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    1 CONTRACT FOR SALE / PURCHASE OF OPPER CATHODES 99.975-99.99% SELLER CONTRACT NUMBER:JH/CU/03/09 卖方合约号:JH/CU/03/09 This contract is for the purchase and sale of COPPER CATHODES 99.975-99.99% and is to be circulated and is only for the purpose of this transaction only. 此合同是用于电解铜99.975-99.99%的购买和销售,并只能用于以这次交易为目的。 This agreement is made and entered into on this day of xxth xx,2009 此合同订于2009年月日 THE SELLER:卖方 COMPANY公司名: ADDRESS地址: Phone 电话: Fax 传真: Cphone 手机: Email 电邮地址: THE BUYER:买方 COMPANY公司名: ADDRESS地址: Phone电话: Fax 传真: Cphone 手机: Email邮址: Whereas: The Seller with full corporate authority to sell, make an Irrevocable Firm commitment under penalty of perjury to sell and deliver a total of 3,000 Metric tons monthly of Copper Cathodes (Total quantity is 36,000MT)Grade A Standard Cu-Cathod-1, Cu purity 99.975-99.99% Minimum (hereafter the Product) as more fully described in Article 03 herein. 有全部的法人职权的卖方,在对诈骗的惩罚下,做出了这个不可取消的承诺:每月出售和运至 总共3,000吨的电解铜(总量36,000公吨),级,标准Cu-Cathode-1, 最低铜纯度 99.975-99.99%(此后简称产品为货物),具体描述在条款03 (Article 03) 中 Whereas: The Seller and Buyer agree to honor this contract under the following terms and conditions: 因此,卖方特此证明和保证他将履行这份合同中的义务,并在规定时间内按这份合同中提到的 2 条件并签名同意的产品。 UNDERSTAND AND AGREED理解和同意的 Seller is herein committed to sell and deliver Product and the Buyer agrees to buy Copper Cathodes 99.975-99.99% purity in accordance with the specification in article no 3 of this Agreement. 卖方特此许诺销售和运送产品,并且,买方同意购买电解铜,含量99.975-99.99%, 根据条 款 03 的详述。 ARTICLE 01: OBJECT: 物品 A. NAME OF COMMODITY : Copper Cathode Electrolytic grade“ A” 货物名称:电解铜, “A” 级 B. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : Democratic Republic Of Congo either representative of SGS or compatible World Class Inspection Institution shall at the port of discharge, confirm in writing as per a qualified and Authorized Certificate Grade A standard Cu Cathode-1, Cu purity 99.975% minimum as per the terms and conditions stipulated here in. The Buyer is entitled to have the above Product inspected and checked by ClQ at his own Cost after each arrival of the product at the port of destination,if the inspected quality of the product at the port of destination is different from the quality stated in this contract or the SGS,the Seller shall be notified in writing promptly.The commodity inspection certificate by ClQ will be the final bank payment documentary and will be the final certification of the quality and quantity. 铜品位完全符合99.975-99.99,每份检验证书必须由有信誉和双方可接受的测验机 构在装船港检测。在装货港必须有SGS 代表到场,并签署铜Cu Cathode-I A 级证书,根据 双方的商定,铜最低含量为99.975。如果在卸货港的货物质量检查结果不同于在这份合同 中声明的质量或SGS结果,买方应尽快地以书面形式通知卖方。买方有权在卸货港自费邀请 CIQ 进行商检,该CIQ 商检证书作为每批电解铜最终的质量和重量凭证,也是最终的银行议付 依据。 The Buyer and Seller will try in good faith to reach a mutually agreed determination of the result of the final assay on each shipment. If it is mutually determined between the parties that the delivered products does not confirm to the specification set forth in this contract, then the unit price and value of this contract shall be subject to downgrade according to the final inspection result at 4 the port of destination. The buyer has the right to reject receiving the goods in this contract if the copper purity is below on 99.975%. The result of inspection signed by CIQ at the unloading port should be final. 买卖双方应在互相信任的前提下,共同确认每笔货物的最后化验结果。检验品位以到港CIQ 检测数据为准,如果铜的品质低于99.975,买方有权拒收。如果经双方共同核准:到港货 物确实与合同所说的品位不符,那么货物的单价和整个合同的总价值应该依据到货港的最后检 验结果来协商降价。 For buyer, failure to send the CIQ Inspection Certification documents to Seller s and Buyer s bank within 10 banking days, will entail penalties at the rate of 0.2% (point two percent) of the value of the shipment every day. The total value of the penalties cannot exceed 2% (two percent) of the value of the shipment at which time full breech is declared automatically. 