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    1 2019 年四川中考英语复习阅读理解精练题十三附答案 【实战训练】A (2019 中考选练) Are you a good receiver?Itmightsound likea funnyquestionbut itisan importantone thateach of us shouldask ourselves. Strangely,most of us are bettergiversthan receivers.Wegiveto our family,our friendsand even charities,and oppositetowhat we mightthink,most of us are actuallyverygood at giving. But receivingisanothermatter.Weoftenfeela littleuneasy when receiving,althoughitisnot very noticeable.Even praisegetsdeflected (转向) when itcomes our way. Whensomeone praisesus forhelpinghim moveor clean up the house, we willpossiblysay, “Ah, itwas nothing. ” Whensomeone praisesthe coat weare wearing,wemaymention howwebought itat a discountinsteadof simply enjoying the praise.Actually,the praiseisa giftto us,and when we dont receiveitproperly,we are dishonoringthe giver. Givingis easy, as thereismuchpleasurein giving,but receivingisan artthattakes practice. To be a good receiverrequiresa sense of closerelationshipwiththe giver.Itisalways a pleasure fora giverto see the giftreceivedin a pleasantway. And thisisalsothe best way fora receiver to honor thegiverand givehim somethingback. Manyrelationshipsare not so good not because people are not givingto each other,but because they are not receivingfrom each otherwell.Weshould receivethe love,respectthe praise,and give thankseverytime givinghappens. Weshouldpracticereceivingallthe pleasuresthathappen to us every day, insteadof takingthem forgranted.Thinkof how many simpleeverydaygiftswe are being given allthe time:the beauty of nature,art and inspiring(激励人的) conversations.But are we truly receivingthem when theyhappen to us,or are we busy withothermatters,not noticing?Weshould master the artofreceiving:acceptthegiftslifeoffersus and show our appreciationforthem. Weare taughtthatitis betterto give than to receive.But thissuggests thatthereis something wrong withreceiving.There isnothingwrong withreceiving.Itisbetterto giveand receive.Let lifeshower us withgifts,pleasures,joys,surprises,both largeand small,and letus take notice of allthese thingsand acceptthem happilyand thankfully.The more we can receive,the more we can giveback,but givingmore does not necessarilymeanreceivingmore. Wemust remember itisharder to receivethan to give,and tryto practicereceiving.This practicewillbenefitus greatly,making us become good receiversas wellas good givers. 1. Accordingto Paragraph2,what do we possiblydo when we are praised? A. Honor the giverpublicly. B. Show ourpleasureclearly. C. Receivethepraiseuncomfortably. D. Expressourdisagreementproperly. 2. The expression“takingthem forgranted ” probablymeans “_”. A. lookingforthem withexpectation 2 B. dependingon them withsatisfaction C. gettingaway fromthem withoutregret D. benefitingfrom them withoutappreciation 3. What can we learnfrom thepassage? A. Peopleusuallycan receivemore by givingmore. B. Peopleusuallytrytoreceiveas much as possible. C. Peopleshouldgivea giftback when receivingone. D. Peoplecan improverelationshipsby receivingwell. 4. What isthebesttitleforthe passage? A. Be a Good Receiverand Giver B. Betterto Give Than toReceive C. Betterto Give,BettertoReceive D. Be a ReceiverRatherThan a Giver 参考答案 1. C 2.D 3.D 4.A 【实战训练】B Whenyou are learningEnglish,you finditnot cleverto put an Englishsentence,word forword, into your own language.Take the sentence“ Howdo you do?” as an example.Ifyou lookup each word in the dictionary,one at a time,what isyourtranslation?Itmust be a wrong sentenceinyourown language. Languages do not justhave differentsounds,theyare differentinmany ways. It s importantto master( 掌握) the rules( 规则) forword orderin the study of English,too.Ifthe speakerputs words in a wrong order,the listenercantunderstandthe speakerssentenceeasily.Sometimes when the order of words in an Englishsentenceis changed, the meaning of the sentencechanges,But sometimes the orderischanged, the meaning of the sentence doesnt change. Letssee the differencebetween the two pairsofsentences. “She onlylikesapples. ” “Only she likesapples. ” “I have seen thefilmalready. ” “I have alreadyseen the film. ” Whenyou are learningEnglish,you must do your best to get the spirit(精神实质)of the language and use itas the Englishspeakerdoes. 