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    先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit1 单元检测卷单元检测卷 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 听力部分 20% 一、 Listen and number (12%) ( ) ( ) ( ) 一、 ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、二、Listen and check.(8%) 1.Dont litter.( ) 2.No smoking.( ) Dont btouch. ( ) No swimming.( ) 3. Dont tun. ( ) 4. Lookright. ( ) Dont walk. ( ) Look left.( ) 读写部分读写部分 60% 一、英汉互译(一、英汉互译(10%) 苹果苹果 右边右边 走走 跑跑 猫猫 食品食品 No swimming. Dont worry. Dont litter. No kites 二、圈出发音不同的词。二、圈出发音不同的词。(10%) 1 bag hat lake can 2. cake gate name ant 3. tomato bag baby snake 4. carrot Ann potato apple 5. fat mat pat cake 三、Read and match.(18%) No smoking. No food. Dont litter. No parking. No cameras. No swimming. 四、根据情境选择合适的句子四、根据情境选择合适的句子(12%) 1. 禁止乱写乱画。禁止乱写乱画。 ADont talk. B. Dont write. 2. 禁止说话。禁止说话。 A. Dont talk. B. Dont walk. 3. 禁止触摸。禁止触摸。 ADont touch. B. Dont run. 四、按顺序默写字母按顺序默写字母 Aa-Zz。(10%) 五、口语检测(五、口语检测(20%) 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit1 单元检测卷答案单元检测卷答案 一、 一、 Listen and number (12%) 1 No parking. 2 No swimming. 3 No smoking. 4 Dont touch. 5 Dont litter. 6 No food. 二、 二、 Listen and check. 1 Dont touch. 2 No smoking. 3 Dont run. 4 Look right. 读写部分读写部分 60% 一、英汉互译(一、英汉互译(10%) 苹果苹果 apple 右边右边 right 走走 walk 跑跑 run 猫猫 cat 食品食品 food No swimming. 禁止游泳禁止游泳 Dont worry 不要着急不要着急 Dont litter.禁止乱丢禁止乱丢 No kikes 禁止放风筝禁止放风筝 二、圈出发音不同的词。二、圈出发音不同的词。(10%) 1 bag hat lake can 2. cake gate name ant 3. tomato bag baby snake 4. carrot Ann potato apple 5. fat mat pat cake 三、Read and match.(18%) No smoking. No food. Dont litter. No parking. No cameras. No swimming. 四、根据情境选择合适的句子四、根据情境选择合适的句子(12%) 1. 禁止乱写乱画。禁止乱写乱画。 ADont talk. B. Dont write. 2. 禁止说话。禁止说话。 A. Dont talk. B. Dont wtalk. 3. 禁止触摸。禁止触摸。 ADont touch. B. Dont run. 四、按顺序默写字母按顺序默写字母 Aa-Zz。(10%) Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mn Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 先锋英语三年级英语先锋英语三年级英语 Unit2 单元练习卷单元练习卷 班级班级 姓名姓名 学号学号 成绩成绩 听力部分听力部分 20% 一、 听录音写数字一、 听录音写数字(不写英文, 写阿拉伯数字)不写英文, 写阿拉伯数字) (12%) A.( ) B. ( ) C.( ) D.( ) E. ( ) F. ( ) 二、 听录音,在正确的句子后画(二、 听录音,在正确的句子后画(8%) 1. Here is your money. ( ) Here is your change.( ) 2. 14 +4=18 ( ) 11+8=19 ( ) 3. How much are they? ( ) How much is it? ( ) 4. Its five yuan. ( ) They are nineteen yuan. ( ) 读写部分读写部分 60% 一、英汉互译(一、英汉互译(10%) 鸡蛋鸡蛋 你你 玩具玩具 火车火车 多少多少 change kite money robot walk 二、圈出不同发音的单词。二、圈出不同发音的单词。(8%) 1three feet see watermelon 2. fourteen elephant egg pencil 3. beans peach desk bee 4. pencil meet tree nineteen 三、三、 选择填空选择填空(12%) 1. eight and nine is . 2. six and is thirteen. 3. and is twenty. 4. Five and seven is . 5. Nine and nine is . 四、看价钱读句子填空。 (四、看价钱读句子填空。 (8%) 1. How much is the pencil? ¥ ¥20 Its yuan. ¥19¥19 2.How much is the watch? Its yuan. ¥1 ¥1 3.How much is the car? ¥ ¥12 Its yuan. 4.How much are the ruler and the ball? ¥ ¥2 They are yuan. 五、按照购物的顺序给下列句子排序。五、按照购物的顺序给下列句子排序。(12%) ( 3 )A. Heres the money. ( 1 )B. How much is the ball? ( 4 )C. Heres your change. ( 2 )D. Its twenty yuan. 六、写出询问价钱的两个句子。 (六、写出询问价钱的两个句子。 (10%) Seventeen yuan fourteen yuan 七、口语检测(七、口语检测(20%) eighteen eleven twelve nine seven seventeen 先锋英语三年级英语先锋英语三年级英语 Unit2 单元检测卷答案单元检测卷答案 一、一、 听录音写数字听录音写数字(不写英文,写阿拉伯数字)不写英文,写阿拉伯数字) (12%) A. twenty B. eleven C. twelve D. Ten E. fifteen F. thirteen 二、 听录音,在正确的句子后画(二、 听录音,在正确的句子后画(8%) 2 Here is your money. 3 Eleven and eight is nineteen. 4 How much are they? 5 Its five yuan. . 读写部分读写部分 60% 一、英汉互译(一、英汉互译(10%) 鸡蛋鸡蛋 egg 你你 you 玩具玩具 toy 火车火车 train 多少多少 how much change 零钱零钱 kite 喜欢喜欢 money 钱,货币钱,货币 robot 机器人机器人 walk 走走 二、圈出不同发音的单词。二、圈出不同发音的单词。(8%) 1three feet see watermelon 2. fourteen elephant egg pencil 3. beans peach desk bee 4. pencil meet tree nineteen 三、三、 选择填空选择填空(12%) 1. eight and nine is seventeen. 2. six and seven is thirteen. 3. eleven and nine is twenty. 4. Five and seven is twelve . 5. Nine and nine is eighteen. 四、看价钱读句子填空。 (四、看价钱读句子填空。 (8%) 1. How much is the pencil? ¥ ¥20 Its 1 yuan. ¥19¥19 2.How much is the watch? Its 20 yuan. ¥1 ¥1 3.How much is the car? ¥ ¥12 Its 19 yuan. 4.How much are the ruler and the ball? ¥ ¥2 They are 14 yuan. 五、按照购物的顺序给下列句子排序。五、按照购物的顺序给下列句子排序。(12%) ( 1 )A. How much is the ball? ( 3 )B. Heres your change. ( 4 )C. Heres the money. ( 2 )D. Its twenty yuan. 六、写出询问价钱的两个句子。 (六、写出询问价钱的两个句子。 (10%) How much is the train? Seventeen yuan How much are they? fourteen yuan 七、口语检测(七、口语检测(20%) eighteen eleven twelve nine seven seventeen 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit3 练习卷练习卷 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 听力部分 20% 一、 听录音,根据所听内容给图片标号 (12%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,在正确答案前的标号下画。 (8%) 1. A.Its a television. B.Its a cassette. 2. A.Its Anns video. B.Its Kens video. 3. A. Theyre radios. B.Theyre videos. 4. A.Theyre Uncle Bookys cassettes. B. Theyre Aunt Bookys cassettes. 读写部分 60% 一、英汉互译(15%) 请 风筝 收音机 书房 whose television table walkman eight nine 二、圈出划线部分发音不同的词。(10%) 1. peach elephant bee tree 2. write fish five bike 3. bag hat cake apple 4. fifteen listen ice cream insect 5.snake cage carrots name 三、看图选择句子(15%) A. These are Anns toys. B.These are Anns books. A. This is my fathers car. B. This is my mothers cat. A. This is Mockys cassette. B.This is Mockys video. 四、看图,选择正确的问答语,抄写在图后格中 (20%) Whose radio is this? Whose computer is this? Whose CDs are these? Whose videos are these? Its Anns. Its Uncle Bookys. They are Mockys. Theyre LuLus. 五、口语检测 (20%) 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit3 单元检测卷答案单元检测卷答案 一、 Listen and number (12%) 1 Its a computer. 