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    本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-148 94 W 0662947 0519770 187 W Fourth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Ädmktures in Concrete V.M. Malhotra Editor SP-148 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-148 94 W Obb29Y9 0519771 013 W DISCUSSION of individual papers in this symposium may be submitted in accordance with general requirements of the AC1 Publication Policy to AC1 headquarters at the address given below. Closing date for submission of discussion is April 1, 1995. All discussion approved by the Technical Activities Committee along with closing remarks by the authors will be published in the July/August 1995 issue of either AC1 Structural Journal or AC1 Materiais Journal depending on the subject emphasis of the individual paper. The Institute is not responsible for the statements or opinions expressed in its publications. Institute publications are not able to, nor intended to, supplant individual training, responsibility, or judgment of the user, or the supplier, of the information presented. The papers in this volume have been reviewed under Institute publication procedures by individuals expert in the subject areas of the papers. Copyright O 1994 AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station Detroit, Michigan 48219 All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo pracess, or by any electronic or mechanical device, printed or written or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge o r retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Printed in the United States of America Editorial production Victoria Wieczorek Library of Congress catalog card number 94-72367 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-148 94 Obb2949 0537772 T 5 T PREFACE In May 1978, The Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET), in association with the American Concrete Institute, the AC1 Eastern Ontario and Quebec Chapter, and the Structural Division of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, sponsored a three- day conference in Ottawa on the use of superplasticizers in concrete. Selected papers from the symposium were published as American Concrete Institute special publication SP-62. In 1981, CANMET in association with the above organizations, spon- sored a second three-day international conference in Ottawa on the use of superplasticizers in concrete. The proceedings of the conference were published as American Concrete Institute special publication SP-68. In October 1989, CANMET in association with the American Con- crete Institute and the AC1 Eastern Ontario and Quebec Chapter sponsored the third three-day international conference in Ottawa. The purpose of the third conference was to review the progress made since the meetings in 1978 and 1981; and to bring together representatives of the chemical admixtures, cement, and concrete industries to exchange information and to delineate the new areas of needed research. The scope of this conference was expanded to include chemical admixtures other than superplasticizers. The proceedings of the conference were published as American Concrete Institute special publication SP-119. In October 1994, CANMET in association with the American Con- crete Institute sponsored the fourth conference on the subject in Montreal, Canada. The objective of this conference was to bring to the attention of the concrete community the new developments in chemical admixtures since the last conference in 1989. A total of 44 papers from more than 12 coun- tries were received and reviewed by an expert panel of AC1 reviewers, and 25 were accepted for publication in the proceedings of the conference. The proceedings were published as American Concrete Institute special publica- tion SP-148. The co-operation of the authors in accepting the reviewers suggestions is greatly appreciated. Particular thanks are extended to the members of the review panel for their contributions towards the publication of this volume, The help and assistance of A. Bilodeau (Chairperson), B. Fournier, R. Chevrier (Members) of the Slide Review Panel are gratefully acknow- ledged. Thanks are also extended to Harry S. Wilson, Mana Venturino, and iii 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 Gordon D. Brearly for their help in the processing of the manuscripts, both for the AC1 proceedings and the supplementary volume. Acknowledgement is also made to Helayne Beavers, Managing Editor, Journals and Special Publications, for her help in getting the proceedings ready on time. V.M. Malhotra, P. Eng. Editor Chairman, Fourth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete October 1994 Organizing Committee Fourth CANMET/ACI Intemational Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete Montreal, Canada October 1994 V.M. Malhotra Chairman Theodore W. Bremner (Member) Henri L. Isabelle (Member) Wilbert (Wib) S. Langley (Member) Vangi S. Ramachandran (Member) Harry S. Wilson Secre tary-Treasurer iv 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-348 94 D 0662947 0539774 822 W CONTENTS 1 . . PREFACE III ORGANIZING COMMITTEE iv ROLE OF SUPERPLASTICIZERS AND SLAG FOR PRODUCING HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE by R.N. Swarny, M. Sakai, and N. Nakarnura . 