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    Key to the Exercises,An Integrated English Course Book 6 Chief Complier: He Zhaoxiong Zhang Chunbo Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,Unit 1 Technology in Reverse,Text Comprehension I C II 1. F. Not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. Refer to Paragraph 1. 2. T. Refer to Paragraph 5. 3. F. It is true that the author acknowledges the great changes brought about by new technology, but he believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. Refer to Paragraph 7. 4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7. 5. F. The author expresses his doubt in a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improve marriages and save “family values”. Refer to Paragraph 9.,Language Work,I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive 2. a sudden increase 3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long time 4. can supposedly help, at the same time 5. need to be able to use 6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them 7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes 8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable 9. consequence, people who know nothing about technology, impeding 10. usually, insignificant,II. Fill in the banks with the appropriate forms of the given words.,1. customized 2. traumatized 3. promotional 4. paradoxical 5. frivolity,6. subscribers 7. successors 8. inanities 9. institutionalized 10. subsidy,III. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.,1. are clogged with 2. purports to 3. a vista of 4. bombardedwith 5. exulted over 6. scribbled all over,7. find alluring 8. make a comeback 9. call up 10. tossed into 11. was eliminated 12. compress into,IV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.,weak 2. entrance to 3. full of 4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax 5. shows all the signs of,6. excitement and danger 7. spent the afternoon discussing 8. increase her confidence 9. very often 10. quick dive,V. Correct the errors in the following passage.,VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.,1. millionaires 2. computer 3. breed 4. programs 5. companies 6. generation,7. popularity 8. provide 9. sales 10. times 11. valuable 12. life,Translation,1.The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded. 2.Hes got a cumbersome, bulky, old computerits slow and complicated to use. 3. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room. 4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system. 5. The gold medal continues to elude her. 6. Youd be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that. 7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%. 8. I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door. 9. Theres a smashing view from her office. 10 The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.,II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.,在我成长的房子里有一间屋子,我们把它称作图书馆。当然,那不是真正的图书馆,它仅仅是由电视机占据了主要位置的一间书斋。但是它四面墙上全部装修了嵌入式书架,上面摆了数百本书籍那些精装本的书籍呈现着各种颜色,它们在那间屋里把我们团团围住。这些书是我父母和祖父母花了毕生的精力收集来的,它们成为我童年的一部分。 我这一代人即20世纪50和60年代成年的人可能是了解这种心情的最后一代人了,那种被上百万文字环绕着的感觉,那些文字是历代知名的和默默无闻的作家们的产品。当前,在20世纪70年代中期,我们正目睹一个不易觉察却毫无疑问存在的慢慢背离书籍这类事物的倾向。恐怕美国的家庭很快就不会再留出房间做图书馆了。精装的图书那思想永驻的象征,那从一个时代向下一个时代传留的智慧可能会添加到我们即将灭绝的物种名单上去。,Listening exercises,B. We are now living in an era of technology revolution. With the help of digital technologies and powerful networks, we are able to satisfy our thirst for information. But what will we do with all the information? Once we can plug into any information imaginable and become instant experts on any subject, humans may discover an increase in suicides, brain tumors and schizophrenia! Many problems concerning technology occur. Firstly, all the information is machine-readable only. This means that we must preserve all hardware, software and up-dates to these machines, the operating manuals and the skill to diagnose hardware and software problems, in order to preserve machine-readable formats. Secondly, more and more information will be stored on smaller and smaller devices. But capturing original material in machine-readable form is as labor intensive, and therefore as expensive, as preparing material for microfilming.,Thirdly, in order to preserve the means to access and to read machine-readable data, we will need substantial amounts of space, to house and maintain the machines and organizations necessary to key access and prevent them from becoming redundant and unreadable. Finally, the information preserved in digital formats is supposed to last forever, but, in fact, as systems are replaced by newer ones, previous digital formats need to be transferred to the new forms. If you fail to re-format, the information will no longer be readable by the machine. But it is the enormous amount and cost of re-formatting that will finally defeat us.,Unit 2 A Class Act,Text comprehension I. B (A and C are only part of the whole incident that highlights the theme.) II. 1. T. Refer to Paragraph 2. 