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    1. 过去完成时,过去的过去,重点 1.用来表示在过去某一时刻或动作之前已经完成的动作。 2.表示某一时间开始一直持续到过去另一时间动作或状态。by then, by the end of last month/year/semester,had done,2. have /get/make sth. done 要别人为自己做某事,I will ask someone to build this building.,I will have this building built.,“要别人做某事”其它表达方式 make sb. do let sb. do have sb. do,P94 Ex. 1,Adj.,令人敬畏的 详细的 生动的 令人钦佩的 出色的 严重的,严厉的 不能忍受的 固执的 直接的 宝贵的 渴望的 不确定的 讨厌的,令人厌倦的 笨拙的;令人不舒服的 紧张的 头晕目眩的,admirable,specific,characteristic,severe,former,straightforward,eager,unbearable,complex,abnormal,precise,precious,vivid,tiresome,troublesome,superb,apparent,gradual,uncertain,stubborn,awkward,tense,dizzy,clumsy,awesome,典型的,不正常的,以前的,引起麻烦的,准确的,复杂的,逐渐的,明显的,笨拙的;不得体的,authentic,原作的,be eager for sth/to do=be keen on sth./doing 渴望(做) 某事 be uncertain about对不确定,abandon preserve witness tremble rewind burst expand applaud applause,遗弃 保存 目击 颤抖 倒回 爆炸 扩大 鼓掌,v.,使泄气灰心 嘲笑 发生 聚集,discourage tease occur gather,burst out laughing burst into laughter,It occurs to sb. that/to do 突然想起,n.,biography fantasy horror victim criteria eruption architecture monument sorrow sympathy,significance hardship pillar violinist origin suffering restriction imitation breakthrough,feel sorrow and sympathy for,be of great significance to,have a breakthrough,preserve block out; witness; sorrow in a way live on,protect cover see or experience sadness to some extent; continue to live,U16-L1,meet by accident rely on; depend on; work out bear; stand; tolerate represent support specific; vivid; difficulties,come across; count on; figure out; put up with; stand for; hold up; particular lively hardship;,U16-L3,serious limitation understand accurate valuable be keen on direct former; obvious superb;,severe; restriction; relate to; precise; precious; be eager to do; straightforward; previous apparent; outstanding,U16-L3,precise complex warmth troublesome gradual stubborn,not vague not simple not cold not enjoyable not quick not flexible,U16-L3,came across hold up stand for count on figure out end up put up with,偶然遇见 支撑起 代表 依赖 理解 以结束 容忍,忍受,once upon a time knock over come into view slow down,从前 撞倒 映入眼帘 减速,work out bring sb. in as well relate to give sb. a big hug start with have/give a precise description of hold up my hands make my fingers go in monkey-like imitation,理解、弄清楚 把某人带来 也 认同;理解 紧紧地拥抱某人 以开始 准确的描述 举起我的手 让我的手指象猴子似的模仿着移动,10. have a burst of understanding 11. give sb. hope and joy 12. now that 13. the key to language 14. be eager to do 15. a gradual and painful process 16. thinking process 17. draw me closer to her,顿悟 给某人希望和快乐 既然; 由于 语言的要点 渴望做 渐进的, 痛苦的过程 思考过程 把我拉近她身边,18. keep on doing 19. have a breakthrough 20. with the help of 21.be uncertain about sth. 22. in a flash 23. in a way 24. pour into 25. in that vivid moment 26. It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex word.,继续做 取得突破性的进展 在的帮助下 对没有把握 一瞬间 在某种程度上 倾入;注入 在那生动的一刻 这是海伦第一次理解了如此复杂的词。,make sense present sb. with sth. work out the solution play with words rather than images feel pleased with refer to domestic violence hold peoples attention develop ways of shocking the public in this case such hard-hitting tactics be justified are deliberately offensive,有意义 向某人展示某物 想出解决办法 玩文字游戏而不是图像游戏 对.感到满意 指的是家庭暴力 抓住人们的注意力 慢慢形成让公众吃惊的方法 在这种情况下 如此有力度的方法 公平的 故意伤害的,The spaceship suddenly slowed down and immediately the system _(出现)a bright star with twenty planets or so. I remember the dog jumping up on me and _(把我撞倒)into the river. _(很久以前), there lived a beautiful princess. Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain, _(遮住太阳)and burying everything in its path. _(从某种程度上说) EQs matter more than IQs.,came into view,knocking me over,Once upon a time,blocking out the sun,In a way,6. Another man, _(侧身躺着), looks as if he is trying to get up. 7. This student _ a purple flower. (以命名) 8. I _(偶然听到)an interesting name story when I visited my cousin in Henan Province. 