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    启智性英语教学思想初探,刘道义 liudypep.com.cn,注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值 课程性质 工具性与人文性 课程理念 激发学习兴趣,拓展视野,促进心智发展 尊重主体,发展思维, 构建知识体系, 培养能力 启智性课堂教学的探索,注重素质教育,体现语言学习 对学生发展的价值,教育是使人的潜能得以充分发展的事业。 教育能使人变得更加聪明。 语言既是交流的工具,也是思维的工具。学习一门外语能够促进人的心智发展,有助于学生认识世界的多样性,在体验中外文化的异同中形成跨文化意识,增进国际理解,弘扬爱国主义精神,形成社会责任感和创新意识,提高人文素养。,课程性质,就工具性而言,英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写的技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其它相关科学文化知识奠定基础。就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。,Language communication and language humanistic features,Language is an instrument for communication, but being used by humans it has humanistic features.语言是交际的工具,但同时也具有人文性。 Many of these coursebooks concentrated on the linguistic and analytical aspects of lge learning and failed to tap the human beings potential for multidimensional processing. They made insufficient use of the learners ability to learn through doing things physically, to learn through feeling emotion, to learn through experiencing things in the mind. (Tomlinson, 2003) 许多教材只注重语言和分析层面,而忽略学习者作为人所具有的多维加工的潜在能力,也很少发挥学习者通过做中学、通过感知和情感、通过大脑体验事物来学习的这些能力。,The most important factor in learning is affect. (Arnold, 1999) 学习最重要的因素是情感。 Language learners need to relax, feel at ease, develop self-confidence and self-esteem, develop positive attitudes towards the learning experience and be involved intellectually, aesthetically and emotionally. (Tomlinson, 1998) 学习者需要有放松和自如的感觉,也需要建立自信和自尊,并对学习经历持积极的态度,还需要学习者从智力上、审美上、情感上全身心投入。,课程理念,注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值 面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异 整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性 强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性 优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力 丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道,在经济快速发展的同时,人文精神有所缺失,伴随着西方某些低端商业文化的入侵,极 端个人主义、拜金主义、恶性竞争泛滥,甚至一些浅薄、颓废,鼓吹享乐 、放纵的殖民地文化也搭车载入,从而对年青一代的信仰、追求、责任感、完备人格的形成造成危害。(陈宝泉,2010)功利主义渗透到教育领域、这片净土也遭到污染:学术腐败、学校乱收费、考试作弊、论文抄袭等累禁不止。这里极需要我们考虑的是,中小学外语教育如何加强人文道德素质教育,抵制这些污泥浊水对青少年的腐蚀!(刘道义,2011),英语课首先要承担“提高中华民族的思想道德素质,文化科学素质和身体心理素质”的任务。素质教育面向全体学生,它是指人以其先天禀赋为基础,在后天的环境和教育影响下,尽可能挖掘和发挥人的潜能,使其获得稳定的、长期发挥作用的基本品质结构,包括人的思想、知识、身体、心理品质等。素质教育是每一个学生的一生打基础的教育。(刘道义英语教育自选集第103页),语言是交流思想传递信息的工具。思想和信息都是有具体内容的,这些内容在多数情况下都包含着情感教育的因素。 情感是一个人对他生活中所发生的事情,对他所认识或所做的事情的内部态度的不同形式的体验。有些心理学家把情感分为道德感、美感和理智感。(刘道义英语教育自选集第111页),道德感是以人对人、人对社会的态度为其内容的。属于道德感的有:爱心、同情、善心、仁爱、忠诚、合作等。 美感表现了对各种不同的生活事实及艺术的态度和评价。能够识别和判断它们是真、善、美、高雅,还是假、恶、丑、庸俗。 理智感表现为一个人对认识过程、对这个过程是否顺利的态度。属于其范围的有:兴趣、动机、求知欲、热情、发现、信心、意志、毅力等。,情感态度的五级要求,1. 有明确的学习目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流。 2. 有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。 3. 有学好英语的信心,敢于用英语进行表达。 4. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 5. 能体会英语学习中的兴趣,乐于接触英语歌曲、读物等。 6. 能在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感。 7. 遇到问题是能主动请教,勇于克服困难。 8. 在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究其含义并尝试模仿。 9. 对祖国文化能有更深刻的了解,具有初步的国际理解意识。,激发学习兴趣,拓展视野,促进心智发展,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观 利用教材资源(Mothers Day, Mother Teresa, Manners, Nightingale, etc) How do you make a banana milk shake?(8A) Will people have robots? (8B) He used to cause a lot of trouble. (9) Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (9),尊重主体,开发智力、发展思维, 构建知识体系,发展学生的智力,提高他们的观察、注意、记忆、思维和想象等能力。 观察 语言的功能体现在语言的行为上 注意 是有效地组织教育教学过程的最基本的条件。“注意正是那扇一切从外部世界进入到人的心灵之中的东西所要通过的大门。”(乌申斯基) 记忆 是人们对经验反映的心理过程,其中包括识记、保持、再现与回忆。,思维 是表象、概念基础上进行的分析、综合、判断、类比、联想、推理等认知活动。 想象 是人的创造活动的一个必要因素,具有能动性和有效性的特点,积极想象(不是脱离实际的空想)的机制被用来作为改造周围事物的创造活动的条件。