2. T. Refer to Paragraph 4. 3. F. The author did not want her mother to come to school to speak for her, because that would make two of them unhappy and indignant. Refer to Paragraph 7. 4. F. The author was excited because her imagination was fuelled by glamorous shots of the popular Hollywood temptresses. But she did not want to take the risk of being picked out by wearing her cherished dress that was different from the blue school uniform. Refer to Paragraphs 9 and 10. 5. T. Refer to Paragraph 17.,Language work,I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words. 1. hold back, schoolmates 2. endure the punishment, the embarrassment I had to go through every day ( the routine embarrassment) 3. so angry and likely to argue with my teachers in order to protect me 4. I was so excited that I was almost out of control, fired (or stimulated) by 5. the dress that I liked very much 6. walked slowly and reluctantly to the stage without being asked to do so 7. unsympathetic, overlook 8. I cheered myself up with the idea, get absorbed in the story of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and not think about anything else, calm down and get back my self-control 9. said expectedly, agreeable, vicious 10. was in high spirits, feeling happier and more confident due to,II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.,1. ingenious 2. prescription 3. relaxation 4. assembly 5. adorable,6. mortification 7. trimmed 8. consolation 9. composure 10. dejected,III. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.,1. rife with 2. rational out 3. in place 4. comply with 5. see through 6. spoken up for,7. on the warpath 8. beside himself 9. draginto 10. trudging through 11. of her own accord 12. singled out,IV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word of phrase in each sentence.,1. demanded 2. loosened his hold 3. all the people gathered there 4. stood in front of me and prevented me from getting past 5. to protect me or to defend me,6. made the controversy more fierce 7. kept worrying me 8. watching closely 9. get warm 10. in a cheerful mood,V. Correct the errors in the following passage.,VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.,teach 2. confronted 3. questions 4. tail 5. plural 6. computers 7. thought 8. time 9. sure,10. check 11. answer 12. possible 13. guess 14. down 15. victory 16. rewarded 17. battle 18. end,Translation,1. The company was started by a couple of enterprising young men. 2. Hes a former heavyweight champion and is expected to win the bout easily. 3. Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book. 4. She was attired from head to foot in black. 5. Ive been scrimping and saving all the year to pay for our holiday. 6. I know hes well-meaning, but I wish hed leave us alone. 7. He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake. 8. For the umpteenth time, Anthony, knives and forks go in the middle drawer! 9. Im afraid sewing isnt one of my fortes. 10. She was buoyed by the warm reception her audience gave her.,II. Translate the following passage into English.,The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include arts and sciences, law, business and education. Seventy-five percent of the foreign students are in graduate school. About twenty-five percent are in four-year programs that lead to a bachelors degree. The cost of attending New York University is different in each of its schools. For example, one year of study at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service costs about 19,000. Some other schools within NYU cost more. Some cost less. The housing cost is about 9,000 a year. Bachelors degree students at NYU can borrow money from financial institutions to help pay for their studies. Foreign students in graduate school at NYU can get teaching or research jobs at the university. They can also get loans from financial institutions.,Listening exercises,B. 1. Because it is something that he can identify with and which he might like to make a part of his own life. 2. It is two hundred years since the first Europeans landed. 3. Swimming out to sea, and blowing up the ship. 4. Because non-violence is part of his culture, and if he became violent he would lose his sense of identity as an Aborigine. 5. He says if you respond or act in a way which is also angry or violent, then you dont stand for anything except for the violence.,Unit 3 Bards of the Internet,Text Comprehension I. A II. 1. T. Refer to Paragraph 2. 2. F. Much of online writing is very bad indeed: sloppy, meandering, puerile, ungrammatical, poorly spelled, badly structured and at times virtually content free. Refer to Paragraph 4. 