1. From the passage we know that_when we are learningEnglish. 3 A. we shouldn t put everyword intoour own language B. we shouldlookup everyword inthe dictionary C. we need toputeveryword intoourown language D. we must readword by word 2. The writerthinksitis_ inlearningEnglish. A. difficultto understanddifferentsounds B. possibleto remember theword order C. importantto masterthe rulesindifferentways D. easy to masterthe rulesforword order 3. Wecan learnfrom thepassage that_. A. the meaning ofan Englishsentencealwayschanges withthe orderof thewords B. The orderof words can neverchange themeaning ofan Englishsentence C. sometimes differentorderofwords has a differentmeaning D. iftheorderof words isdifferent,themeaning ofthesentencemust be different 4. “She onlylikesapples. ” _. A. isthesame as “Only she likesapples. ” B. isdifferentfrom “Onlyshe likesapples. ” C. means “She likesfruitexceptapples. ” D. means “She doesnt likeapples. ” 5. Which isthe besttitle(标题) forthispassage? A. DifferentOrders,DifferentMeanings B. HowtoSpeak English C. HowtoPut EnglishintoOur OwnLanguage D. HowtoLearn English 【答案及解析】 1. A. 从整篇文章我们知道,在学习英语翻译句子时,我们不能逐字逐词译成母语,这样做是不明智的,结果 是译成错误的句子。 2. B. 从文章中的第二段的这一句中It simportantto master the rulesforword orderin the study of English,too.可知 B 项为正确答案。 3. C. 从文章所举的两组例子和原句Sometimes when the order of words in an Englishsentence is changed, the meaning of the sentencechanges.说明了作者的这一观点:有时,不同的词序会有不同的意思。 4 4. B. She only likesapples.only 在这句中修饰动词likes ,意为“她只喜欢苹果,而不喜欢吃其它水果”。 Only she likesapples.only 在此句中修饰主语she,意为“只有她喜欢苹果,而其他人就不一定喜欢吃苹果 了。”所以正确答案是B。 5. D. 从整篇文章可以看出其大意是“怎样学习英语?”,把它作为标题应该是最佳的。 【实战训练】C A cheap sweater Mr. Ford saw a nicesweaterin theshop window.Itwas verycheap.So he boughtone. Whenhe went back home he putthe sweateron, Itwas allrightand he was pleasedwithit. In the afternoonhe went out towork in hisgarden.Itsoon began to rain,and Mr. Ford had to run intohishouse.He ranquickly,but he stillgot wet. Then hissweaterstartedto shrink.Itgot smallerand smaller.Mr. Ford triedto take itoff,but he couldn t. In the end, withthe help of hiswife,he got out of the sweater.Mrs. Ford laughed,“ You see, you bought a cheap thing,but” 阅读短文,然后根据文章内容判断下列各句是否正确,对的用“T”、错误的用“ F”表示。 1. Mr. Ford bought thesweaterbecause itwas veryniceand cheap. 2. “Shrink ”here means “become smaller ”. 3. Mr. Ford was notgood atbuyingthings. 4. Mr. Ford put thesweateron as soon as he boughtit. 5. Mr. Ford tookoffthesweaterby himself. 【答案与解的】 1. T. 第 1 小题的句意与文章的第1 自然段意思相同,所以符合短文内容。 2. T. 从文章的第四自然段可知shrink的意思就是become smaller 。所以符合短文内容。 3. T. Ford 先生上午买的衣服下午穿在身上被雨水打湿后就缩小变形了,由此可知Ford 先生不擅长买东西。 4. F. 从文章中的Whenhe went back home he putthe sweateron.可知, 他是买了带回家才穿的。所以第 四小题与短文内容不相符合。 5. F. 从文章的最后一段可知他是在妻子的帮助下才把衣服给脱下来的。所以与短文内容不相符合。 【实战训练】D (2019 中考选练) 5 Do you want to livea happier, lessstressful(有压力的) life、Trylaughingforno reason at all. Thats how thousands of people starttheirday at LaughterClubs around the world -andmany doctorsnow thinkthathavinga good laughmightbe one of thebestways tostayhealthy. The firstLaughterClub was startedinMumbai , India, in1995 by Dr MadamKataria. “ Young childrenlaughabout300 timesaway. Adultslaughbetween 7 and 15 timesa day , ”says Dr Kataria. Everyones naturallygood at laughing-itsthe with theirlives.” There are nowmore than500 LaughterClubs inIndiaand over1 300 worldwide. Many doctorsare alsointerestedintheeffectsof laughteron ourhealth.Accordingto a 5-yearstudyat theUCLASchool of MedicineinCalifornia,withlaughingthereis lessstressin the body .Laughterimprovesour healthagainstillnessby