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    初中人教版新目标英语八年级上册精品课件Unit9 Section B2.ppt

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    初中人教版新目标英语八年级上册精品课件Unit9 Section B2.ppt

    Unit 9 When was he born?,Objectives,To learn to read and talk about people To learn to use adverbial clause with when To learn to use When/How long questions,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Section B Period Two,Words preview,well-known pianist could hum song piece accordion take part (in),众所周知的 钢琴手;钢琴家 可以;能;可能 作嗡嗡声;哼唱 歌曲 幅;篇;首 手风琴 参与;参加,Words preview,Poland person alive athlete because of Asia table tennis,波兰 人;人物 活着的;在世的 运动选手;运动员 因为;由于 亚洲 乒乓球运动,Words preview,university major major in management number single ITTF,大学 主修;专研 主修;专研 管理;经营 号码;编号 单打比赛 国际乒乓球联合会,Lets enjoy a radio.,Questions: who played the music? B. Do you know him?,点击此处,李云迪,钢琴王子李云迪 岁学手风琴,岁转学钢琴,1994年以第一名考入四川音乐学院,1995年转读深圳艺术学校,2001年赴德国汉诺威戏剧音乐学院深造,师从钢琴家阿里·瓦蒂。2000年夺得华沙肖邦钢琴大赛金奖桂冠后,李云迪成为世界瞩目的焦点,当年只有18岁的他,打破了首奖连续空缺两届达15年的沉寂,夺得了金奖桂冠,成为开赛73年来最年轻的首奖得主。国际乐坛评论界称:这是震惊世界琴坛的一大壮举。,Adjectives used to describe people: famous outstanding talented handsome creative unusual,Li Yundi, a famous pianist, is playing the piano.,( ) 1. Li Yundi didnt love music. ( ) 2. He began to learn the accordion when he was seven. ( ) 3. He took part in the 14th Chopin International piano Competition in England. ( ) 4. He was born in 1982 in Changsha. ( ) 5. He won the first prize.,True or False,F,T,F,F,F,3a,1982,could hum songs and difficult pieces of music,at the age of four,started to learn the piano,in October 2000,Fill in the chart.,When and where was Li Yundi born? 2. What did he begin to do at the age of four? 3. When did he begin to learn the piano?,Read again and answer questions.,He was born in 1982 in Chongqing.,He began to learn the accordion.,When he was seven.,4. When did he take part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland? 5. What did he win in his group? 6. What was he famous for?,In October 2000.,He won the first prize.,He was famous for playing piano very well.,Li Yundi,a pianist,was born in 1982,started to learn the piano when ,took part in,won,was the first Chinese pianist in,Retell,Li Yundi, a well-known Chinese pianist, always loved music. He was born in 1982 in Chongqing. When he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music. He began to learn the accordion at the age of Four, and he started to learn the piano When he was seven.InOctober2000, Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland, He won first prize in his group. He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.,How to write a biography(传记)?,people we admire,birth of date and place,appearance,personality,hobbies,achievement,career,experience,Name: Deng Yaping Date of birth: 6th of Feb /1973 Occupation: Ping-Pong player 5 years old: started playing table tennis 1983: joined the Henan table tennis team 1988: joined the national table tennis team 24 years old: went to Tsinghua University, majors in English and management 1993-1998: number 1 womens singles player in the ITTF 1997: left the team, and went to Tsinghua University to study.,Deng Yaping was born on the 6th of February, 1973. She is famous for playing ping-pong very well. She started playing table tennis when she was only five years old. She was talented in playing ping-pong. She practiced playing ping-pong very hard. In 1983, she joined the Henan table tennis team. Five years later she joined the national table tennis team. From 1993 to 1998 she kept being the number 1 womens singles player in ITTF. In 1997, she left the team, and went to Tsinghua University to study. I admire her very much.,3b,Look at the information in 2b. Write an article about Laura.,Laura was born in 1932. She