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    哈尔的移动城堡,Howl's Moving Castle,宫崎骏,简介:,Miyazaki is a famous Japanese director born on January 5,1941.He founded studio Ghibli along with Takahata. His work can compare with Disneys and he has been named one of the most influential people by Time Magazine. His famous representative work are ,Calcifer,Sufi,Maluk,scarecrow Old Sufi,Howl's Moving Castle,yinyin,A girl named Sufi with her stepmother and two sisters live in a small town in Europe. This maybe looks like the old fairy tail act again. Sufis father died. So she took over the hat store.,One day, Sufi went to visit her sister, but two soldiers didnt let het go though. At this time, Howl appeared to help her and carried her to her sisters work place.,One day, Sufi was making her hat in her small store,A magic bad women from the plain came the store and made Sufi a 60 years old grandma.,Sufi was so afraid, but she still pretended to be calm, to be courageous. Old Sufi stumbles to the plain to recover to be a young Sufi.,She met a scarecrow with a radish head. So she asked the scarecrow to help her avoiding the strong wind. So she was led into a secret castle. That was Howls moving castle. Ole Sufi lived here as a cleaner finally.,At here, Sufi met a magic fire named Calcifer who can move the big castle and the lovely boy Maluk and of course our handsome Howl. Howl is a Magician. He has very fantasy strength. His teacher is the chief magician of the country named Sarima.,Sufi had some peaceful and wonderful days in the castle. She started to live her own life and was attracted by Howl gradually.,The war broke out finally. The king asked Howl to attend the war to protect his country. Howl always back home very tired. Until one day, he told Sufi that he hate the war. Sufi made up her mind to help howl.,They went to the Palace together. Then old Sufi met Sarima. She told her that Howl didnt want to attend the war and suggested her to give it up. Sufi didnt realized that it is Sarimas trap in fact. Sarima almost killed Howl. Fortunately, Sufi helped him.,To avoided Sarima, Howl moved. He gave Sufi a beautiful garden and a magic ring.,Howl protected his country in his own way. He fight against the enemy by himself. Sufi decided to face the war with Howl. So she let the magic fire move the castle to follow Howls step. But at the same time, Howl lost his consciousness gradually and became a big strange bird.,Some strange things happened one by one. Sufi found a door by using the magic ring. She entered the door. To her surprise, she back to Howls childhood. She got to know that little Howl met the dying Calcifer and Calcifer didnt want to die. So they signed a contract. It said that Calcifers magic can be used by Howl and Howls heart became the exchange. Therefore, Howls life and Calcifers life were linked together.,In the end, Sufi got back Howls heart and helped the dying Howl. She also broke the contract. At the same time, Sufis curse was broke and became the young Sufi as before.,The scarecrow also broke his curse after Sufis kiss. As a matter of fact, he is the prince of the neighbor country. He made a promise to Sufi that he will end the war after he came back to his country.,Although Calcifer got rid of the contract. He still liked living with Howl and Sufi. So he decided to stay here.,In the end of the story, Howls castle moving from the plain to the desert, from the ocean to the peak. Howl and Sufi live a happy life together.,Thank you,


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