买方要在货物抵达目的港后10 个工作日内把CIQ 检验报告发送至卖方与买方银行,否则 买方每延迟一天将按该批货物总价值的0.2 补偿 , 但补偿总额不得超过该批货物总价值的2% If there is any deviation found between SGS and CIQ, will consider the authenticity of the inspection of CIQ. 如 SGS 与 CIQ 检验结果不一致,以CIQ 检验结果为准。 Please note that the inspection by SGS at the loading port is the sole responsibility of the Seller for all the expenses incurred. The inspection by CIQ at the discharge port is the sole responsibility of the buyer for all the expenses incurred. 请注意所有在装货港的SGS 检验费用都应由卖方独自承担。所有在到货港的CIQ 检验费 用都应由买方独自承担。 Inspection Certificate at destination port and all necessary documents are final Document for Payment against Letter of Credit Transfer . 在目的港的检测证书及所有其他必须文件是用L/C方式付账的最终凭证。 PENALTY - INSPECTION处罚条款 To complete the contract normally for seller and buyer: 在买卖双方在正常履行合同过程中: For seller, failure to deliver full quantity within extended period will entail penalties at the rate of 0.2% (point two percent) of the value of the shipment every day. The total value of the penalties cannot exceed 2% (two percent) of the value of the undelivered goods at which time full breech is declared automatically. 卖方不应擅自耽误供货,否则,每迟延一天交货,按该批迟延船运货物总价值的0.2 处 罚, 但总罚金不得超过该批货物总价值的2% 。 For buyer, failure to issue 100% letter of credit for the next shipment within extended period will entail penalties at the rate of 0.15% (point two percent) of 5 the value of the shipment every day. The total value of the penalties cannot exceed 2% (two percent) of the value of the shipment at which time full breech is declared automatically. ARTICLE 04: PACKING, MARKING, FORWARDING报装,标记,转交 1.The Goods are to be packed in a way that guarantees safety of the Copper Cathodes 99.975-99.99% during transportation. Seller sends the Copper Cathodes99.975-99.99% packed by the Manufacturer according to Manufacturer s specifications in plastic or aluminum palletsand finally container load in 20” container. 在运输时,卖方保证是安全包装99.975-99.99电解铜的,最终将货物装入20 英尺集 装箱中(用塑料或鋁合金板包装的)。 2.Each package has to contain the following information:每份装箱必需包括以下 信息 - Number of the Contract;合约号码 - Destination point;目的地 - Consignee details;收件人详细情况 - Number of a bundle;捆的数量 - Weight Gross;毛重 - Weight Net.净重 - Inspection by SGS and sealed by SGS :SGS 执行此封存的检验结果 ARTICLE 05: PRODUCT SALES, PRICE 更换拥有权的证书 4.Certificate of Weight and Quality issued by manufacturer;生产厂家的质量 和重量证书 5.Certificate of Origin, issued by Local Government;产地国政府发的产地证书 6.Export Permit Certificate from the country of Origin;从产地国出产出口许 可证 7.Assay Certificate duly signed by Office Local Goverment;由当地政府 发的 并正式签字的检测证书. 8.Shipping Company verified statement confirming that the age of carrying vessel does Not exceed twenty (20) years;货运公司证明装载船只的年龄不超过20 年 9.Beneficiary certificate confirming that copies of all shipment dates were sent to Buyers Bank and the Hard Copies have been sent by (DHL) or similar courier. 1/3 set of original clean on board Ocean Bill of Lading and other 9 declaration documents at the destination port should be sent tp the buyer by the DHL. 收益人证书,确认所有货运文件被发至买家的银行,1/3正本提单及其他目的港报关 所需文件被通过国际快递送到,如DHL 。 10. Packing List showing Contract No. Seal No. Container No. Gross Net weight and number of ocean bill of lading;包装单,包括合同号,封条号,集 装箱号,净全重,和海运单号。 11. The certificate,which prove the quantity and quality complying with the specification in contract, issued by by SGS in the Seller loading port 发货港 SGS 质量、重量检测证书。 All documents must be in English.所有文件必须用英文。 Third Party documents are acceptable except the Original INVOICE AND PACKING LIST. Documents dated prior to letter of credit date and generated computer-generated documents or copies are not accepted. 第三方的文件可以接受,除了商业收据原件和包装单。L/C开起日期之前和电脑产生的 文件或附件不可接收。 ARTICLE 08: PRODUCT DELIVERY AND BASIS OF DELIVERY PRODUCT DELIVERY:产品运送和基本条件 A)The total quantity to be shipped and delivered is 3,000 MT (Metric tons). The first shipment is to be the last day of shipment within 45(+5) days after receipt of the Buyers Financial instrument (LC) at the Seller s bank. Later on there should be oneshipment each 30 days. 