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    Module Module 3 3 Foreign Food MusicForeign Food Music 高效演练··稳达标 【基础巩固题组】 . 单句语法填空 1. _ (stay) here for two years, he moved to a coastal city. 2. It is not the present itself but our affection _ matters. 3. By the time he _ (finish)his homework, his sister had already slept. 4. We can _ (influence)by outside pressures. 5. Facing so many confusing problems, she is at _ loss. 6. It is _ (record)that the emperor visited this beautiful town twice in his life. 7. If you mix blue _ yellow, you will get green. 8. He showed his _ (music) talent when he was very young. 9. _ is unwise to give the children whatever they want. 10. The _ (compose) created this famous music in his twenties. 答案:1. Having stayed 2. that 3. finished 4. be influenced 5. a 6. recorded 7. with 8. musical 9. It 10. composer . 单句改错 1. He lost in reading this book borrowed from the library. _ 2. He spent two months tour around Europe, where he met his present wife. 1 _ 3. I must say that I have rather mix feelings about my new deskmate. _ 4. It was he that I came to talk with about that important thing. _ 5. Though having failed twice, he didnt lose his heart. _ 6. His music had a great influence in the audience present. _ 7. Lang Lang is a talent pianist, who has drawn many peoples attention abroad. _ 8. Meat soon turns bad in hot weather if it isnt put in the fridge. _ 9. It was not until he took off his glasses when I recognized him. _ 10. The country split up into two small parts after the war. _ 答案:1.在 lost前加 was 或在 lost 后加 himself 2. tour 改为 touring 3. mix 改为 mixed 4. he 改为 him 5.去掉 his 6. in 改为 on 7. talent 改为 talented 8. turns 改为 goes 9. when 改为 that 10.在 split 前加 was 【教材变形题组】 . 教材与语法填空 根据课文内容, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 2 Haydn, who changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra, is known 1. _ “the father of the symphony”. After 2. _ (study)music in Vienna, he worked as director of music at the court of a prince in eastern Austria. 3. _ (work)there for 30 years, he moved to London, where he was very 4. _ (success). As a genius child musician, Mozart had a talent for music from 5. _very early age. In his short lifetime of 35 years, he 6. _ (compose)more than 600 pieces of music. In 1781, Mozart met Haydn and made a deep 7. _ (impress)on him. However, it was Haydn 8. _encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and stayed there for the rest of his life. As he grew 9. _ (old), he began to go deaf. He became 10. _ (complete)deaf during the last years of his life, but he continued composing. 答案: 1. as 2. studying 3. Having worked 4. successful 5. a 6. composed 7. impression 8. that/who 9. older 10. completely . 教材与短文改错 根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有 10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误 涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 Ye Xiaogang, who was born in 1955, is one of group of Chinese composers knowing as the New Tide. He writes symphonies and piece for smaller groups of musicians. He also writes film music. He showed music ability at an early age and began studying the piano when he was four years old. He studies at the Central Conservatory of Music of China. Before graduation, he worked here as a lecturer. He has been one of the lead modern composers of Chinese classical music since 1985. He is famous as mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation. 答案: 1. 第一句在 group 前加 a 2. 第一句中的 knowingknown 3. 第二句中的 piecepieces 3 4. 第四句中的 musicmusical 5. 去掉第四句中的 piano 前面的 the 6. 第五句中的 studiesstudied 7. 第六句中的 BeforeAfter 8. 第六句中的 herethere 9. 第七句中的 leadleading 10. 第八句中的 asfor . 教材与话题写作 用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。 1. Ye Xiaogang_ at an early age. 叶小刚从小就展现出音乐天赋。 2. He_ the Central Conservatory of Music of China. Later he became a professor here. 他曾在中央音乐学院学习, 后来成为这里的教授。 3. He_. . 他创作了许多种音乐。 4. He_ Chinese musical traditions_ western forms. 他因为融合了中国的音乐传统和西方的音乐形式而出名。 组篇公式: 句 2 改为定语从句+过渡词 _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:1. showed a talent for music 2. studied at 3. composed many kinds of music 4. is known for mixing; with 【参考范文】 Ye Xiaogang showed a talent for music at an early age. As a result he studied at 4 the Central Conservatory of Music of China, where later he became a professor and during that period he composed many kinds of music. He is known for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms. 5


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