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    应城市蒲阳中学 郝小娟,新目标下的初中英语词汇教学,引言,在语言教学中,词汇教学占有十分重要的地位。词汇教学是初中英语教学的重点和难点。,一、目前农村初中英语词汇教学的 现状和存在的问题,主要表现在学生在单词的理解和记忆上存在困难,学生的词汇量达不到要求,教师没有有意识地培养学生的思维能力,词汇教学方法单一。,二、新课程标准下初中英语词汇教学的新特点,词汇教学要注重营造生动有趣的情境,激发学生学习的兴趣,以学生为主体,将文化意识渗透于词汇教学中。,You are a lucky dog. 你真是个幸运儿。 Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意时。 Love me ,love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 David works like a dog. David工作真卖劲儿。 Your partner is a dirty dog. 你的合伙人是个卑鄙小人。 He is really a dead dog. 他是个没用的东西。 Teach an old dog new tricks. 班门弄斧。 Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 谗言可畏。,Dog,三、初中英语词汇教学原则,1、识词于话语; 2、音、形、义结合; 3、针对不同词汇类别采用不同教法; 4、循序渐进,逐步扩展; 5、反复复习,巩固记忆; 6、培养学生自学词汇的能力。,四、初中英语词汇教学的策略,(一)介绍新单词,可采用多样化的教学方法。 1使用直观手段释义 2利用构词法释义 3利用同义词释义 4利用反义词释义 5利用下定义法释义 6利用各种关系释义 7利用各种情境释义 8使用汉语释义(用英语难解释时),四、初中英语词汇教学的策略,(二)操练新单词 教授了新词后,要设计大量的练习,让学生在语境中反复操练,帮助学生了解单词的确切意思并最终掌握它们的用法。,四、初中英语词汇教学的策略,(三)词汇的扩展教学 1.利用联想; 2.利用拼读规则; 3.利用构词法知识; 4.利用归纳对比; 5.易混淆词的对比; 6.词组归类教学法; 7.自己探究规律。 8.收集有趣的课外词汇,四、初中英语词汇教学的策略,(四)词、句、篇教学,提高学生学习和运用词汇的能力。 1、Word: The mobile phone is made in China. 2、Sentence: This machine is made of metal . This sweater is made of wool . 3、Passage: I have a nice classroom. There is a blackboard, five windows and many desks and chairs in it. The blackboard is made of metal . The desks and chairs are made of wood . The windows are made of glass and metal. I love my classroom.,四、初中英语词汇教学的策略,(五)提高学生词汇学习兴趣的几种教学法。 1 口诀教学法; 2 故事教学法; 3 名言警句教学法; 4 谜语教学法; 5 游戏教学法; 6多媒体情感教学法。,五、词汇的识记与巩固,(一)帮助学生形成科学的学习方法 1.词汇表多元记忆法; 2.读音规则记忆法; 3.分析单词的形态; 4.联想记忆; 5.合作记忆(互动记忆); 6.卡片式尝试记忆; 7.及时有效的复习和测试。,艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线,五、词汇的识记与巩固,(二)端正学习动机,培养学习兴趣。 1教师应帮助学生端正学习词汇的态度,克服心理障碍; 2熟练掌握积极词汇,妥善处理消极词汇 ; 3有效地制定词汇学习计划,同时增加课外词汇量 。,tiger elephant,koala dolphin panda,lion penguin giraffe,Example 1,Example 2,China Korea Japan Australia,America Canada Britain France,Example 3,六、结束语,要不断改进教学方法,培养学生自主学习的能力和良好的学习习惯,为他们今后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。,思考与互动,1、你认为农村初中英语词汇教学还有哪些好的教学方法? 2、以八年级下册unit 8的部分词汇为例,谈谈应该如何开展词汇教学。 comment album personal special receive gave spider mouse snake hamster turtle child pig pot-bellied advantage disadvantage perfect rabbit company cost asleep choose present open later bench Sweden instead fall asleep give away,July,2009,Thank you,Night and Day,BACK,Every day. Under the sun. Every night. Under the stars. Night and day. I sleep and play. What a beautiful day. The sky is blue. Time to wake up. Good morning to you. What a beautiful night. Look at the stars. Its time to sleep. Good night.,A bookstore is a store where books are sold. A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. A hospital is a place where doctors and nurses work.,Examples,BACK,事物的特征 Ice is cold. Water turns into ice in winter. 因果关系 John has not taken his breakfast, so he is hungry. John has drunk a lot of water, so he is not thirsty now. 先后关系或自然顺序 Spring comes before summer. Summer comes before autumn. Sunday comes before Monday. Monday comes before Tuesday. We take our breakfast at seven thirty in the morning. We take our lunch at twelve.,Examples,BACK,合成法,由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法叫做合成法。 复合名词 classroom(名词+名词) blackboard(形容词+名词) 复合形容词 worldwide(名词+形容词) good-looking(名词+分词) 复合动词 overcome(副词+动词) 复合数词 fifty-four(数词+数词) 复合代词 everyone somebody anything nobody(不定代词+名词) 复合副词 downstairs(形容词+名词) whole-heartedly(副词+副词),派生法,在一个单词前面或后面加上一个词缀构成新词,这种构词法叫做派生法。加在单词前的词缀叫前缀,加在后面的词缀叫后缀。,转化法,一个单词由一种词类转换为另一种词类,这种构词法叫转化法。单词转化后的意义往往与之前的意义联系密切。 