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    1 灵感与创意的结晶,用颇具雕塑感的外表演绎出现代美之内涵,并且保持人体工学理论 的元素。 2 完美的手工,典雅别致的设计和不断提升的品质,赢得各方青睐,赞誉四起。 3 大自然资源丰富蕴藏无限生机,也赋予了设计师独特的灵感;脱胎于自然的本质,转化 家具之中的一样角色。 4 梦的季节,天真奇幻,红白争艳,无处不露盛华人的创意风采。 5 简约、时尚、经典瞬间铸成,彰显生活的惬意质感,弹奏一首和谐的前卫之歌,在梦中 静静的品位永恒的艺术 6 设计前卫时尚,色彩鲜艳,个性鲜明,为阁下的起居室注入活力动感的元素。 7 在都市生活的紧张、喧嚣中,我们太需要一块宁静的小天地来澄清心灵了,有时候,就 是需要那样一种朴实透露理性与静思的生活态度。 8 生活在喧闹的都市中,向往一份简单、自然与纯净。明亮、温馨、简洁的线条,仿若海 上翻起的阵阵碎浪。涤荡着世间的一切烦杂。拥有一个诗意的卧室,感受潮起潮落的惬 意。 9 生活的真谛,艺术的气质,是我们阐述的主题。感谢您对我们品牌的信任和支持,不 断创新,我们会以更好的产品回报于社会。 10面对温馨的家, 从容自信于心底长腾而起,也许生活中太多的感动来自于这样平凡 的家。 11以人为本的设计理念,崇尚视觉与触觉的完美结合,难以觉察的精巧细节,透出优 雅与高贵。 12 重访经典、缤纷色彩、创新追求=唯快乐主义,别处有家园。 It is heavy to visit the classic, riotours color and set up to pursue=but happy doctrine, there is home another place. 炫目新品与媚惑之间的经典 Classical charm between brand-new and attractive. 2004家具的又一惊喜 2004,Another surprise to furniture profession. 美的凝聚与辐射 Mei de ning ju yu fu she. 传达个性生活,展现魅力自我。 她,向往自由地呼吸;她,喜欢自然的颜色。 思想顿悟时节传统思维汲取灵感进发一个眼色,即心领神会导致一个完美的合作,经得起岁月珍 藏。 In the time of free thoughes to seek inspiration in tradition and then understadns tacitly with a hint of a tip leading to one kind of perfect cooperation with years to enjoy. 简单之中蕴含精致,洒脱、雕琢之处不失简约。 It contain exquisite in being simple free and easy, place that chisel and carve lose brief. 极富创意的结构设计已令人叹为观止,在制作工艺上更值得您细细品味,从细节中您亦可得到产 品的品质和品味。 It is surprised to have sutructre desing.And the technology is while being appropriated .From the details,you can find out the quality and graceful taste of products. 提炼中西艺术精华,不经妆前的朴素,突破传统设计思维,展现合壁后优越气息,予人安定富足 感。 To absorb and purify the artistic soul of china and the western with simple simplicty, and breakthrough of traditonal deesign to demonstrate the spirit of combination and present sense of stability and affluence. 品味人生享受生活 To taste life and to enjoy life 时尚帮派的华丽传奇 Luxury Un Espace vivant pour Art comtemporain. 美丽可以如此自由 Inner beauty out beauty 时装家具的引导者 East red rose. 生活因我而精彩 Life becose wodnerful for the sake of your. 完美的手工,典雅别致的设计和不断提升的品质,赢得各方青睐,赞誉四起。 Due to perfect handicraft, elegant there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowing everywhere. 25、心与自然同在的时候, 我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极 力追求的。 Our mind will get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature, which is just the life style we are chasing. 26、昏黄与粉色调的交织,轻轻演绎永久不变的爱的主题。 The melt of slim yellow and pink is deducing the subject of love forever. 27、在所有诗意灵动的瞬间,内在的岁月之香,一一随风展开 At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind. 28、清枫家具独有的那一种与大自然相融的感觉,引领我们在轻盈的生命中 体验真实。 The sense melt with nature which grows in Plain Maple, leading us to experience the true meaning in the light-footed life. 29、关于家的记忆,起始于一个遥远的童话, 温暖,幸福。 The memories about home begin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate. 30、在温馨的家里,创造一种宁静与和谐,完成与自然的交融。 Create a kind of peace and harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination with nature. 31、家具也有自己的个性,在宁静的晨光与诗意的黄昏中与灵魂悄悄对话。 Furniture has its own character too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in the peaceful morning and poetic dusk. 32、清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。它是简单的,有一种淳 朴自然的气质。 Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us. It is simple, with a kind of simple and natural temperament. 33、在这纯洁的艺术空间里, 一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我 两忘的境界。 All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit. 34、生活,就是用一种最恰当的方式满足自己物质与精神的双重需求。 Life is to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kind of most felicitous way. 35、在现代居室里寻觅云高风清的淡泊,时光就在这一瞬定格。 Looking for the leisure mood in the modern room, time is settled at the moment. 36、阳光不经意间坠落,一室的清辉便浮动起来。 The sunshine falls casually, all the slight brightness are floating in the room. 、阳光轻轻洒进温暖居室的一角,她是那样匆匆, 但还是被我捕捉到了 她的美丽身影。 Sunshine slides into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still. 