,尊重主体,开发智力、发展思维, 构建知识体系,Phonological study 语音学习,1. Pronunciation of 26 letters a, e, i (y), o, u in stressed/unstressed syllables Vowel combinations in stressed syllables Common vowel combinations in stressed syllables Consonant combinations (ch, dg, th, tch, ph, ng, nk) Consonant clusters (bl-, cl-, fl-, gl-, br-, cr-, sm-, sp-, pr-, qu-) Syllabic sounds (ble, -ple, -cle, -gle, -dle, -sin, -ten, -ven),2. Word stress and sentence stress 3. Sound variation liaison (连读) incomplete explosive weak form Assimilation (同化) 4. Intonation and rhythm sense group and pausing rising and falling tones rhythm,Do your students know these phonological items? How do you help them learn them? How do they learn to use them in their real life?,Can your students read these words?,dab den cod cluck braid dado 轻拍 巢穴 鳕 咯咯叫 辫子 墙裙 duck chuck chuckle 抛,扔 暗自笑 lot log loggerhead 原木 笨蛋 fun fund fundamental 基金 基本的,cot cot·tage cot·tager 幼儿床 村舍 村民 pan pan·el pan·elist 专门小组 小组成员 myth myth·ical myth·ology 神话的 神话,请根据前面列举的辅音字母和辅音字母组合的拼读规则,从现行初中课本中找出合适的例词来,完成以下表格。表格的开头示例如下:,Vocabulary study 词汇学习,Do your students find it hard to learn English words and expressions? How do you help them to learn English vocabulary? What strategies do your students use in their study of English vocabulary? Do you get your students to exchange their ways of study? Do you think students can develop their thinking ability in the study of English vocabulary? Why?,How is our word knowledge organized? Mental lexicon,WORD,The meaning 义,Pronunciation 音,Spelling 形,The grammar behavior 语法,The words derivation 派生,The collocations of the word 搭配,The register 语域of The word spoken and written口笔语运用,The connotations of the word 隐含之意,The words frequency 复现率,Vocabulary learning strategies,Learn words in context 通过语境学词汇、猜词义(picture/sentences/texts) Learn the sound, shape & meaning掌握音、形、义 Have a wide exposure to the words大量接触(LSRW) ,积累词汇 Have 7-8 experiences with a word in order to retain it 反复复习 Use the word in LSRW 学中用,用中学 Integrate thinking, looking, listening, reading and writing 脑思、眼看、耳听、口诵、手写 Use glossaries and dictionaries 使用词表和词典 Learning vocabulary in chunks 学习词块 Form a habit of learning and testing words 养成学习词汇的习惯,Classification 分类 Translation 翻译 Labeling 标注 Use the Mind Map or Webbing 思维导图,Comparison and contrast 比较、对比 Words with similar meaning near close next to cry shout scream Words with opposite meaning up / down before / behind live / die Association 联想 Words with the same root unhappy happy happily happiness,Learning vocabulary in chunks,心理学家提出“组块”理论。Lewis把词块分为单词和短语、搭配、惯用话语和句子框架等四种。固定组块如:at risk, make up ones mind, get accustomed to, so long as, the man in the shop, It is said that, etc. 这种方法不仅帮助学生记忆词汇,还可帮助他们用英语思维和表达。,weather,sunny,rainy,umbrella,blue,sky,sun,hot,swim,sea,ship,snowy,snow,snowman,carrot,red,travel,学习/复习单词的方法:制作Word map,参考: 赵淑红.2008.新课程课堂教学技能与学科教学(小学英语) . 世界知识出版社.,Mind map or webbing,SPORTS,BALL GAMES Basketball volley ball ,FIELD EVENTS High jump Long jump ,AQUATIC EVENTS Swimming Diving ,TRACK EVENTS 100-m dash 110-m hurdle ,boxing,gymnastics,WINTER SPORTS,Guessing words through context clues,1) Punctuation (运用标点符号引出对生词的解释) The principal money he put in his savings account to earn interest was safe even though the bank was closed by the police. 例句中用了两个破折号把对principal的解释置于其间,说明 principal 的意思是sum of money。 其他用于解释的标点符号有:逗号,小括号和中括号等。 2) Explanation (用辅助性词汇和标点符号解释生词意义) Carlos looked dazed, that is, stunned, as if someone had shocked him with bad news or with a heavy blow to the head. 辅助性词语that is能帮助学生理解dazed的意思是stunned。 其他辅助性词语还有:meaning, such as, or, is called等。,3) Contrast (通过相关反义词意义帮助理解生词) During office hours he looked very tense and anxious, but on weekends he was quite relaxed. 表示转折关系的连词but能帮助学生确定relaxed是tense的反义词。如果学生知道relaxed的意思是at ease,就不难理解tense意思是 tight 或 at attention。 4) Experience(学生个人的阅历也能帮助理解生词) Martha's husband and mother died within a month of each other, and she cried often at her terrible sorrows. 家庭悲剧会让人感到非常伤心,这是众所周知的,运用这一常识就能理解sorrows的意思是 great sadness。