名词转化为动词 show(n.展览、展示)show(v.表演、展出) water(n.水)water(v.浇水) 形容词转化为动词 slow(adj.慢的)slow( v.放慢) 动词转化为名词 walk(v.散步、走)walk(n.散步) look(v.看)look(n.看一下,看一看),缩写和简写,缩写和简写(也被称为截断法或缩短法)主要采取“截头”、“去尾”或者“既截头又去尾”的方法来生成新词。如: telephonephone airplaneplane laboratorylab mathematicsmath advertisementad examinationexam influenzaflu 另外还有很多缩写词是由各个单词的首字母组成,如: CCTV(China Central television) kg(kilogram) NBA(National Basketball Association) UFO(unidentified flying object) UN(United Nations) ID(identification) USA(United States of America),BACK,词组归类,look look for look about look after look out look up look like look at look over get get up get well get dressed get back get to get out of get into get off get on get ready for get on with,BACK,orange,banana,apple,pear,grape,fruit,car,plane,train,bus,ship,traffic,BACK,Brain Twisters,1.What is the smallest room in the world? 2.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? 3.What match can't be put in a match-box? 4.What table is in the field? 5.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? 6.What mouse won't eat cheese at all?,Brain Twisters,1.What is the smallest room in the world? answer:Mushroom. 2.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark? answer :Hotdog. 3.What match can't be put in a match-box? answer :Football match, basketball match, etc. 4.What table is in the field? answer :Vegetable. 5.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? answer :In the dictionary. 6.What mouse won't eat cheese at all? answer :A computer mouse.,BACK,English Proverbs,Where there is a will , there is a way .(有志者,事竟成。) To say is one thing and to do is another. (说来容易,做来难。) Two heads are better than one.(两人智慧胜一人。) Every dog has his day.(凡人皆有得意日。) Dont teach fish to swim.(不要班门弄斧。) Seeing is believing.(眼见为实。) Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧。) Better late than never.(亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。),BACK,Hamburg,BACK,hamburger,Bingo游戏,BACK,Bingo!,You and Me,BACK,You and Me, From one world, We are family. Travel dream, A thousand miles, Meeting in Beijing. Come along together, Put your hand in mine. You and Me, From one world, We are family.,Some irregular verbs,AAA:hithithit putputput ABB:makemade-made leaveleft-left ABA:runranrun comecame-come iau :singsang-sung drinkdrankdrunk,BACK,序数词的记忆口诀,1、2、3, 特殊记,词尾字母t、d、d。 8减t, 9去e,f 来把ve替。 若是遇到整十数,y变ie加th。 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,Better than best,Good ,better, best Never let it rest Till good is better And better best,BACK,cost spend pay take,How much did that bag cost? I spend a lot of time on my homework. I spend two dollars (in) buying the skirt. I paid 150 dollars for that dress. It took them one hour to get to the airport. 选用spend,take,cost,pay填空。 1.I 1,200 yuan on the phone yesterday. 2.It us half an hour to finish the work. 3.The pair of shoes me over 500 yuan. 4.One must for what he/she eats and drinks in a restaurant. 5.My brother all his spare time in practicing English.,cost spend pay take,How much did that bag cost? I spend a lot of time on my homework. I spend two dollars (in) buying the skirt. I paid 150 dollars for that dress. It took them one hour to get to the airport. 选用spend,take,cost,pay填空。 1.I spent 1,200 yuan on the phone yesterday. 2.It took us half an hour to finish the work. 3.The pair of shoes cost me over 500 yuan. 4.One must pay for what he/she eats and drinks in a restaurant. 5.My brother spends all his spare time in practicing English.,BACK,hunger,appreciate,BACK,homeless,donation,


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