每船总货运量是3 ,000吨。第一船货物必须在卖方银行收到买方的金融担保(L/C) 后的 45 天(允许延迟5 天)之内运到目地港。以后每30 天到货一船。 B)The Sellers is obliged to and shall inform the Buyers in writing, about its readiness to Deliver the product immediately prior to the actual delivery of the product at the port of Shipment. 在正式发货之前,卖方必须将在发货港的准备情况以书面形式通知买方。 C)The Buyer JUN come to the port of Shipment to verify the Copper Cathodes after signing the contract and issue of operative L/C of the Contract value. 买方可以在签完合同和开出100%价值的 L/C后到发货港来验货 D)The Seller has the right to deliver the Copper Cathodes 99.975-99.99% before and only upon written confirmation of acceptance by the Buyer. 卖方有权在接到买方的接收条件的书面证明之后运送电解铜99.975%-99.99% E)Shipment shall be made immediately after the Buyers Final confirmation 货运必须在买方的最后确认后立即执行。 BASIS OF DELIVERY:基本条件 10 The Sellers will pay all charges at the loading port. All charges at Buyer s destination Port will be born by the Buyers. The date of the bill of lading shall be considered the date of lifting and delivery to the Port shipment, the Bill of lading will be issue in two or three days after the departure of the vessel. 卖方将付在装载港的所有费用。在下货港的所有费用由买方负责。装载清单的日期应被视为 在装货港装货和送货的日期。装载清单必须在船离港后2 至 3 天内开出。 The Sellers shipment agent should organize / complete the shipment as the term of the contract.卖方的货运代理应按合同规定组织并完成货运。 ARTICLE 09: BANKING INFORMATION银行信息 SELLER:卖方 Bank 银行名称 Address 地址W Country payment risk is assumed by the confirming bank. 确认信用证信用证保兑银行已经以信用证为信用证的全部条款保证支付;保兑银行以支 付风险。 E) FINAL SALES AND PURCHASE CONTRACT: This document will be issued upon Buyer and Seller final agreement of the terms and conditions of the draft contract. By initiating, signing and sealing this documents both parties stat with full corporate authority, certifies ,represents and warrants tat each can fulfill the requirements of this agreement and respectively provide the products and the funds referred to herein, in time and under the terms agreed. 最后的购销合约这份数据将发给买方与卖方最后的草约的条款和协议。透过起动,用充 分的共同的权力签署和密封这份数据双方统计数据,证明,描述,保证每一个能满足这项 协议的要求并且分别提供产品,资金及在那些条件下同意。 F) INCOTERMS-2000: Incoterms are standard trade definitions most commonly used in internal sales contracts http:/www/iccwho.org/incoterms/understanding.asp. INCOTERMS-2000国际贸易术语解释通则在最通常使用的标准定义贸易在内部销售合 约内 http:/www/iccwho.org/incoterms/understanding.asp 2% PERFORMANCE BOND This type of irrevocable special credit will undertake payment in the event of Buyer certifying that the Seller failed to perform in accordance with the terms of a commercial contract or failed to perform to the satisfaction of the Buyer. Payment will be made to Buyer unconditionally without recourse to Seller and against a certificate from the Buyer stating that the Seller has failed to perform. 2% 的履约保函- 这类不能取消的特定信用证如果发生证明卖方不能执行买方所承担支 付,根据一个商业合约的条件或者不能满意买方。款项将无条件不依靠卖方和依照一份 证明书从买方说明卖方已经不能满意被支付给买方。 SGS (SOCIETE GENERAL DE SURVEILLANCE): Inspection service/ inspects and verifies the quantity, weight and quality of traded goods. Inspections typically take place at Load Port. SGS 服务检查 / 证实检查并且那些数量,重量和质量的交易货物。检查通常在装载港口进 行。 17 ARTICLE 22: GOVERNING LAW管辖法律 This contract shall be governed and construed by the laws of the state of Seller or Buyers. The Buyer and Seller shall retain one original signed copy of this agreement. 卖方或者买方的管辖法律将管理并且解释这份合约。签署这项合同协议,买方与卖方将各保留 一个正本。 In witness whereof this contract is made in duplicate on 2009and the duly authorized representatives of the Seller and the Buyer having signed on this day. 以资证明这份合同被在这2009年月日一式两份签订,以及按时授权的卖方代表和买方 已经在今天上签字。 (中英文英语有语法的失误等以中文为主) Both the Buyer and the Seller retained two signed 买方和卖方在此留下签名 SELLER: 卖方BUYER:买方 Signature签名Signature 簽名 Dated: (MM)& (DD), 2008 Dated: _ (MM)& _(DD) ,2009 End of document


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