38、典雅的色彩与温柔的质感,将现代家居的舒适与完美概括成一种简洁、 雅致。 Graceful colors and gentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modern house to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity. 39、时光的舞姿如此绚丽地呈现,如同看到了梦幻的颜色, 被珍藏在温柔的 空间里。 The gesture of time is shown so colorfully, which is just like the color of dream and treasured in the warm space. 40、生活中的那一份悠游自在,在每天的梦想里回旋。 Ease and comfort in the life lingering in the dreams every day. 41、拥有一个具有时尚艺术感的家园是我们一贯的追求。 It is our long-term pursuit to have the artistichouse. 、时尚元素与精致美感的完美结合,体现非同一般的艺术感受。 The perfect combination of vogue elements anddelicate essence displays the uncommon and artisticsense. 43 完美的空间能够记住所有幸福的片断,让人在四季的悠闲时光中慢慢回味。 We can remember all the happy snippet in theelegant space, which can let us taste them slowly in the leisuretimes. 44 渴望自然的灵魂总是在每个黄昏变得沉静起来,静听四面的天籁之音,和着 心灵的交响。 The spirit longing for nature becomes quiet inevery dusk, listening to the sound of nature from every corneraround with the symphony of heart. 45 自由的感受始终源于内心的深处,而置身于完美的空间,将所有的情绪沉浸 在意象的国度里。 The feeling of freedom comesfrom the deep heart. Staying in the perfect space, all the emotionis flying the imagination kingdom. 46 极简主义有一种原始的神秘美感,真实,自由,没有任何雕饰的繁琐。 Simplicity has an original andmysterious beauty, which is true and free, without anydecorations. 47 完美的家居视觉感受到处充满活力,如同挥之不去的精灵,游荡在阳光的明 媚里。 The perfect visual feeling ofhouse is full of energy, just like angels flying in the air and thesun. 48 渴望心与自然的距离一再接近,渴望自然的拥抱,在它温柔的气息里慢慢沉 醉。 Wish the distance of heart andnature more and more close, wish to be embraced by nature, where wecan be drunk in its warm atmosphere slowly. 49 清枫的世界宛若一个艺术的殿堂,将所有与艺术有关的因子细心珍藏。 The world of Plain Maple isjust like an artistic museum, where we can treasure all the thingsabout art carefully. 50 宁静而高贵的色彩,散发着木质的芬芳,将自然的传说写进心的家园。 Quiet and noble colors aregiving out fragrance of wood, which brings talesabout nature to the house of heart. 51 细腻的线条,优雅的结构,塑造不同一般的居室美感。 The exquisite lines and elegantstructures form the uncommon beauty of house. 52 兼顾了实用性与舒适性,独特的、人性化的结构使人完全沉醉于休闲与娱乐 时光而没有丝毫疲累。 Considering the function andcomfort, special and humanistic structure will make you indulge inthe leisure and enjoyment without any tiring feeling. 53 有淡淡的花香在空气里四溢,有缥缈的光影在空气里流淌,诗意的空间在每 一天的温柔时光中将我们拥抱。 Slight fragrance is floating inthe air, misty light is flowing in the space, so we will beembraced in the poetic space in every gentle moment. 54 艺术与生活本是植根于同一片土地,自由交流,没有阻隔,我们的思想也正 是如此。 Art and life has the samesource, interacting freely with no hindrance, ourmind is just like this. 55. 在都市中体味山野的无限宁静,是一种最流行的惬意! Tasting the unlimited wildpeace in the city is the most popular comfort. 56 追求美感的本身亦是一种非凡的享受,因为这中间包含着我们创造性的发现。 The progress of purchasingbeauty can become a kind of extraordinary enjoyment because itincludes our creative discovery. 57 如今,人性化的关怀越来越倾向于自然,即在自我的空间,身心完全放松, 不受到任何外界的纷扰。 Today, the humanistic care areturning to nature, which is relax yourselves completely in your ownspace, escaping from the disturbance of the outer world. 58 简洁而精致的,简单而快乐的,简明而富有美感的,其实生活就是这样摆脱 所有的喧嚷,达到一种纯精神的境界。 Pure but delicate, simple buthappy, bright but colorful. In fact our life can break off all thenoise as this, and reach a spiritual state. 59 我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多 的体现人性关怀。 We are considering the depth oflife with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with theartistic meaning. 60 对于线条和光的运用,我们一直谨慎把握,力争从每个角度体现不同的结构 美。 Regard to the application oflines and light, we always hold it carefully and try to display theaesthetic feeling of structure from every angle. 61 外在的质地与内在的气韵浑然一体,将时尚的品位之尊完美体现。 External quality combining withinherent grace, the fashionable taste are perfectlydisplayed. 62 徘徊在一方居室里,常常感觉忘却了时间,忘却了季节,只记得那温柔的时 刻那样易逝。 Lingering in our own room, weoften forget time and season, only remember the gentle moment,which can quickly disappear. 