2 They are cassetes. 3 They are CDs. 4 Its a radio. 5 They are videos. 6 Its a table. 二、 Listen and circle. 1. Its a television. 2. Its Kens video. 3. Theyre radios. 4. Theyre Aunt Bookys cassettes. 读写部分 60% 一、英汉互译(15%) 请 please 风筝 kite 收音机 radio 书房 study whose 谁的 television 电视机 table 桌子 walkman 随身听 eight 8nine 9 二、圈出划线部分发音不同的词。(10%) 1. peach elephant bee tree 2. write fish five bike 3. bag hat cake apple 4. fifteen listen ice cream insect 5.snake cage carrots name 三、看图选择句子(15%) A. These are Anns toys. B.These are Anns books. A. This is my fathers car. B. This is my mothers cat. A. This is Mockys cassette. B.This is Mockys video. 四、看图,选择正确的问答语,抄写在图后格中 (20%) Whose radio is this? Whose computer is this? Whose CDs are these? Whose videos are these? Its Anns. Its Uncle Bookys. They are Mockys. Theyre LuLus. Whose radio is this? Its Anns. Whose computer is this? Its Uncle Bookys. Whose videos are these? Theyre LuLus. Whose CDs are these? They are Mockys. 五、口语检测 (20%) 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit4 练习卷练习卷 班级班级 姓名姓名 学号学号 成绩成绩 听力部分听力部分 20% 一、 听录音,标序号一、 听录音,标序号 (12%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、 听录音,在正确答案后的括号内画二、 听录音,在正确答案后的括号内画.(8%) 1. A. Welcome to my school. ( ) B. Welcome to my house. ( ) 2. A. Come in please. ( ) B. Come out please. ( ) 3. A. This is my bedroom.( ) B. This is my study. ( ) 4. A. Look, my mather is washing. ( ) B. Look, my mather is cooking. ( ) 读写部分读写部分 60% 一、完成句子(一、完成句子(10%) 1Mocky is . 2.Tom is . 3.My father is 4.Lulu is . 5. This is the 二、选择发音不同的词。二、选择发音不同的词。(6%) 1dog frog goat doll 2. boat goat lock coat 3. orange sock octopus tomato 4. fifteen fish five six 三、连线。三、连线。(24%) Bobby bear is washing. Bobby bear is sleeping. Bobby bear is cooking She is singing. This is the living room. This is the bathroom. This is the bedroom. This is the kitchen. 四、看图选择句子,抄在相应的横线上。四、看图选择句子,抄在相应的横线上。(20%) A. Whats she doing? B. He is washing C. Whats he doing? D. She is studying 五、口语检测(五、口语检测(20%) 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit4 练习卷练习卷 班级班级 姓名姓名 学号学号 成绩成绩 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit4 单元检测卷答案单元检测卷答案 一、 一、 Listen and number (12%) 1 Mocky is eating. 2 Peter is playing. 3 Ann is studying. 4 Tom is running. 5 Ken is drinking. 6 Wang Ling is painting. 二、 二、 Listen and circle. 1.Welcome to my school. 2.Come in please. 3.This is my study. 4.Look, my mather is cooking. 读写部分读写部分 60% 一、完成句子(一、完成句子(10%) 1Mocky is eating . 2.Tom is playing . 3.My father is washing . 4.Lulu is sleeping. 5. This is the kitchen. 二、选择发音不同的词。二、选择发音不同的词。(6%) 1dog frog goat doll 2. boat goat lock coat 3. orange sock octopus tomato 4. fifteen fish five six 三、连线。三、连线。(24%) Bobby bear is washing. Boby bear is sleeping. Bobby bear is cooking She is singing. This is the living room. This is the bathroom. This is the bedroom. This is the kitchen. 