1 APPLICATION OF A NEW SUPERPLASTICIZER FOR ULTRA HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE by K. Mitsui, T. Yonezawa, M. Kinoshita, and T. Shimono 27 CEMENT/SUPERPLASTICIZER/AlR-ENTRAINING AGENT COYPATIBILIM by M. Baalbaki and P.C. Aïîcin 47 PROGRESS IN UNDERSTANDING THE FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF SUPERPLASTICIZERS IN FRESH CONCRETE by C Jolicoeur, P.C. Nkinamubanzi, M.A. Simard, and M. Piotîe 63 INFLUENCE OF ACRYLIC POLYMERS ON THE RHEOLOGY OF MORTARS by S. Maximilien, J. Ambroise, and J. Péra . 89 SLUMP LOSS AND RHEOLOGY OF SUPERPLASTICIZED MORTAR AND CONCRETE WITH DIFFERENT POLYSACCHARIDE SYRUPS by G. Mantegazza and E. Alberti 105 WORKABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE INCORPORATING by M. Kagaya, H. Tokuda, M. Kawakami, and T. Kaneko . 121 AN AIR-ENTRAINING, HIGH-RANGE WATER-REDUCING ADMIXTURE EFFECT OF A PHOSPHONATE-BASED COMPOUND ON THE HYDRATION OF CEMENT AND CEMENT COMPONENTS by V.S. Ramachandran and M.S. Lowery . 131 THE INFLUENCE OF CROSS-LINKED AND NSF SUPERPLASTICIZER ON THE FLOW PROPERTIES OF BLENDED CEMENTS by T. Sone, S.L Sarker, and H. Uchikowa 153 V 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-148 ï Y m Obb2949 0539775 769 M A STUDY ON THE FLOW OF HIGHLY SUPERPLASTICIZED CONCRETE by S. Nishibayashi, S. hue, A. Yoshino, T. Kuroda, and T. Kume i77 APPLICATIONS OF RHEOLOGICAL MODIFIERS AND SUPERPLASTICIZERS IN CEMENTITIOUS SYSTEMS by C.B. Skaggs, W.G. Rokihky, and S.F. Whitaker 189 MIXTURE PROPORTION, FLOWABILITY, STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF FLOWING CONCRETE by Y. Kasoi, S. Hiraishi, K. Tobinai, and K. Osada . 209 AN EXPERIMENTAL CONSTRUCTION OF MODEL STRUCTURE WITH FLOWING CONCRETE by N. Nirhiyama, Y. Kasai, N. Yuam, and Y. Nakata î î 7 SHRINKAGE AND CRACKING OF HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE AND FLOWING CONCRETE AT EARLY AGES by K. Yokoyama, S. Hiraishi, Y. Kasai, and K. Kishitani 243 THE INFLUENCE OF SUPERPLASTICIZER ON MIXTURE PROPORTIONING AND THE STRENGTH AND DURABILITY OF SILICA FUME CONCRETE by SA. Austin and PJ. Robins . 259 PROPERTIES OF AN ACRYLIC GRAA COPOLYMER-BASED NEW SUPERPLASTICIZER FOR ULTRA HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE by M. Kinoshita, T. Suzuki, T. Yonezawa, and K. Mitsui 281 SPUT ADDITION OF A HRWRA AND ITS EFFECT ON HIGH-PERFORMANCE CONCRETE by JJ. Schemmel, V. Arora, and J. Williams . 301 EFFECT OF MOIST CURING AND MODIFIER CONTENT ON PERFORMANCE IN FREEZING AND THAWING OF TWO LATEX-MODIFIED CONCRETES by C.M. Newîson and DJ. Janssen . 317 EFFECT OF CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ALCELL LIGNIN-BASED METHYLSULPHONATES ON THEIR PERFORMANCE AS WATER-REDUCING ADMIXTURES by J. Zhor, T.W. Bremner, and J.H. Lora . 333 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF LITHIUM-BASED CHEMICALS AND ADMIXTURES IN CONTROLLING ALKALI-AGGREGATE REACTIONS by H. Wang, S. Tysl, and J.E. Gilloîî 353 PLASTICIZING CHARACTERISTICS OF SULFONIC ACID POLYMER CONTAINING METHACRYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES by E.I. TOZOWQ, A. Yonekura, M. Takahashi, S. Miyazawa, and K. Kawai 367 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SET ACCELERATORS FOR CONCRETE by AA. Jeknavorian, N.S. Berke, and D.F. Shen . 385 vi 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-148 94 0bb2949 0.539776 bT5 ROLE OF SUPERPLASTICIZERS IN GYPSUMLESS PORTLAND CEMENTS by J. Hrazdira . 407 MODIFICATION OF CEMENT MORTARS BY POLYMERIC LATEXES AND THEIR USE FOR REPAIRING CONCRETE by G. Mantegona, A.M. Penna, and S. Taiîoni . 415 PARAMETERS INFLUENCING THE OXYGEN AND CHLORIDE PERMEABILITY OF SUPERPLASTICIZED NORMAL PORTLAND CEMENT AND FLY ASH-NORMAL PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR AND CONCRETE by C J . Lynsdale and J.G. Cabrera . 435 SI (Metric) TABLES . 451 INDEX 453 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-L4ô 94 = 0662949 0519777 531 = SP 148-1 Role of Superplasticizers and Slag for Producing High Performance Concrete by R.N. Swamy, M. Sakai, and N. Nakamura - D a : This paper presents a detailed investigation into the role and effectiveness of ground granulated blast-hace slag and a high range water reducer (HRWR) on the quality of concrete in terms of bleeding, setting times, heat evolution, strength development and pore structure. The tests were carried out in two parts. (a) A slag of normal fineness was used, and both the replacement level and water-binder ratio were varied. It was found that both the slag and the HRWR acted as set retarders in terms of setting times and heat