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    上海版牛津初中英语课件9B Chapter3.ppt

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    上海版牛津初中英语课件9B Chapter3.ppt

    9B Chapter3,Reading,A success story,本章主题:,通过学习本篇短文,让学生了解主人公的成名经历,了解她是怎样经过自己的努力,最终获得成功的?并让学生思考、讨论:如果想成功的话,如何从我做起,从现在做起?结合学生现在面临中考的实际情况,让学生树立成功的信心,激发学生努力学习、热爱学习的热情。,知识目标:通过学习,掌握文章的大意,加深和加强对文中的生词以及重、难点的理解和掌握。 能力目标:培养学生的阅读理解能力,并达到运用英语进行交际的能力。 德育目标:让学生树立成功的信心 ,激发学生努力学习,热爱学习的热情。,郎朗,满族人。国际著名钢琴家,1982年生于辽宁沈阳。被数家美国权威媒体称作“当今这个时代最天才、最闪亮的偶像明星”,他是受聘于世界顶级的柏林爱乐乐团和美国五大交响乐团的第一位中国钢琴家。曾被人物杂志称为“将改变世界的20名青年”之一。,What do you know about him?,Do you think they are successful?,She is an Olympic _.,diver,He is a computer _.,engineer,Do you think they are successful?,He is an _.,actor,He is a basketball _,player,特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大的慈善机构网,赢得了国际社会的广泛尊敬。1979年被授予诺贝尔和平奖,She was a _ _ _winner.,Nobel Peace Prize,When you say a person is successful, what do you mean?,He/She has achieved fame(声誉), wealth(财富), social position (社会地位) or a special goal(目标).,Do you want to be successful?,A success story,Mary Cheung (born in 1952 in Hong Kong),Read the whole text,Read and answer,Mary Cheung.,Who is The Girl from the Street?,What is the turning point in her life?,She entered the Miss Hong Kong contest and won it.,When did she start her own marketing and fundraising company?,In 1995.,Finish Exercise C.,1. Nine,2. Twenty-one,3. secretary,4. Miss Hong Kong,5. fame,6. Career(职业,生涯),7. Management(管理,经营),8. Fine Arts,Check your answers.,wander contest bring up countless,Some new words:,graduate desire cosmetics management,Some new words:,Some new words:,fortunately:,contest:,independent:,employed:,extraordinary:,not relying on others,paid to work for someone,competition,very unusual or strange,luckily,Her life,Part 1-The experience before she became famous(before 1975),(three parts),Part2- The reason why she became famous(in1975),Part3- The experience after she became famous(after 1975),Ask:Who brought Mary to the orphanage? What did she learn at the orphanage ? What was her first job?,Part 1-The experience before she became famous(before 1975),Part2- The reason why she became famous(in1975),Ask: What was she still working as in 1975 ? What did she win? what did it mean to her?,Ask: Why did she enter the contest? What did winning it bring her? What was the matter with her when she was working as a manager? What was her ambition? What has she done since 1987?,Part3- The experience after she became famous(after 1975),Key points:,1. abandon vt. 抛弃 desert;leave The baby was abandoned by its mother. He abandoned his car in the snow. 2. as prep.作为 We are learning French as a second foreign language. as if 好像 as.as. 和.一样. as soon as 一.就 as well as =and,3. ambitious adj.有志向的 ambition n. e.g. Mary is an ambitious girl. His ambition is to become a doctor. 4.on ones lips 就在某人的嘴边 Complaint is always on her lips. 她一直在抱怨。,Key points:,5 .contest n. 竞赛,比赛 competition n. She entered the writing contest and won it. My ambition is to win a singing contest. 6.independent adj.独立的 independence n. depend (on) v. 依赖,依靠dependent adj. She still depends on her parents for money because she hasnt got a job. She lives alone now and she is very independent.,Key points:,7. cosmetic n. 化妆品 常用复数 =make-up You can buy a lot of cosmetics in department stores. It is bad for children to use cosmetics. 8. countless adj. 无数的 count v. There are countless stars in the sky at night. It is hard to count them. 9. extraordinary adj. 非凡的 The boy has an extraordinary imagination.,Key points:,10. fame n. 名望 famous adj.著名的 His invention brought him fame as well as money. 11. fortunately adv. 幸运地 =luckily adv. fortunate adj. =lucky adj. fortune n.=luck n. unfortunately adv. Fortunately, he got the tickets for the concert . 12.graduate v. 毕业 graduation n. She graduated from a French university. This is my first job after my graduation.,Key points:,13.wander v. 徘徊 He wandered around the town aimlessly. 14. bring up (1)培养 He was brought up by his aunt after his parents died. We must train and bring up millions of useful persons for our country. (2)提出 who brought up that fantastic idea? 区别 : grow up 不接宾语,Key points:,15.devote v. devote time or energy to sth为某事付出时间或精力 to在这里是介词,后面接名词或动名词 She has devoted a lot of her time to photography. He devoted his life to helping the poor devoted adj. 专心致志于 He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍专心致力于化学研究。,Key points:,(Exercise D /E) 16.inventor n. invent v. invention n. visitor / actor/creator/editor 17.praise v. She was praised for her hard work. n. The book has received a lot of praise.,Key points:,18.success. n. 成功 He has had great success. succeed. v. 成功 succeed in doing 成功做某事 successful. adj. 成功的 be successful in doing 成功做某事 Were you successful in writing the novels? =Did you succeed in writing the novels? successfully. adv. 成功,Key points:,Listening,教学目的: 增强学生在听力过程中,抓住关键词的能力. 通过听力练习,了解电话留言的写法。,教学重点: 怎样抓关键词和语句(听力后可加补充练习),教学难点: 在有生词的情况下,完成听力对话 的理解.,Listen and complete the message form.,ANDY STEWART,2565 7043,Your new car has arrived,Telephone Message Callers name: _ Callers phone number: _ Message: _,Listening,Telephone Message 2. Callers name: _ Callers phone number: _ Message: _ _,Listen and complete the message form.,Dr Wang, dentist,2707 2601,Appointment at 2 p.m. is cancelled. New appointment: 4 p.m. tomorrow.,REX SKINNER,2765 8927,TV ad. for hair shampoo. Please call him.,Telephone Message 3. Callers name: _ Callers phone number: _ Message: _ _,Listen and complete the message form,Speaking,教学目的:使学生能够在日常生活中熟练应用 英语口语,增强他们运用语言交际的能力。,教学重点:,教学难点:如何灵活表达提供帮助、接受帮助、 拒绝帮助,掌握提供帮助、接受帮助、拒绝帮助的英语表达方式。,


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