9. Her father thought he was admirable, because he built bridges that you can really _(值得信赖),lying on his side,is named after,count on,came across,10. She was worried that her daughter would have to _(忍受)very much teasing with mans name. 11. So they _(想出一个办法)to change it. 12. However, she didnt like it so she changed her studies and _(最终成为一名工程师).,put up with,figured out a way,ended up becoming an engineer,1.过去完成进行时,概念: 表示一个动作从过去某时刻开始, 一直延续到另一个过去时刻, 到那个时刻, 该动作可能刚刚终止, 也可能还在继续。,had been doing,She said that she had been typing a paper before I came in. He had been studying English before entering college.,Read aloud,Before she went to bed, she had been watching a thriller on TV.,Before she won a gold medal, she had been practising very hard.,Before Tom got an idea, he had been thinking about it for 20 minutes.,Before he stopped for a rest, he had been hiking all morning.,Read aloud,His shirt was muddy because he had been playing football.,He was laid off because he had always been coming to work late.,Jim was messy because he had been painting all afternoon.,His back was sun burnt because he had been sitting in the sun all day.,had been doing VS had done,过去完成时只表示动作之前已发生,是否还在继续不得而知;而过去完成进行时表示该动作持续不停(可能还在进行)。例如: She had cleaned the office, so it was very tidy. 她打扫过办公室了,所以很整洁。(强调结果) She had been cleaning the office, so we had to wait outside. 她一直在打扫办公室,所以我们不得不在外面等着。(强调动作持续不停,一直进行),1. The crazy fans _(wait) patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived. 2. Was the driving pleasant when you had holidays in Guilin last summer? No, it _ (rain) for 4 days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy. 3. She fell ill because she _ (work) too hard. 4. The moment I got home, I found I_ (leave) my jacket on the playground. 5. - Were you surprised by the ending of the film? No. I _ (read) the book, so I already knew the story.,had been waiting,had been raining,had been working /had worked,had left,had read,Practice,1. post the letter meet a friend and go for a coffee,After posting the letter,Having posted the letter,I met a friend and went for,2. 非谓语,Practice,we went to the cinema together.,2. have coffee go to the cinema together,After having coffee,Having had coffee,Practice,3. lose three games I go back home again,After losing three games,Having lost three games,I went back home again.,不可相信的 健忘的 晒黑的 惊恐的 不顾一切的,绝望的 艰难的;不幸的,ridiculous mature messy universal raw disgusting,Adj.,unbelievable,成熟的,凌乱的,普遍的,生的,厌恶的,恶心的,荒谬的,forgetful,sunburnt,scared,desperate,tough,forgettable 易被忘记的,be scared of sth.,absurd,逗乐, 提取,撤退 忽视 澄清 延误 叫喊 抵制 责骂 禁止 使惊讶 获得 使相信 使恐惧,queue acknowledge seal compensate starve yawn accomplish,V.,amuse,withdraw,打哈欠,挨饿,补偿,密封,认可,排队,overlook,clarify,delay,yell,resist,scold,forbid,astonish,obtain,convince,scare,取得成功,完成任务,yell at,cant resist doing,withdraw from,scold sb. for sth.,forbid sb. to do/from doing,to ones astonishment It astonished me that,convince sb. of convince sb. that,delay doing,anecdote politician agency visa harmony counter agent identification thriller tournament border psychology profession,authority campaign scratch saucer boarding school presence genius depth string cross-talk component,n.,回答 延误 紧张,焦虑 人物 谨慎,小心 喜剧 喜剧演员,response,caution,comedy,comedian,delay,figure,tension,respond (v.) to,with tension /caution,without delay,constantly purely delightedly swiftly truly partly deliberately rarely,repeatedly;always only happily quickly really not completely, to some extent intentionally seldom,adv.,爆笑 乐不可支,burst out laughing,fall about laughing,做有麻烦 兑现支票 从银行账户中 取出40美元 计划做某事 去渡假 忽略某人的意见 上一次旅行 导致长时间延误 期待登机 挤上前去 朝某人大喊 应对所有的乘客 排队等候的乘客,have trouble doing cash a check/cheque withdraw $40 from bank account plan to do go on a holiday overlook ones opinion on the last trip cause long delays expect to board a flight push ones way to the front yell at sb. deal with all the passengers the passengers waiting in line,run into sb. be in harmony with be stuck in sth. associate with take sth. seriously get rid of resist the tension/stress result in result from without delay without hesitation hesitate to do sth. delay doing sth. resist doing sth. forbid sb. to do sth,撞上某人. 