63 我们一直在寻求新的艺术与生活的表达方式,尽可能将它的抽象美转化为具 象的实在。 We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things. 64 尽管极致之美是无法达到的,但我们一直把它作为我们的精神目标乃至一种 信仰。 Although perfection isdifficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritualpursuit and even a belief. 65. 质感温润的白枫木,精工制作的辅助材料,典雅、健康,自然,写尽现代家 居的诗意。 Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fullyexpress the poetic style of modern living. 66. 白天的每一刻思绪与心情都是浑浊的,它需要更多的沉淀与调和,让我们品 味幸福与快乐的味道。 The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need more deposition andconsonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness. 67. 无论心情怎样漂泊,总有一些东西可以让我们着陆,在某个刹那,当思念闪 过,希望会有最真实的寄托。 No matter how vagabond ourheart are, there are always some things on which we can land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing ispassing. 68. 生活风格的变化在这里有着鲜明而完整的体现, 万般色彩在这里得到淋漓尽 致的挥洒。 The changes of life style canbe shown brightly and perfectly here, all colors can be brandishedcompletely here too. 69. 客厅应该是这样的一个建筑,不但能够满足基本的生活需求,而且要能充分 享受自然。 Living room is an architecturewhich can not only meet the basic need of life, but can enjoynature adequately. 70. 一切气息都幻化成了悄无声息的因子,在记忆的深处潜滋暗长,一切就这样 简单而诗意,和谐而亲切。 All breaths are changed intothe silent things which grow stealthily in the deep memory. Allthese are so simple and poetry, harmonious and kindly. 71. 闭上眼,寻找一片森林,一个永远洒满阳光,永远有湖水、绿地的诗境,撇 开人群、都市的拥挤,撇开一切的喧扰。 Close your eyes, look for aforest, a place full of sunshine and poetic conception around withlake, greenbelt, which can seclude yourself from the crowded peopleand city, and all the tumult. 72. 避开这纷扰,只需要一个理由,忘却一切刻意的安排,让自己在烦乱的世界 里保持几分清醒与宁静。 We only need one excuse toavoid the disturbance around, forgetting all the specialmanagement, and holding some clear and peace in theworld. 73. 雅致、个性、简约、实用。设计者旨在于以一种完美的诗意思维来装点个人 的宁静空间。 Elegant, unique, simple andpractical. The designers hope to decorate your peaceful space witha kind of perfect poetic thought. 74时间就是生命,奋斗体现价值。我们不愿耽误任何时间,总是埋头在自己的岗位上。因 为我们拥有永恒的信念、明确的目标。 The time is a life, struggles to manifest the value. We are not willing to delay any time, always earnestly on own post. Because we have the eternal faith, the explicit goal. 75我们相信团队的力量,一加一永远大于二。我们分工明确,各司其职。我们拥有共同的 理想。 We believe the team the strength, as soon as adds one forever is bigger than two. We divide the work are clear, perform its own functions. We have the common ideal. 76.岁月蹉跎,走过的依然是美丽的回忆;人生浮沉,得失的依然是宝贵的经 验; 坚如磐石地守候一份不变的情感。 一如我们为您精心制造的折叠门系列配件: 经得起时间的考验! Waste time in the years, walk through of still is a beautiful recollection; The life floats to sink, the gain and loss is still precious experience; I am hard to stay and wait a constant emotion such as the huge rock ground. Make with meticulous care for you just as us of fold a series accessories: Withstand a horary test! 77.人生的一道风景,是您心灵的洗礼,家里的一道风景,是您驱逐疲劳的一 隅,每天一支哗啦哗啦的悦耳歌曲,为您洗尽铅华,享受生活!而默默地在风景 背后伴奏的是我们为您家淋浴房精心制造的淋浴房系列配件默默相伴,从不 计较名利与荣誉! A kind of scenery of life is the baptism of your mind, a kind of scenery of home is you drive out a corner of the fatigue, everyday a pleasing song for you wash cosmetics to the utmost and enjoy life! and silently what to accompany is the shower bathroom series accessories that we take a shower bathroom to make with meticulous care for your house in the scenery back-silent and concomitant, never object fame and wealth and the honor! 家具画册文案清枫系列 2009-05-08 10:31 清枫系列文案 、行走在他人的城市,美丽,是我一个人的孤独。独自面对这份尊贵,思 念的茧,慢慢长出温暖。 Walking in the city of others, beauty is my own loneliness. Facing the nobleness myself, warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing. 、 卸下一身的城市浮华, 轻轻地把心交给美丽的家, 终于可以休息一下了。 Demount all the luxury of city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you can have a good rest. 、宽大而简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的身体完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的气息, 又渐渐苏醒过来。 