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    第 I 卷(选择题共 115分) 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When will the plane take off? A.At 5:30. B. At 5:15. C. At 5:10. 2.What will Jane do at 4 o clock? A.Play tennis. B. Stay at home. C. Look after a patient. 3.What are the speakers talking about? A.Only children. B. Life attitudes. C. Making friends. 4.How does the man look? A.Very nervous. B. Very tired. C. Very excited. 5. What is the woman busy with? A. Preparing for a speech. B. Writing a report. C. Organizing a discussion. 第二节 (共 15 小题 ; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题 ,每小题 5 秒钟 ; 听完后 ,各个小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段对话,回答第6、7 题。 6. What is the relationship between Jim and Mary? A.Colleagues. B. Classmates. C. Couple. 7. What s the woman s attitude towards Jim and Mary s problem? A.She believes it is their business. B.She doesn t want to help them. C.She agrees with their Mom and Dad. 听第 7 段对话,回答第8 至 10 题。 8. Which word can be used to describe the woman? A.Old-fashioned. B. Fashionable. C. Intelligent. 9. What kind of clothes doesn t the man generally wear? A.Casual clothes. B. Formal clothes. C. Sportswear. 10. According to the man, what are smart girls usually interested in? A.Music, sports, or movies B.Literature, music, or sports. C.History, sports, or music. 听第 8 段对话,回答第11 至 13 题。 听第 9 段对话,回答第14 至 16 题。 14. What s the woman s final destination? A.The 16th street. B. Battery Park. C. Union Square. 15. Why does she want to make a stop halfway? A. She needs to pick up some tickets. B. She wants to buy something there. C. A friend is waiting for her there. 16. Where is Sally? A. In front of a bookshop. B. Next to a post office. C. On the left side of the 16th street. 听第 10 段对话,回答第17 至 20 题。 17. Where is the palace? A.Near Tokyo. B. Near Osaka. C. Near Kobe. 18. What do we know about the palace? A.It is in a valley. B.It enjoys a terrific scenery. C.It is especially big. 19. What should you do if you get lost? A. Wait for help. B. Call the speaker. C. Return to the entrance. 20. How soon should the listeners meet the speaker again? A. In 55 minutes. B. In 45 minutes. C. In 35 minutes. 第二部分:语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. What a pity it is to have lost the game _ one goal! A. for B. by C. over D. to 22. A(n) _ idea is different from the one you have and can be used instead. A. secure B. conservative C. mild D. alternative 23. Did they carry out the experiment in the school lab? No, it was in the scientific center _ their teacher worked. A. that B. where C. why D. which 24. Tourist excitement has built up _ new places of interest were opened two years ago. A. as B. even though C. only if D. since 25. While talking with his colleagues, he accidentally _ that he had got divorced. A. let out B. gave out C. turned out D. brought out 26. New ideas and values took the place of those _ in the Middle Ages. A. held B. having held C. being held D. holding 27. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, _ turned out to be a wise decision. A. that B. which C. when D. where 28. Is Bob still a volunteer? No, but he _. He worked for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A. used to B. used to be C. used to do D. was used to 29. _ with the si ze of the whole earth, the biggest country doesn t not seem big at all. A. Compare B. Comparing C. When comparing D. When compared 30. Jerry was about to sit down and have a cup of tea _ the doorbell rang. A. while B. as C. when D. until 31. But for Mr. Thompson s timely help, we _ the task on time. A. couldn t have finished B. couldn t finish C. could have finished D. could finish 32. I m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final. I think so. He _ for it for months. A. is preparing B. was preparing C. had been preparing D. has been preparing 33. I _ busy at that time, otherwise I could have come to help you. A. am B. had been C. were D. was 34. I was caught in the rain on my way home. _, I had a bad cold. A. After all B. As a result C. On other words D. As usual 35. Would you take this along to the office for me? _. A. Don t mention it B. Thats right C. Never mind D. With pleasure 第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Forty years ago, I was a boy of eight. At that time, if I cleaned the hockey (曲棍球 ) field near my home and _36_ an empty envelope with an extra _37_, I would get a photo of a hockey player. Hockey was my _38_ sport. I wanted the photos of all my heroes, especially the numbers of the Boston Bruins. “ Micha el! Youre going to put us in the poor house _39_ stamps and envelopes.” My mum _40_me. “ But, Mum! I want to get the whole set, _41_ all the Boston players.” Mum said, “ Write the _42_ neatly, so that it gets to the right place.” When I finished, I put the envelope in the _43_ the next day. Each day after, I d ask, “ Mum, did it come yet? ” “ Michael, we just mailed it off. Be _44_. ” A week later, when I opened the door, on the table was a brown _45_ addressed to me. My heart skipped a beat. It was the first mail I ever _46_. Inside was a photo waiting for my _47_ hands to take out. I _48_ the envelope, ran to my room, and opened it with shaking hands. There it was. I did get a _49_ of the Bruins highest scorer-Phil Esposito. For weeks, I had cleaned the hockey field. In the _50_ of collecting the photos, I was making the field a _51_ place. Every week, I received an envelope. My collection _52_. If I received a photo I already had, I d take it to school and share with best school friends. My collection was _53_ when the hockey season drew to a close. I was so _54_ to have all the photos of the Boston Bruins. I now still have those photos. As I look through them, I think the photos are my _55_. And I understand: if you want something, you have to be dedicated (投入的 ), and you have to work for it. 36. A. found B. borrowed C. mailed D. unfolded 37. A. stamp B. note C. advertisement D. notice 38. A. ordinary B. unforgettable C. original D. favorite 39. A. making B. buying C. drawing D. sticking 40. A. scolded B. praised C. suggested D. informed 41. A. totally B. briefly C. simply D. especially 42. A. homework B. address C. sentence D. number 43. A. drawer B. schoolbag C. mailbox D. cupboard 44. A. positive B. generous C. patient D. silent 45. A. envelope B. parcel C. toy D. case 46. A. posted B. invited C. prepared D. received 47. A. frozen B. eager C. painful D. dirty 48. A. caught B. left C. tore D. threw 49. A. signature B. request C. performance D. picture 50. A. face B. process C. light D. form 51. A. richer B. noisier C. cleaner D. larger 52. A. remained B. increased C. disappeared D. improved 53. A. complete B. limited C. available D. different 54. A. concerned B. calm C. curious D. proud 55. A. choice B. success C. reward D. skill 第三部分:阅读理解 (共 20 小题:每小题 2分, 共 40 分) A