3. T. Refer to Paragraph 6. 4. F. Polished prose by professional writers often seems long-winded and phony. Unless they adjust to the new medium, professional writers can come across as self-important blowhards in debates with more nimble networkers. Refer to Paragraph 10. 5. T. Refer to Paragraph 11.,Language work,1. surprising 2. out of date, development 3. comparesto 4. careless, winding/pointless, childish/silly 5. become known as, the most important/superior,6. brilliant 7. respected and admiredas 8. make a strong, immediate impression 9. give an impression as, quick-witted 10. has given the right to, have been engaged in,II. 1.scribblers 2. obsolescence 3. rudimentary 4. mockery 5. reverence 6. vigorous 7. collaborative 8. democratized 9. enthusiast 10. trivial,III. 1press release 2. harking back 3. dashedoff 4. weed out 5. comes across 6. blewaway 7. side effects 8. made an impression 9. lace up 10. inherent in 11. likened to 12. confronted with,IV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.,1.is developing very fast 2. excitement 3. She became unhappy 4. We have no hope 5. clever or pleasing remark,6. overcome/defeat/triumph over 7. cause the reformers to act 8. being created 9. based on the wishes of most people 10. continued,V. Correct the errors in the following passage.,VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below ONE appropriate word.,entitled 2. writing 3. difference 4. describes 5. content 6. better 7. class 8. audience 9. part 10 Net,11. rules 12. writers 13. anyplace 14. awful 15. point 16. living 17. understand 18. place 19. technology 20. mixing,Translation,1. She kept trying to reinvent herself as an actress. 2. The directors latest film harks back to the early years of cinema. 3. I find his sense of humor rather puerile. 4. Leave me alone. I still have reams of work to do. 5. The anti-smoking campaign made quite an impact on young people. 6. Her newspaper articles are terse and to the point. 7. The incident sparked a diplomatic controversy between the two countries. 8. The competition entries were of such a high caliber that judging them was very difficult. 9. All salespeople seem to have the same phony smile. 10. Have you ever thought of taking up engineering?,II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.,十五年前,计算机专家们扩展了因特网系统。这个扩展后的系统被叫做万维网。万维网使计算机用户通过比以往的因特网系统快得多的速度来寻求并交换书面材料和图片。 对大多数能够使用计算机的人来说,因特网和万维网已经成为快速交换信息的工具。因特网上有许多很有价值的信息。作为一种研究的工具,没有什么能比得上因特网。 通过因特网几乎可以找到任何种类的信息。网上有专门刊登鬼怪故事、诗歌或儿童故事的电子杂志。在这个电子世界里有供你玩游戏的地方,也有讨论政治、科学、历史、农耕或者任何你感兴趣的话题的地方。你可以浏览或者搜集哈勃太空望远镜拍摄到的精美彩色图片。你可以看到音乐家表演他们的最新歌曲。你甚至可以加入一个小组,通过电子手段和他们聚会并讨论他们最喜爱的摇滚乐队。,Listening exercises,A. 1. Information 2. To communicate and to share 3. A telephone and post office 4. Through a computer bulletin board 5. San Francisco Net 6. Since about 1991,7. 15 minutes 8. Strangers 9. Yes 10. You can talk without prejudice 11. After 8 p.m. 12. You are not handsome,B. The Internet is a computer network. It is the greatest and most significant achievement in the history of mankind. Its beauty and utility lie in the information it contains. The Internet allows millions of people all over the world to communicate and to share. You communicate by either sending and receiving electronic mail, or by establishing a connection to someone elses computer and typing messages back and forth. You share by participating in discussion groups and by using the many programs and information sources that are available for free. The techno-chat programs on the Internet allow you to talk to people whom you normally wouldnt talk to, and let you talk about anything with everyone, without prejudice.,Unit 4 Disney World: cities of simulation as postmodern utopias,I. A II. 1. T. Refer to Paragraph 1. 2. T. Refer to Paragraph 3. 3. T. Refer to Paragraph 5. 4. F. Refer to Paragraph 8, in which the author asserts that Disney is one of those main difference is that it is only seemingly brought to life with simulation. 5. T. Refer to Paragraph 9.,Language work,1. refuse to obey, act against 2. taking part in, are expelled 3. we go beyond our uninteresting everyday world 4. works against/reverses the effect of, present day 5. lead/bring in, prosperity 6. serves as/disguise itself as/appears to be, ends with 7. presented in, made more real and exciting 8. go back to, remove 9. intrinsic, cheated/deceived 10. depend on,II. fictionalized 2. Containment 3. violation 4. perpetually 5. transcend 6. weightless 7. disenchantment 8. affluence 9. Constraints 10. falsified,III. 1. of the essence 2. revolved around 3. conform to 4. floated out through 5. concealing from 6. usher in 7. masquerading as 8. culminated in 9. brought to life 10. inherent in 11 magic wand 12. revealing about,IV. Explain th


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