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    1,Module und Variations_E,Modules and variations New graphics guidelines Design proposals Roland Berger Hamburg, November 2001,2,Module und Variations_E,Contents Page,A. Standard slides 3 B. Lists (1) Factors, no specific number 7 C. Lists (2) Factors, specific number 13 D. Matrix Factors, comparisons 24 E. Process (1) Factors, steps 35 F. Process (2) Factors, impact 49 G. Process (3) Factors, interlinked 67 Annex: Nine key changes compared to the old standards 73,3,Module und Variations_E,A. Standard slides,4,Module und Variations_E,Methodological competence,Key projects,Industry competence,Professional experience,Languages,Education,Consultant profile: first name, last name,xxxx-xxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Position: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,German xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxx-xxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Born: xxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Nationality: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Updated: mm/year,5,Module und Variations_E,Organizational chart,6,Module und Variations_E,Organizational chart (including headcount),7,Module und Variations_E,B. Lists (1) Factors, no specific number,8,Module und Variations_E,Lists horizontal (variations),Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,Heading,Details,1,2,3,4,9,Module und Variations_E,Lists vertical (variations),1,2,3,4,10,Module und Variations_E,Schedule,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Month 1,Month 2,Month 3,Activities,A.,B.,C.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,Month 1,Month 2,Month 3,Activities,A.,B.,C.,1,2,11,Module und Variations_E,Sets of guidelines,2,3,4,5,Guidelines 1,Guidelines 2,Guidelines 3,Guidelines 4,Guidelines 5,Comments 1,Comments 2,Comments 3,Comments 4,Comments 5,1,12,Module und Variations_E,13,Module und Variations_E,C. Lists (2) Factors, specific number,14,Module und Variations_E,Pyramid (3 or 4 levels),15,Module und Variations_E,Pyramid (5 levels/centered),16,Module und Variations_E,3 factors (interwoven),1,2,3,17,Module und Variations_E,Common ground,18,Module und Variations_E,4 factors (1),19,Module und Variations_E,4 factors (2),20,Module und Variations_E,4 factors (3),1,2,3,4,Factor 1,Factor 2,Factor 3,Factor 4,21,Module und Variations_E,4 factors (3a weighted),2,3,4,Factor 1,Factor 2,Factor 3,Factor 4,22,Module und Variations_E,4 factors (3b dynamic),1,2,3,4,Factor 1,Factor 2,Factor 3,Factor 4,Four dynamic factors,23,Module und Variations_E,6 factors (variation),24,Module und Variations_E,D. Matrix Factors, comparisons,25,Module und Variations_E,Matrix/table (Horizontal/vertical comparison of data variations),1,2,3,4,26,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix opportunities/threats,Opportunities,Threats,Opportunities,Threats,Opportunities,Threats,Opportunities,Threats,1,2,3,4,27,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix pros and cons,1,2,3,28,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix controversy,1,2,3,4,29,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix conflict/tension (1),30,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix conflict/tension (2),31,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix bottom up/top down (1),BOTTOM UP,TOP DOWN,.,.,32,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix bottom up/top down (2),.,.,BOTTOM,UP,TOP,DOWN,1,2,33,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix equilibrium,34,Module und Variations_E,Special types of matrix imbalance,35,Module und Variations_E,E. Process (1) Factors, steps,36,Module und Variations_E,Processes,1,2,3,37,Module und Variations_E,Process/phases,1,2,3,4,5,Phase 1,Phase 2,Phase 3,Phase 1,Phase 2,Phase 3,Phase 1,Phase 2,Phase 3,1,2,3,4,38,Module und Variations_E,Cycles (1) (color presentation),39,Module und Variations_E,Cycles (2),40,Module und Variations_E,Spirals (orthogonal),1,2,41,Module und Variations_E,Hurdles,42,Module und Variations_E,Resistance/obstacles,1,2,5,7,3,4,6,43,Module und Variations_E,Filters,1,2,4,5,3,6,44,Module und Variations_E,Change of mindset/direction,1,2,3,4,45,Module und Variations_E,Nodes/interfaces,1,4,3,7,5,6,8,9,2,46,Module und Variations_E,Pressure,1,2,47,Module und Variations_E,Increase/decrease,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,48,Module und Variations_E,Various types of brackets (to be used instead of block arrows),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,49,Module und Variations_E,F. Process 2 Factors, impact,50,Module und Variations_E,Consequences (1),.,.,.,.,.,.,51,Module und Variations_E,Consequences (1a),.,.,.,.,.,.,52,Module und Variations_E,Consequences (2),53,Module und Variations_E,Consequences (3),.,.,.,.,54,Module und Variations_E,Consequences (4),.,.,.,.,1,2,55,Module und Variations_E,Impact (3 factors),QUALITY,TIME,COST,56,Module und Variations_E,Impact (4 and 6 factors),57,Module und Variations_E,Impact (4 factors),Factor 3,Factor 2,Factor 4,Factor 1,Generic description of the 4 factors,58,Module und Variations_E,Impact (5 factors),Factor 3,Factor 2,Factor 4,Factor 5,Generic description of the 5 factors,Factor 1,59,Module und Variations_E,Impact (6 factors),Factor 2,Generic description of the 6 factors,Factor 3,Factor 1,Factor 5,Factor 4,Factor 6,60,Module und Variations_E,Impact (7 factors),Factor 3,Generic description of the 7 factors,Factor 2,Factor 6,Factor 4,Factor 5,Factor 7,Factor 1,61,Module und Variations_E,Impact (8 factors),Factor 3,Generic description of the 8 factors,Factor 2,Factor 6,Factor 7,Factor 4,Factor 5,Factor 1,Factor 8,62,Module und Variations_E,6 success factors,Impact and result (1),63,Module und Variations_E,Impact and result (2),5 success factors,64,Module und Variations_E,Vision,Vision,65,Module und Variations_E,Action/reaction,66,Module und Variations_E,Value chain,Customer,Supplier,Development,Production,Sales,Distribution,Company,67,Module und Variations_E,G. Process 3 Factors, interlinked,68,Module und Variations_E,Action/reaction (1),69,Module und Variations_E,Action/reaction (2) (transparent color presentation),70,Module und Variations_E,Interaction,1,2,3,71,Module und Variations_E,Jigsaw puzzle,72,Module und Variations_E,Spiral,73,Module und Variations_E,Annex: Nine key changes compared to the old standards,74,Module und Variations_E,Do not use block arrows,Use variations instead,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,BACKUP,New Content design Key changes regarding lean, linear, literal“,Do not use shading or borders,Instead, use unframed colored shapes in shades of key blue, for emphasis only,Do not use ovals,Instead, use AutoShapes with corners completely rounded off,Do not use stickers with lines,Instead, use upper case stickers (13 point), (key blue shade 1), positioned in the header area,Do not put numbers in circles,Instead, put them in squares (key blue shade 1), white lettering, bold,If boxes are used,75,Module und Variations_E,Do not position text behind graphics,Position text to the side of graphics instead,Arrow function can be switched on and off/ positioned to the side,Text is easy to read if not positioned behind graphics,Do not use speech bubbles,Instead, use AutoShapes/callouts/third row (you can use the arrow function!),Do not use big multicolored cartoons/ Clip Art,Instead, use pictograms (if not available: convert Clip Art to linear monochrome versions),Do not use miniature charts as navigators,Instead, use mathematical navigators (key blue shade 1), white lettering, bold, 13 point,1,2,3,4,New Content design Key changes regarding lean, linear, literal“,


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