evolution. The water-binder ratio was the predominant factor affecting the rate of bleeding. The presence of slag, on the other hand, caused low early strength and slow strength development but had significant beneficial influence on the totai pore volume and pore size distribution. (b) Tie fineness of siag was varied from 453 to 1 160 m2kg and the replacement level was kept constant at 5 0 % . It was then possible to obtain compressive strength in excess of 30 MPa at 3 days and 100 MPa at 28 days with very substantial reductions in total porosity and water permeability. The bleeding rate was also reduced and the setting times also improved. The overall conclusion of this study is that a judicious combination of HRWR and slag fineness can lead to a very effective synergic interaction to produce concretes of high strength, high modulus and very low porosity. Kewords: Blast furnace slag; bleeding (concrete); durability; hiah performance concretes; permeability; porosity; setting (hardening); h; strength; superplastitizen; water reducing agents 1 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-148 94 m Obb2949 0539778 478 m 2 Swamy, Sakai, and Nakamura AC1 Fellow Prof. R. Narayan Swamy is at the Structural Integrity Research Institute and the Centre for Cement and Concrete, University of Sheffield, England. His research interests are in concrete materials and concrete structures. He received the George Stephenson gold Medal of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Henry Adams Diploma from the Institution of Structural Engineers. He is Editor of Cement and Concrete Composites and the Book Series on Concrete Technology and Design. He recently received the CANMET/ACI Award for contributions to Durability of Concrete. Masami Sakai is a general manager at Building and Construction Centre, NKK Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. He received his Doctor of Engineering degree in 1985 from the University of Tokyo. His main research interests are in composite structures and utilization of steels and slag. Nobuyuki Nakamura is a senior engineer at Building and Construction Centre, NKK Corporation, Tokyo. He received his MS degree in 1976 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. His main research interests are in high strength concrete with slag and steel-concrete composites. INTRODUCTION Neither the use of superplasticizers nor the incorporation of ground, granulated blast-hace slag (GGBFS) in concrete are new to concrete technology and to the construction industry. Water-reducing agents and plasticizers and, more recently, high range water-reducers (HRWR) are, however, often largely seen as workability agents, with the emphasis on possible savings in cement and increases in compressive strength. The incorporation of GGBFS as a cement-replacement material, on the other hand, is often viewed as a means of reducing the temperature rise due to hydration, in addition to its chemical resistance, with a penalty on early age and subsequent development of strength. Both these perspectives are narrow and limited, and if one takes the broader and global view of the need for concrete structures to perform safely, satisfactorily and durably for a long time, these concepts may be argued to be not only misplaced, but unrepresentative of the potential of these concrete constituents to contribute to long-term durability, and to the conservation of resources and energy. Whilst good workability is accepted as an essential requirement for proper placing and adequate compaction of concrete, the role of HRWRs should not be seen to be solely related to water reduction nor are HRWRs to be treated as 本文件原文页数较多,文件体积较大,无法上传。 如有需要请发站内信或email:liuyx866163.com 联系人:草庐一苇:www.docin.com/liuyx866 A C 1 SP-14B 94 M Ob62949 0519779 304 Superplasticizers and Chemical Admixtures 3 agents of workability. GGBFS, on the other hand, has the inherent ability to contribute to strength, stiffness and durability, but this hidden potential is chemically bound and locked within the material itself, and needs to be extracted and mobilised for utilisation. A combination of slag and superplasticizer can help to bring out the unique properties of each of these components, and show that the synergic interaction between slag and superplasticizers can produce a more durable and stronger concrete than when either of these materials is used alone with portland cement. The aim of this paper is to show how this synergistic reaction between superplasticizers and portland cement-slag combination can be designed for and achieved, and thereby influence beneficially bleeding, setting time, heat of hydration, mechanical properties, and more importantly, the factors that control the durability properties of the resulting composite concrete. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was carried out in two parts. The aim of the first part was to identi


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