与.和谐共处 受困于 与有联系 认真对待某事 去除;摆脱 抗压 结果是 原因为 毫不耽搁 毫不犹豫 犹豫做某事 耽误做某事 抗拒做某事 禁止某人做某事,国际上公认的喜剧角色 陷入尴尬而又荒唐的情景中 不论;不管 一系列 依赖 就座 专注地 很吃惊地发现 试图做 很明显,an internationally recognised comedy character get into awkward and absurd situation regardless of a series of rely on be seated with concern be shocked to discover make an attempt to do sth. It is clear that ,11.busy oneself doing sth. 12.become so desperate that 13.in real life 14.have dinner with sb. 15. put on different voices 16. make up stories 17. turn sb. off 18.He smiles and nods, indicating that everything is fine.,11.忙于做某事 12.变得如此绝望以至于. 13.在现实生活中 14.和某人一起吃饭 15.扮演/假装不同的声音 16.编故事 17.令某人讨厌 18.他笑着点点头,表明一切都很好,1. be best known/famous for 2. be in for a surprise 3. believe in the value of 4. for a time 5. attend school 6. earn a scholarship to 7. obtain ones Masters degree in 8. have a vast collection of 9. partly due to,以著名 感到惊奇 相信的价值 有一段时间 上学 获得奖学金 获得的硕士学位 收集很多 部分原因是,补偿 表现出令人赞叹的表演天赋 确信 一群天才人物 涉入.活动 四处游戏 做鬼脸 为工作 面对天才,10. compensate for 11. show admirable acting talent 12. be convinced that 13. a group of talented people 14. be involved in 15. play around 16. pull faces 15. work for 16. be in the presence of genius,Someone might _(突然大笑起来) when they understand a joke. If humor were to _(摆脱) those demands, the human race would die. It is very valuable for a doctor to be friendly and light-hearted and to show humour _ (不时地). Some day, everyone will have a red nose on and a traffic jam will _(导致)the instant appearance of 10,000 clowns! Well, the day before we went away, another car just _(径直撞上我).,burst out laughing,get rid of,from time to time,result in,ran straight into me,6. Can you think of a comedian who really _(令你生厌)? 7. He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences _(不管他们的国籍和文化背景). 8. _(多亏他的杰出表演), crosstalk gained a great reputation and much glory. 9. _(在餐桌就坐后), Mr. Bean took out a card, wrote a few words on it, sealed it in an envelope and placed it on the table. 10. _(排队等候一小时以后), the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.,turns you off,regardless of their nationality or culture,Thanks to his excellent performance,Seated at a table,Having waited in line for an hour,withdraw overlook queue clarify mature yell at,take out ignore wait in line; line up make clear old enough, sophisticated shout at,U17-L1,profession caution psychology total scold forbid resist acknowledge result in get rid of,job that needs special training being very careful studies of human mind whole blame sb. ; tell sb. off; ban, not allow fight against admit cause drop away,U17-L2,absurd disgusting fancy purely indicate make an attempt to do be internationally recognized,ridiculous unpleasant expensive only show try extremely hard to do be well-known world- wide,U17-L3,obtain; earn admirable due to compensate for,get; receive deserving respect or approval because of make up for,U17-L3text 2,1. would表示多次重复的习惯性动作;used to既可用于表示过去的习惯性动作,也可用于表示过去的状态。 He is not what he used to be. 他不再是过去的样子了。 She used to have a Rolls Royce. 她过去有一辆 2. used to不与确定时间段的状语连用,而would可以。 不能说:He used to live in Beijing for twenty years. 应改成:He would live in Beijing for twenty years. 3. used to侧重过去与现在的对比; would表示反复发生的动作(如果某一动作没有反复性,就只能用 used to),这种习惯可能现在还在继续 He used to get up at six every morning.(现在不这样了) He would get up at six every morning and had a walk in the forest then. 那时他总是,然后到森林里散步(现在是否还这样不得而知), used to的否定式和疑问式 我过去不喜欢喝酒,现在也贪起杯了。 I used not to / usednt to / didnt use to like wine, but now Im fond of it. 那个拐角过去有一家旅馆吗? Used there to be a hotel on that corner? 她在上海住过吗? Did she use to live in Shanghai?,【Practice】 用would和used to填空,1. When working in the same office, we _ have coffee together. 2. When he was young, he _ sleep late on Sundays, just as he does now. 3. When she was sad, she _ sit in front of that mirror doing nothing. 4. She doesnt write so often to her family as she _. 5. They _ live near the mountain.,used to/would,would,would/used to,used to,used to,


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