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    外研版初中英语九年级上册Module 10 《Unit 3 Language in use》课件.ppt

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    外研版初中英语九年级上册Module 10 《Unit 3 Language in use》课件.ppt

    英语教学课件,外研 九年级 上册,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 10 Australia,1. To understand and apply the attributive clause with that 2. To practise and apply new vocabulary 3. To learn some facts about Australia 4. To complete a task involving making a poster about a country,that引导的定语从句,Observe,Observe the sentences carefully. They are all from this module.,1. I have some photos that I took in Australia last year. 2. They wear special hats that keep the flies away. 3. The horse that I rode was lazy. 4. The game that they like most is Australian football.,5. I hates the ants that were all over the place. 6. Whats the name of the place that you have visited? 7. The Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times, and their ancient stories describe the spirits that created the world. 8. The foods that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad.,标红部分是由引导词 that 引导的定语从句。,1. I have some photos _ I took in Australia last year. 2. They wear special hats _ keep the flies away. 3. The horse _ I rode was lazy. 4. The game _ they like most is Australian football. 5. I hates the ants _ were all over the place.,that,that,that,that,that,go,Ready?,6. Whats the name of the place _ you have visited? 7. The Aborigines are the people _ have lived in Australia from the earliest times, and their ancient stories describe the spirits _ created the world. 8. The foods _ Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad.,that,that,that,that,that 引导的定语从句,在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,从句在句中做定语成分。,请看下面两个例句:,I have some photos that I took in Australia last year. 我有一些去年在澳大利亚拍的照片。 The horse that I rode was lazy. 我骑的那匹马很懒。,先行词:是被定语从句所修饰的词 (通常是名词或代词) 引导词的作用: 1.引导定语从句 2.在从句中替代先行词,在定语从句中充当一定的成分。,定语从句:,先行词+that+句子,修饰,I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.,Attributive clause,引导词,先行词,The horse that I rode was lazy.,Attributive clause,引导词,先行词,定语从句一般要放在先行词之后。因 此,定语从句在句中的位置随其先行 词位置的变化而变化。如:,Have you seen the photos that I took on my trip? The photo that I took on my trip are on the desk.,that引导的定语从句可以修饰 无生命的东西 有生命的动物或人,如: Whats the name of the animal that jumps about? Who is the girl that talked to you yesterday?,that在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语是可以省略)。例如:,The film that tells an adventure is very interesting. 那部关于探险的电影非常有趣。 The writer that I like best is Mark Twain. 我最喜欢的作家是马克吐温。,that作主语,从句修饰物,that作宾语,从句修饰人,以下部分为课本练习,供老师在对答案时选择使用。,Australia has more beaches than any other country more than 10,000! It has one of the most famous beaches in the world, called Bondi Beach. Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen. It is a huge, wide beach that is very popular for swimming and other water sports. It is a great place to visit and to spend some time at. It is easy to get there by bus or train from the centre of Sydney. The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach. It was perfect!,P84,1,Read the passage and underline all the sentences with that.,P84,2,Complete the conversations. Use that.,A: Do you want to see my photos? B: What photos? A: The photos _.,that I took in Australia,1. What surprised you most in Australia? The thing _ most was the weather! 2. What is the most popular sport in Australia? The sport _ in Australia is Australian football.,that surprised me,that is the most popular,3. What do you call that famous Australian animal? The one _. Oh, you mean the kangaroo. 4. What do the ancient Aboriginal stories describe? They describe the spirits _ _. 5. What is the food like in Australia? Oh, great! It is the best food _ _.,that can jump,that created,the world,that I have,ever had/ eaten,P85,3,Think of an animal and write some sentences about it, starting with This is an animal that,Now read your sentences to your partner. How quickly can your partner guess what it is?,P85,4,Put the words into the correct column.,Australian beef diary farmer grape ham hat horse kangaroo letter relative salad scissors trousers,horse kangaroo,beef grape ham salad,diary hat letter scissors trousers,Australian farmer relative,Sarah: Hi John. Where have you been? John: Ive been to Australia. Sarah: How long were you (1) _? John: For a few weeks. Sarah: Was the weather nice? John: Yeah, the weather was fantastic! Sarah: Where did you go in Australia? John: I went to the Great Barrier Reef in the northeast, Sydney in the south and Ayers Rock in the centre (2) _, really. Sarah: Was there anything that you didnt like? John: Well, I did get some ants in my clothes when we were camping. I had to (3) _ them _ all the time. I can laugh about it now, but it wasnt funny (4) _. Sarah: Poor you. But you did have a wonderful holiday. John: Thats true.,all over at the time brushoff over there,over there,all over,brush off,at the time,P85,5,Complete the conversation with the expressions in the box.,P86,6,Listen and number the pictures.,3,2,4,1,P86,7,Read the passage and check () the true sentences.,1. The writers family had picnics in their garden. 2. The writers family had hot food to eat at their picnics. 3. The ants were a problem in central Australia. 4. The weather was very hot in central Australia. 5. The writers mother thinks the sun is bad for the children. 6. The writer likes flies better than ants.,×,×,Review,复习 that 引导的定语从句。,在复合句中,由引导词that引导的修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 先行词:是被定语从句所修饰的词, 通常是名词或代词。 引导词:是引导定语从句的词, 在从句中替代先行词。 注意:关系词要在从句中充当一定的成分。关系代词所替代的词在从句中不能再出现。,I. 请仔细观察下面的几个句子,说说错在哪里。 (1) The letter that I am reading it was from my father. (2) Is he the man that want to see me? (3) Lets find a room that we can put our things.,Quiz,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,wants,in,.把下列句子合并为含有that引导的定语 从句的复合句。 1. Do you like the clothes? They look unusual. _ 2. Those are the shoes. My father bought them for me last week. _ _ 3. The letter was from my uncle. I received it yesterday. _ _,Do you like the clothes that look unusual?,Those are the shoes that my father bought for me last week.,The letter that I received yesterday was from my uncle.,4. The man answered the phone. He told me you were away. _ _ 5. The girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. _ _,The man that answered the phone told me you were away.,The girl that was injured in the accident is now in hospital.,Homework,1. Finish the exercises in Learning English. 2. Preview the new words and expressions in Module 11.,


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