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    用心 爱心 专心 Unit 4 Food 第七课时 (The seventh period) 课前准备: 1、复习本单元所学的词汇,句型和相关知识。 2、查询有关健康饮食的资料。 教学目标: 1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.(将关于饮食和生活方式的实际信息用文章表达出来。) 2、To write an article for a website based on personal information.(根据个人信息为一个网站写篇文章。) 3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes. (读一篇短文给同学听以检查错误。) 教学要点: 词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calorie, amount 句型 1、I am fit and healthy. 2、I think I need(lots of energy). 3、I always/usually/, have, for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner. 4、This gives sb., calories to do sth./for sth. 5、I like, because they're/it's good for, . 6、I take in, I need vitamins to stay healthy. 7、It's important to do sth. 学习策略: Synthetical use and self comments.(综合应用,自我评价。) 智能培养: Write an article about health and sports.(健康、卫生、体育 的逻辑表述。) 教学设计: Food and lifestyles 1、Know about healthy eating 2、Design a diet and write a report 教法步骤: Task 1、Arouse Ss why they eat certain types of food and why they should or should not change their diets. Tell Ss to look at the calories and vitamins chart in Part A on page 67.Explain the instructions carefully. Ask Ss to identify the words they do not know. Clarify the meanings of these words with the class. 2、Ss read Millie's article on Page 68. 3、Ask Ss to use Millie's article and substitute the underlined phrases with their own information. Encourage Ss to include additional information or change the model sentences to make their own. 用心 爱心 专心 4、Get some Ss to present their articles. Task 1、This gives me 340 calories to start the day. give sb. sth. to do 给某人某物做某事 2、That means I take in about 2000 calories every day. take in 吸收、接受,领会,理解,观看 3、I need vitamins to stay healthy. need sth. to do sth. 4、So you can drink it without getting fat. without prep. 意为“无,没有” Task Exercises. 教学反思: 第八课时 (The eighth period) 课前准备: 1、复习已学过的食物词汇和wh 句型。 2、复习本单元的词汇、语言目标和相关知识。 教学目标: 1、To talk about food and diet.(谈论食物和饮食结构。) 2、To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with “wh ”questions. (介绍和巩固 wh 句型的常用语调。) 3、To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items. (复习常用频率副词和常用食物的名称。) 4、To revise the simple present tense.(复习一般现在时。) 教学要点:词汇 feel, luck, supermarket, carry, stay, taste 语言技能: Speaking 谈论正确的生活方式,会用wh句型提问做调查问卷。 Pronunciation 用 wh 句型提问时,注意用降调。 学习策略: Revision and consolidation 教学设计: Study skillsCheckout 1、Speaking up: likes and dislikes. 2、Pronunciation: Asking “wh“questions. 3、Check the use of adverbs of frequency. 4、Revise the names of common food items. 教法步骤: Task 1、By questionnaire, ask several Ss to talk about how he/she keeps healthy. 2、Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise saying Meiling and Ricky's conversation, with fluency, eye, contact and appropriate intonation. 3、Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about their own diets. 4、Ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class. 用心 爱心 专心 Task 1、Ask Ss to listen to the questions on the recording, then repeat after it, and pay attention to falling tone on the last stressed word. 2、Write some sentences on the Bb. Let students practise saying them in pairs. How many apples do you eat every day? How often do you go swimming? When do you chat on ICQ? What is your favourite food? Why do you eat hamburgers every day? Who often eats vegetables. Task 1、Look at the chart, revise the use of adverbs of frequency. 2、Write a few sentences by the chart, then check them with the whole class. Task 1、Tell Ss about crossed puzzles. Get Ss to explain the following points: stay healthy, a kind of, they grow, can be, taste sour, need 2、Ask Ss to make up their own crossword puzzle and check with the whole class. 3、Ask Ss to make their own crossword puzzle using different food items. Task Exercises. 教学反思:


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