,5) Context (上下文也有助于理解) I dont like violence but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings. 句子前半部分的violence和后半部分中的government buildings有助于解释 blow up,意思是“ 爆炸”。 6) Definition (用一个句子给生词下定义) She wanted baked clams for her appetizer. An appetizer is the first course of a meal. 第二个词用来给appetizer下定义,由此学生便知道appetizer是开胃菜。,7) Hyponyms (通过下义词推断词义) Legume, like string beans, lima beans, and green peas are important in your diet. 尽管句子中并没有直接说明 legume是一类植物的名称,但是从其下义词中可以推断:legume是a name for a group of vegetables with pods。 8) From known to unknown(用学生熟悉的词或短语来解释生词) The mayor wanted privacy because he knew that being alone would help him solve his problems. 句中privacy指的是being alone。,2.词块呈现式,Mr.Cat,He,He,He,He,He,get up,eat breakfast,go to bed,take a shower,have a walk,watch TV,gets,eats,has,watches,takes,goes,Mr. Cats Day,at,at,at,at,at,at,6:30,7:15,9:45 am,4:30,9:40 pm,10:00,.,.,.,.,.,.,in the morning.,in the afternoon.,in the evening.,3.图片、词块共现式,get up,eat breakfast,go to bed,take a shower,have a walk,watch TV,6:30,7:15,9:45,7:30,9:40,10:00,has,gets,eats,watches,takes,goes,at,at,at,at,at,at,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,pm.,am.,work on,Aunt Pigs Day,sweep.,go home,ride to work,cook,do the washing,water.,play with,Grammatical study 语法学习,Why do your students find it difficult to write correct English sentences? Do you think English grammar is important? How do you help your students learn grammar? Do you make your students recite the rules or practice using them in speaking and writing? What successful ways do your students use?,Six kinds of simple sentences,S+V She works. S+V+O She likes her work. S+V+IO+DO She teaches us English. S+LV+P She is a teacher. She is friendly. She is at work. S+V+O+OC Her lessons make us happy. There be + S + Ad There is a book on the desk. There are 6 classes every day.,Typical mistakes Chinese students make,Water flower. Morning I and my mother by shu cai. My mother and I were go shopping at 6:30. We were brought a lot of theings.,Why do you think Chinese students make such silly sentences?,Types of sentences,Statement I am a student. I study English. Questions Do you like English? Which school are you in? Does he speak English or French? She is from Japan, isnt she? Imperative Close the door. Exclamation What a nice day! How beautiful the flower is!,The most useful verb tenses,Simple Present She likes singing. Present Continuous She is singing. Simple Past She sang at the party. Simple Future She is going to sing at the party. She will sing at the party. Present Perfect Have you ever been to Beijing?,Grammar teaching in Chinas schools,Gr teaching in school,Deduction (from rules),Induction (from examples, from texts),Lexical approach (Natural grammar ),Presentation in LSRW,Integration with topics & function,Grammar 3D,强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性,现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触,体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。 鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。,Meaningful input,Intake (Thinking and Expressing),Meaningful output,Listening and reading,Speaking and writing,Teachers support,Listening skills (White, 1998),Name Examples of activities Perceptive Skills: skills such as recognizing individual sounds, identifying reduced forms, recognizing intonation patterns Language Skills: skills such as identifying individual words and groups and building up meanings for them.,Listening skills (White, 1998),Using knowledge connecting words to non- of the world: linguistic features to get clues to meaning, using knowledge of topic. Dealing with understanding gist meaning, Information: inferring information which is not specifically stated. Interacting with a coping with speaker speaker: variations such as speed and accent, recognizing speaker intention, identifying speaker mood.,Ways of developing listening skills,Be exposed to a wide variety of listening text genres and text types (poems, conversations, speeches, stories, radio/TV programs, ads, announcements, etc.) Get Ss to know what problems they have to deal with (accent, culture, language, psychological problem) Raise awareness of listening strategies (verbal and non-verbal, context, WK, note-taking, etc.) Develop micro listening skills (listening for gist, for specific information, for the speakers attitude and mood, etc.),Listening procedures,Pre-listening Tell the Ss what they are going to hear, get them to think about the topic, often by asking them questions or looking at the title/picture While-listening First listening to get the main idea Second listening to find specific information Third listening to find inferential information After listening Tasks that are related to Ss own experience,Speaking activities in the materials (Grant, 1988),Three types of speechwork Drills: aimed at encouraging accuracy Fluency: graded to enable communication to take place within the language capacity of the students Natural language use: bring ordinary, everyday human speech naturally and spontaneously into the classroom,Types of speechwork,Communicative activities Information gap Half-dialogues Quizzes: an integrated activity, combining reading and writing with speaking. Problem solving Guided interviews Role-play Natural language use (personalize learning) Free talk (S on duty) and S-T interaction,Speaking strategies,Strategies must be incorporated in the materials Practicing building talk upon talk Dealing with interaction pressure Handling unrehearsed discourse Applying diplomacy and courtesy Choosing when to move on to a new topic Winding down a conversation Recognizing signals or body language of the partner Becoming aware of ellipsis in spoken language,Reading ability,What is reading? Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the readers existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation. (Anthony, Pearson, & Raphael, 1993)读者已有的知识、文字信息、阅读语境之间的互动,Reading,Schemata theory and background knowledge图示理论与背景知识 A text does not by itself carry meaning. The reader brings information, knowledge, emotion, experience, and culture to the printed words. (D. Brown, 1994)文字本身不具意义,而是读者赋予其 阅读理解不是读者感知文字的意义,而是读者赋予文字以意义。(胡春洞、戴忠信) Skill in reading depends on the efficient interaction between linguistic knowledge and knowledge of the world. (Clarke & Silberstein, 1977)阅读理解决定于语言知识与世界知识之间的互动,Reading activities in the materials (adapted from Grant, 1988),Pre-reading activities: teaching voc, pre-reading questions, quiz, background information, discussion, etc. Reading aloud or silently: for different purposes While-reading activities: skimming, scanning, interpreting, answering questions, etc. Post-reading activities: retelling, discussing, reporting, interviewing, debating, opinion making, concluding, etc.,Reading strategies阅读策略,Activating 激活学生的已有的知识和经验 Predicting 预测 Skimming 略读 Scanning 寻读 Guessing words in the context 猜测词义 Analyzing text structure 分析篇章结构 Identifying the main idea 确定主旨大意 Analyzing the authors purposes, attitude and implied facts分析作者目的、态度、隐含的事实等 Making summary, conclusion, judgment, interview, discussion, report, etc 进行总结、结论、判断、采访、讨论、辩论、报道等活动 Establishing a personal connection to the text 联系自身实际开展活动,Text structure 篇章结构,Language,Content/ information,Structure,General idea,Paragraphs,Beginning,Development,Summary,Main idea of each paragraph,Topic sentence,Key words,Methods of concept mapping,Selection of concepts 选择要点 Ranking concepts 排序 Clustering concepts 分层次 Rearrange into a two-dim


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