A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds: “ What does love mean?” The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think: “ When my grandmother got arthritis ( 关节炎 ), she couldn t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That s love.” Rebecca, age 8 “ Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.” Chrissy, age 6 “ Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip (一小口 ) before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.” Danny, age 7 “ Love is when you tel l a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day. ” Noelle, age 7 “ My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.” Clare, age 6 “ Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than David Beckham. ” Chris, age 7 Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four-year-old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the m an cry, the little boy went into the old gentlemans yard, climbed onto his lap ( 膝盖 ), and just sat there. When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, “ Nothing, I just helped him cry. ” 56. The childrens answers are mainly based on _. A. their own stories B. their family stories C. what happened around them D. how they viewed people around them 57. How manychildren s answers describe a happy marriage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 58. According to Leo Buscaglia, the four-year-old boy_. A. cheered his neighbor up in a unique way B. gave love a special definition C. comforted his neighbor in the most caring way D. had a good understanding of his neighbor s sadness 59. What is the purpose of writing the text? A. To report a survey. B. To explain the meaning of love. C. To report a contest. D. To show children s loveliness. B No poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed“, until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it. All discussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally , the most telling “interpretation(解释 )“ of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once. Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice, on records or on film, is obviously a special reward. But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting( 背诵 )it. I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing“ it, if there isn't time for both. I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is “a criticism of life“, and “a heightening (提升 ) of life“. It is “an approach to the truth of feeling“, and it “can save your life“. It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies. I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry. Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else. But those, who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its esse ntial nature, about its sound as well as its sense, and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it. 60. According to the text, to have a better understanding of a poem, the best way is_. A. to hear it read out B. to analyze it by oneself C. to discuss it with others k D. to practise reading it aloud 61. The best explanation for the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 should be_. A. students should read the poem at the end of poem class B. we should end the analyzing of the poem by reading it aloud C. sometimes the sound of the poem represents the meaning of it D. we feel the original meaning of the author by hearing the poem read loud after discussion 62. What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply? A. The teaching of poetry should h ave been much more stressed. B. One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry. C. Poetry is the foundation of all language and literature courses. D. The teaching of poetry is more important than the teaching of any other subject. 63. The phrase “ make room ” in the last paragraph could be best replaced by _ A. “ provide equipment”B. “ leave a certain amount of time” C. “ set aside enough space” D. “ build a booth” C Best of News Design The competition invites entries from all magazines and newspapers-daily or non-daily-publis hed anywhere in the world. How to Enter Best of News Design TM Creative Competition is held each year. The Call for Entries is published in print and online in November of the competition year. Printed copies of the Call for Entries are mailed in November to anyone who needs a copy. Or, get a PDF copy of the Call for Entries in English here. Later this month Society of News Design (SND) will post copies of the Call for Entries in French, German, and Russian as well. Each entry requires a small entry fee, paid in U.S. dollars. Entry Deadlines Entries from publications in the United States must be received at Syracuse (N.Y.) University no later than Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2015. Entries frompublications outside the United States must be received at Syracuse (N.Y.) University no later than Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2015. SND will inform winners by e-mail or U.S. mail beginning Saturday, March 1, 2015.Also, SND will list the names of winners on this website in early mid-March. Don t forget to check out our web coverage of judging beginning Saturday, Feb. 8, 2015. Be the first to know what s happening in Syracuse. Winners Newspapers that win Award of Excellence, Silver Medal, Gold Medal, JudgesSpecial Recognition or Best in Show honors receive recognition in several ways: ? Each winner receives a certificate( 证书 ). ? A picture of the winning newspaper and the names of winners are published in the book, “ The Best of News Design TM” . ? One picture of the winning entry, along with the names of winners and other information, are published on www.snd.org. ? SND publishes a piece of news showing the results of each year s competition. 64. What do we know about the competition? A. It is designed for the U.S. print industry. B. It has language requirements. C. It is a yearly event. D. It costs too much. 65. If the New York Times wants to join in the competition, whats the closing date for entries? A. March 1, 2015. B. Feb. 8, 2015. C. Jan. 22, 2015. D. Jan. 15, 2015. 66. The winners of the competition will_. A. show their certificates online B. have their names recorded in a book C. get an advertisement page in a newspaper D. make a public appearance at a news conference D 67. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 indicates that _. A. you may do what you want to do B. you had better not copy others C. you should have a goal D. you may have different ideas 68. It seems that the writer s dreams and visions became a reality because the writer _. A. had put something magic in the letter B. could foresee what would happen C. was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter D. took what was written in the letter as a guide in life 69. According to the writer, “ Lesl


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