:C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段 Jane 描述她从 Facebook里了解朋友们的生活以 及 Facebook helps her a lot 可知,Jane对 Facebook 应该是充满感激之情。 8The purpose of the text is to _. Aeducate Bdiscuss Cpersuade Dintroduce 解析:B 写作意图题。从本文贯穿始终的 alone和 lonely 以及两位人士对社交网络 Facebook 的不同观点可知,本文对社交网络是否使人们变得越来越孤独进行了探讨。 .七选五 The advantages of limiting cars in city areasThe advantages of limiting cars in city areas In the past few years, there have been more and more cars on the road. This has caused many problems, such as heavy traffic and pollution (污染). Some countries have limited (限制) the use of cars in city areas. _1_ This has some disadvantages but, on the whole, it is a good way to solve the traffic problem in city areas. Limiting car traffic in the city can make it very difficult for some people to do their daily work. _2_ If they have no car, this could create problems for them. It is also important for families with young children to reach and use city services. _3_ Limiting the use of cars could create real inconvenience (不便) for some people. _4_ Firstly, it greatly cuts down the pollution in city areas, both by cutting down the number of cars and by encouraging the use of public transport. This would be good for everyone who lives and works in the city. _5_Finally, businessmen may find it quicker to get to their meetings either by taxi or by bus. A. Not everybody follows the traffic rules. B. However, there are many advantages to this idea. C. Only on certain days can people drive into the city. D. As we know, the environment on Earth is getting much worse. E. Secondly, it would be easier for people to move around in the city. F. As for businessmen, moving quickly to meetings is very important. G. They should be able to drive their cars to the places where they need to go. 【文章大意】 本文是议论文。作者主要谈论了在城市里实行交通管制的好处。 解析: 3 1C 由该空前的Some countries have limited the use of cars in city areas 可知,C 项说法是紧接着上文内容的解释说明,即:一些国家限制在城市里使用车辆,人们只能在固 定的某些日子开车进城。 2F 由该空后的 If they have no car, this could create problems for them 可知, F 项内容符合此处语境。对生意人来说,能够快速到达会议现场非常重要,如果他们没有车的 话就会造成不便。 3G 由该空前的 It is also important for families with young children to reach and use city services可知,那些有小孩的家庭应该能够开车去他们想要去的地方,故选 G 项。 4B 本段主要讲述了实行交通管制的好处,B 项内容在此起承上启下的作用。 5 E 由 该 空 前 后 的 Firstly, it . the use of public transport和 Finally, businessmen . either by taxi or by bus 可知,此处缺少实行交通管制的第二条好处,故 选 E 项。 4


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