started ice skating when she was four. _,She became a skating champion when she was ten. Now, shes a kind and loving grandmother.,A: Is the person a man or a woman? B: He is a man. C: Is he alive? B: No, he isnt. D: Was he an athlete? B: No, he wasnt.,4,Your classmates have to guess the name of a person you admire. They can ask you ten questions.,Groupwork,Yao Ming is great Chinese basketball player. He is born in September, 12th, 1980. He got his first basketball on his four birthday. And he start play on our national team when he was 18 year old. In 2002, he go to play in NBA. He is the third Chinese basketball player in NBA.,a,was,on,fourth,playing,years,went,started,at the age of 在.岁时 At the age of 4 Mike began to write poems. 迈克四岁时开始写诗。 2. win first prize 赢得第一名 3. the 70-year history 70 年的历史 其中 70-year 做 history 的定语,所以year 不能用复数。 如:a four-year-old girl 一个四岁女孩,4. take part in 参加(活动) join 和 take part in 两者都表示“参加”, join指 参加某种组织; take part in 表示 参加某项活动。 He joined the Party at the age of 40. 他40岁时入了党。 When did your brother join the Army? 你哥哥什么时候参的军? Do you want to take part in the sports meeting? 你想参加运动会吗?,5. 年龄表达方法 用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“.years old” , 如: three years old。 2) 用 when 引导的从句 when I was three (years old) 3) at the age of 基数词 at the age of three, 4) 基数词-year-old 注意: 这种表达常作定语,如: a three-year-old boy,Let the word fly,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生 学习一些一词多义、熟词生意的词 汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些 常见词的用法、意思有一个透彻的 了解。,Translate the sentences.,interest 名词,令人感兴趣的事或人;兴趣,爱好。place of interest表示“名胜,景点”。 Both swimming and stamp collecting are his interests. 游泳与集邮都是他的爱好。 Last month, my father took me to many places of interest in Jiangsu. 上个月,父亲带我去参观了江苏的许多名 胜。,2)show/have/take interest in (doing) something表示“对(做)某事感兴趣” Wang Bin shows a great interest in this subject. 王斌对这门学科很感兴趣。 3)作动词,意为“使感兴趣”。 Music interests her more than painting. 她对音乐要比对绘画感兴趣的多。,interesting作形容词,意为“有趣的,引起兴趣的”,表示事物本身具有使某人发生兴趣,引起人们注意之处;interested作形容词,常用于sb. is interested in sth. 结构,意为“某人对感兴趣”。 Im very interested in history. 我很喜欢历史。 Cant we do something more interesting? 我们就不能做点更有意义的事情吗?,根据提示,完成句子。 你生活中的爱好是什么? What are _ _ in life? 2. 那幅画使他很感兴趣。 The painting _ _ a lot. 3. The film is very _. I believe many people will be _ in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interesting; interested C. interested; interesting D. interested; interested,your interests,interests him,interesting,interested,Game Time,Now I will divide you into several groups. Make up sentences with your partners with the words above. Then speak them out to us. Lets see which group is the most productive.,well-known pianist 著名钢琴家 hum songs 哼唱歌曲 a piece of music pieces of music learn the accordion 学手风琴 at the age of 在岁时 take part in 参加 win the first prize 获得一等奖,Review,课时重点回顾,What did we learn in this class?,Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。,Quiz,写出下列动词的过去式。 is _ 7. have _ 2. are _ 8. become _ 3. start _ 9. play _ 4. do _ 10. take _ 5. hiccup _ 11. win _ 6. learn _ 12. begin _,was,were,started,did,hiccupped,learned,had,became,played,took,won,began,Choose the best answer. 1. Deng Yaping _ born in 1973. A. is B. was C. were 2. Deng Yaping is a great _ ping-pong player. A. China B. Korea C. Chinese 3. Tiger Woods started _ when he was only ten months old. A. golf B. golfer C. golfing,4. - _ did Tara learn ice skating? - For three years. A. How long B. How old C. How many 5. You are never _ young _ start doing things. A. so.that B. between.and C. too.to,Preview,To preview the new words and expressions What are you going to be when you grow up?,1. Recite this passage 2. Write a passage about a person you admire.,Homework,


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