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    A N S I K62.18 58 I O724350 0007323 4 I j-/- (3 -2% American Standard Common Name for the Pest Control Chemical û,O-dimethyl O- 2,4,5-trichIorophenyl p hos p horot hioa te ronnel m Rig. W. S . Pat. Of. K62.18- 1 x 8 Reaffirmed 1969 *632.9:00 I .4 1 . Common name - ronnel 1 . 1 The word “ronnel” (pronounced rón-nil) has been accepted as the American Standard Common Name for the chemical 0.0-dimethyl O- 2,4,5-tri- chìorophenyl phosphorothioate. 1 . 2 Acceptance signifits compliance with American Standard Procedure for the Acceptance of an Ameri- can Standard Common Name for a Pest Control Chemical, K62.1-1956, and Addenda K62.h-1958. 2. Use o f Common Name 2 . 1 The common name applieir to the 100 percent pure chemical. 2.2 Technical grades and formulations shall indi- cate the percentage of ronnel present; e+., ronnel- 95 percent. 2 . 3 The Sponsor+ of the common name “ronnel” has agreed to release and permit the use of the name “ronnel) with respect to any product, whether or not t Nama furniahmi upon quert. Page 1 of 2 Pages manufactured or formuìated by it, which contains a pest control chemical conforming to the description set forth in this American Standard. 3 . Limitations 3 . 1 Neither ASA nor iîa committsa guarantees or assumes any responsibility that use of this name in connection with thin or any other chemical or prod- uct will not infringe on or conflict with any existing proprietary name, trade-mark or trade name. Ap- proval as an American Standard Common Nune con- stitutes rec0gnitio.n by ASA that a conensua exieta within a representative committee, operating under ASA procedure and basing ita recommendation on data submittal by a Sponsor, favoring consideration of the uw of the name to designate the pest control chemical described herein by all interested persons. ïñe information concerning the chsrnical and physi- cal properties of the chemical is not a part of the standard but is provided aolely aa an aid to identi- fication, and ASA d a s not guarantee ita accuracy. Appendix The followin(: h supplied for informational purpoae only and ir not a put of American Standard K û Z . 1 8 - 1 9 5 8 . ronnel Fhydcal and Chemical Properties Systematic name 0,O-dimethyl O- 2,4,5-trichlorophenyl phosphorothioate Chemicat structure CL H II OCH3 -Q-*-P=S I II ocH3 is material is reproduced from American National Standard CL .- -:s.J.* : : _ _ _ - Approved Decombar I, 1958, by the American Siocibrdr Auaciath, Incorporated AdminiMve Spcrcor: U. S. Department of Agriculture Univerui Decimal ChuinCition Copyright 1958 by American Standards Association, Incorporated 10 East 40th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016 A N S I Kb2-18 5 B W 0724350 000732q b Page 2 of 2 Pages Physical and Chemical Properties (continued) Color , Form Odor Melting point Boiling range Density Solubility at 25 C Acetone Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroform Diethyl ether Methylene chloride Stoddard solvent Toluene Water Xylene Stability Pure Technical white Grey yellow Crystalline Crystalline Slightly disagreeable Slightly disagreeable 40.97 C 3437 c Decomposes Decomposes dis = 1.4850 (solid) di0 = 1.4573 (liquid) di5 = 1 . 4 7 3 dio = 1 . 4 5 2 Grams Pure ronnel in 100 Grams Soivent 908 3 4 7 . 7 347.7 671.0 688 591.6 503.3 498.2 95.41 0.0044 Grams Technical ronnel in 100 Grams Solvent Approx 905 345 495 345 670 685 95 590 500 O.Oo80 Stable at room temperature and at temperatures up to 60 C . Unstable in alkaline media. Formulations and other mixture should be neutral or slightly acidic. komposed by strong acid. Proposed U s e s Ronnel is intended for ubc ao a pesticidal chemical for the control of a wide range of arthropod pesta including flies, mosquitoes, mitea, cattle grubs, screw-worms, fleas, and others. , -_ - _ K62.18- I958 COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services COPYRIGHT American National Standards Institute Licensed by Information Handling Services


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