四、看图选择句子,抄在相应的横线上。四、看图选择句子,抄在相应的横线上。(20%) A. Whats she doing? B. He is washing C. Whats he doing? D. She is studying Whats she doing? She is studying Whats he doing? He is washing 五、口语检测(五、口语检测(20%) 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit5 练习卷练习卷 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 听力部分 30% 一、听单词,根据所听内容给图片标号。 (每个单词读两 遍) (6%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听句子,根据所听内容给图片标号。 (每个句子读两 遍) (6%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据所听句子选择正确的图,并在图下的括号内画 。 (每个句子读两遍)(8%) 1 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听句子,在正确选项后面画(每个句子读两遍) (10%) 1. A. Its a CD. ( ) B. Its a radio. ( ) 2. A. This is our math teacher. ( ) B. This is our art teacher. ( ) 3. A. It is eleven yuan. ( ) B. It is eighteen yuan. ( ) 4. A .This is the bedroom. ( ) B. This is the bathroom. ( ) 读写部分 50% 一、按顺序写出下面所缺字母的大小写一、按顺序写出下面所缺字母的大小写(10%) Bb Dd Ee Gg Ii Jj Kk Mm Nn Oo Rr Ss Tt Vv Xx Zz 二、读单词,和相应的图连线 (12%) train 10+6 10+6 sixteen kite washing run money 三、看图选词填空 (16%) 1. This is the . 2. She is . 3.Dont , Mocky. 4. This is Uncle Bookys . . 四、根据情景,选择合适的句子,在正确选项的标号下 画。 (12%) 1、你捡到一本书,想知道这本书是谁的,应该这样 问: A. Who is she? B. Whose book is this? C. Whose books are these? 2. 你可以这样把你的数学老师介绍给你的朋友, A. This is our school. B. This is our math teacher. C. These are our teachers 3. 你在商店想买 2 支铅笔,应该怎样问价钱? A. How much is the pencil? B. Here is the money. C. How much are the pencils? 五、口语(20%) bathroom touch painting study 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit5 练习卷答案练习卷答案 听力部分 30% 一、听单词,根据所听内容给图片标号。 (每个单词读两 遍) (6%) 1a radio 2. a classroom 3. a video 4.music 5. a computer 6. a living room 二、听句子,根据所听内容给图片标号。 (每个句子读两 遍) (6%) 1. This is our school 2. These are Mockys CDs. 3. This is our English teacher. 4. They are cassttes. 5. They are CDs. 6. Dont litter, Mocky. 三、根据所听句子选择正确的图,并在图下的括号内画 。 (每个句子读两遍)(16%) 1No smoking.2. He is washing 3He is drinking 4。This is our music teacher. 四、听句子,在正确选项后面画。 (每个句子读两遍) (4%) 1. Its a radio. 2. This is our art teacher. 3. It is eighteen yuan. 4. This is the bedroom. 读写部分 50% 一、 按顺序写出下面所缺字母的大小写一、 按顺序写出下面所缺字母的大小写(10%) Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 二、读单词,和相应的图连线 (12%) train 10+6 10+6 sixteen kite washing run money 三、看图选词填空 (16%) 1. This is the bathroom . 2. She is painting. 3.Dont touch , Mocky. 4. This is Uncle Bookys study . 四、根据情景,选择合适的句子,在正确选项的标号下 画。 (12%) 1、你捡到一本书,想知道这本书是谁的,应该这样 问: A. Who is she? B. Whose book is this? C. Whose books are these? 2. 你可以这样把你的数学老师介绍给你的朋友, A. This is our school. B. This is our math teacher. C. These are our teachers 3. 你在商店想买 2 支铅笔,应该怎样问价钱? A. How much is the pencil? B. Here is the money. C. How much are the pencils? 