My busy body is lost completely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is dreary all the day comes to itself gradually. 、冲一杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间里享受一个人的惬意。 Get a cup of coffee with original taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the pure space. 、清新的花儿,静立在圆几上,绽放着自我的美丽。 The clean flowers stand on the circular table silently, opening its own beauty. 、摊开我最珍爱的杂志, 跳跃在白枫立橱上的几道光线,陪我度过又一个 简单的午后。 Unfolding my most precious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maple cabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon. 、轻柔的音乐在宽大的房间里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,弥漫出 淡淡的味道。 The soft music is convoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on the ingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor. 、在最心爱的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天来最大的幸福。 Having the delicious dinner on the most precious table is the biggest happiness all the day. 、装饰简洁清雅的书房,延伸着我感性的触角。在这个灵性的空间里,把 我孤独的灵魂放飞。 The studying room with simple and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna. I can fly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space. 、在这里,自然可以被赋予一种颜色,一种思想,一种境界。 Nature can be endowed by a kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind of conception. 、构造简洁典雅的转角书柜,蕴藏着古朴的纯粹,完美我的精神寓所。 The turning-angel bookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorial pureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit. 、静聆人生絮语,轻抚岁月脚步,感悟属于自己的完美空间,心灵也就 轻盈起来了。 Listening to the words of life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting the perfect space belong to you, then the heart will be light-hearted. 13、在每一个清晨, 安静地享受家的温暖与诗意,生活中最美的细节总是这 样令人陶醉。 Enjoying the warmth and poetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in the life are always so charming. 14、清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。 The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life. 15、枫木的原始清香,在现代家居的优雅中四处漫溢。 The original fragrant of maple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room. 16、清雅的色彩与结构, 在纷繁的世界里, 焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生 命力。 The clean and elegant color and structure coruscate the unique expressive force and permanent life. 17、用艺术的思维凝结生活的感动,家也可以拥有如此生动的自由。 Coagulating the movement of life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the lively freedom also. 18、都市的温情, 又融入大自然的朴质, 使现代家具呈现出一种独特的人文 情怀。 The warmth of city melted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture take on an unique humanism care. 19、给自己的居室多一点光亮, 不仅是对身心健康的保护, 更是彰显生活品 位的完美装饰。 Giving your room more light is not only to protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life. 20、 华美的客厅洋溢着娴静优美的气息, 素洁轻盈的色线营造着浪漫的情趣。 生活,本就该如此无拘无束。 The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste. Life should be so free inward. 21、在这宁静的时刻追忆似水流年,有太多的东西需要在内心里仔细珍藏, 有太多的东西需要我们细细品味。 Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly. 22、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让 你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。 The understanding of the color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. However, you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to real life. 23、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具, 将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。 Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous movement of life slowly! 24、面对四季的窗口,总有春暖花开的遐想,有一丝清风扑面而来,有几缕 馨香四处飘逸。 When facing the windows in every season, we can not help imagining the flowers in the spring; there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowing everywhere. 25、心与自然同在的时候, 我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极 力追求的。 Our mind will get the se


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