about40% So, what happens at a LaughterClub? I went alongto my nearestclubinSouth London to findout.I was quitenervousat thebeginningof the class,to be honest-Iwasn t interested in laughingwitha group of strangers,and I was worriedabout lookingstupid.Our laughterteacher toldus to clapourhands and sayho ho ho,ha ha ha,” whilelookingat each other.However,our bodiescan ttellthe differencebetween fake laughterand reallaughter, so they stillproduce the same healthyeffects. Surprisingly,itworks! Afterten minuteseverybody in the room was laughterforreal and some peoplejustcouldn t stop!At theend ofthe classIwas surprisedby how relaxedand comfortableI felt.So ifyoure under stress,then startlaughter.You mightbe very pleasedwith the results! 1. In whichcountrywas thefirstlaughterClub started? A. BritainB. AmericaC. AustraliaD. India 2.How didthe writerfeelat thebeginningofthe class? A. SurprisedB. PleasedC. NervousD. Stressful 3.Whendidthe peopleinthe clubbegintolaughforreal? A. Aftera few minutesB. Aftera few hours C. Aftera few secondsD. Aftera few days 4.Which ofthe followingistrueaccordingtothe passage? A. Fake laughterand reallaughterarebothgood forhealth. B. 40% ofthe peopleinLaughterClubs are good friends C. Adultslaughmore oftenthanchildrenina day. D. Laughingisthebestway topreventillness. 5. From the passage , ifyoureunder stresswhat you willdo ? A. go the open airB. talktoyourbestfriendsC. startlaughingD. singsongs 6 参考答案 DCAAC 【实战训练】E (2019 中考训练题) Interestingfestivalsinthe world Throwingtomatoes-Spain(西班牙) Spain takes“tomatoesfights“to a whole new level.But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten.Thefestivaltakes place duringthe lastWednesdayin August. Trucks (卡车) carrytomatoes intothe square.People rush to the tomatoes and throwthem intothecrowd. Rollingcheese-England This festivalis celebratedon the lastMondayin May. Ittakes place on Cooper's Hill.A largewheel of cheese (奶酪) is roileddown Cooper'sHill.The festival is actuallya race where people run down the hillafterthe rollingcheese. The firstperson to cross the finishlineat the bottom of the hillwins the cheese. Burningman-The UnitedStates The BurningMan'Festivallastsa week , itis from the MondaybeforeLabor Day to Labor Day(whichfallson the firstMonday inSeptember inAmerica).The festivaltakesplaceinthe BlackRock Desert.The bestpartof the festival isthe burningofa largesculptureof a man. 7 Pouringwater-Thailand The Songkran Festivalisthe celebrationof the NewYear in Thailand.Rather than a singleday, Thailandcelebratesthe NewYear from April13th to April 15th.Thaipeoplerun aftereach other ,pouringwater.Songkran isone ofthe most importantreasonswhy foreignerstravelto thebeautifulland. 1How many festivalsare mentionedinthepassage? A One.B Two.C Three.D Four 2Where willyou probablygo toenjoyone of thefestivalsabove inMay? A Spain.B England. C The UnitedStates.D Thailand. 3Which festivalisheldinBlackRock Desert? A Throwingtomatoes.B Rollingcheese. C Burningman ,D Pouringwater. 4Which ofthe followingisTRUEaccordingto the passage? A The tomatoesare thrownintothe crowd to eat. B Not allthe festivalsalivefallon the singleday. C Burninga largerealman isthe bestpartofthefestival. D Songkran istheonlyreasonforattractinglotsof tourists, 5The passage ismost probablytakenfrom _. A a tourguideB a sciencereport C a storybookD a fashionmagazine 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了世界上有趣的节日:西班牙的番茄节,英国的滚奶酪比赛,美国的火人节等等。 1D 细节理解题。根据表格中提及的四个不同国家的节日,故选D 。 8 2B 细节理解题。根据各个节日庆祝的时间,可知英国的滚奶酪节的庆祝时间是This festivalis celebrated on the lastMonday inMay.和问题相符,故选B。 3C 细节理解题。根据Burningman-The United States 提及的 The festivaltakes place in the Black Rock Desert. 故选 C 。 4B 细节理解题。根据最后一个表格Thailandcelebratesthe NewYear from April13th to April15th.Thai peoplerun aftereach 故选 B。 5A 细节理解题。根据这篇短文主要介绍的是各地有趣的节日,结合选项,可知最有可能来自旅行指南。故选 A。 考点:文化类短文阅读。


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