五、口语(20%) bathroom touch painting study 先锋英语三年级先锋英语三年级 Unit6 单元检测单元检测 班级班级_ 姓名姓名_ 学号学号 成绩成绩_ 听力部分:听力部分: 30% 一、 根就所听内容选择正确的图,并在图下的方格内 画 一、 根就所听内容选择正确的图,并在图下的方格内 画 “”(12%) 1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、 根据所听内容选择正确的句子,并在正确答案后 的括号内画 二、 根据所听内容选择正确的句子,并在正确答案后 的括号内画 “” (8%) 1. The robot is eleven yuan . ( ) The robot is twenty yuan ( ) 2. Whose walkman is this ?( ) Whose diskman is this ?( ) 3. These books are Lulus . ( ) This book is Lulus . ( ) 4. This is Aunt Bookys computer . ( ) This is Uncle Bookys television . ( ) 三、听句子,把图和相应的单词连线三、听句子,把图和相应的单词连线 (10%) nine yuan thirteen yuan twenty yuan eleven yuan eighteen yuan 笔试部分:笔试部分:70% 一、写出下面所缺字母的大小写一、写出下面所缺字母的大小写(6%) Aa Cc Ee Ff _ Hh _ Jj Ll Nn _Pp Rr _Tt Uu_ Ww_ Yy 二、英汉互译二、英汉互译(14%) please_ _ train_ _ money_ 跑_ 你_ _ 食物_ _ 请 风筝 书房 whose television table 跑 猫 三、 从下列所给字母中找出单词并写下来。至少三、 从下列所给字母中找出单词并写下来。至少 5 个个 (5%) nineggpencarsnaketrefish 四、看图读句子,判断正误四、看图读句子,判断正误 (10%) 1. This is Anns book . ( ) 2. No food , please . ( ) 3.The watch is sixteen yuan . ( ) 4. Dont touch, please. ( ) 5. This is Wang Lings ball. ( ) 五、选词填空五、选词填空 (5%) 1. Whose _ (video, videos) is this? 2. How much _ (is, are) the disk man? 3. This is _ (I, my) book. 4. No _ (park, parking). 5. Two and ten is _(eight, twelve) 六、将下列句子抄写在相应的图后面六、将下列句子抄写在相应的图后面 (6%) This is Ann. No cameras. The shoes are seven yuan. _ _ _ 七、圈出划线部分发音不同的词。七、圈出划线部分发音不同的词。(12%) 1. write fish five bike 2. peach elephant bee tree 3. fifteen listen ice cream insect 4. snake gate name apple 5elephant fourteen egg pencil 6. three see watermelon feet 八、选出下列各句的答语,写在相应的位置上八、选出下列各句的答语,写在相应的位置上(12%) 1. Here's the money._ 2. Is this your ruler? _ 3. How much is the doll? _ 4. Whose CDs are these? _ 5. How much are the pencils? _ 6. Whose book is it? _ They are Ken's. They are 8 yuan. It's 16 yuan. It's Danny's. Thank you. Yes, it is. ¥15¥15 先锋英语三年级 Unit6 练习卷答案 听力部分:听力部分: 30% 一、 根就所听内容选择正确的图,并在图下的方格内画一、 根就所听内容选择正确的图,并在图下的方格内画 “”(12%) 1. No swimming. 2. Dont walk. 3. This is Anns radio. 4. This is Uncle Booky. 5. No camorras. 6. This is Kens toy train. 二、 根据所听内容选择正确的句子,并在正确答案后的 括号内画 二、 根据所听内容选择正确的句子,并在正确答案后的 括号内画 “” (8%) 3. The robot is twenty yuan. ( ) The robot is eleven yuan. ( ) 4. Whose diskman is this ?( ) Whose walkman is this ?( ) 4. This book is Lulus . ( ) These books are Lulus . ( ) 4. This is Uncle Bookys television . ( ) This is Aunt Bookys computer . ( ) 三、听句子,把图和相应的单词连线三、听句子,把图和相应的单词连线 (10%) nine yuan thirteen yuan twenty yuan eleven yuan eighteen yuan 笔试部分:笔试部分:70% 一、写出下面所缺字母的大小写一、写出下面所缺字母的大小写(6%) Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff _Gg Hh _Ii_ Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn _Oo Pp Qq Rr _Ss_Tt Uu_Vv Ww_Xx Yy Zz 二、英汉互译二、英汉互译(14%) ple


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