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    人教版小学四年级英语下册unit2 What time is it单元测试卷1带答案.doc

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    人教版小学四年级英语下册unit2 What time is it单元测试卷1带答案.doc

    人教版小学四年级英语下册unit2 What time is it单元测试卷1带答案Listening Part(30)一、根据录音内容选择你所听到的答案,并把序号填入题前括号内。(7.5)( ) 1. A.go home B.go to bed C.go to school( ) 2. A.lunch B.breakfast C.dinner( ) 3. A.ready B.read C.write( ) 4. A.hurry B.library C.worry ( ) 5. A.sister B.over C.there 二、根据录音内容,判断下面句子与录音内容是(T)否(F)相符。(7.5) ( ) 1.Its 7:30. Its time to get up.( ) 2.Its 4:45. Its time to go home.( ) 3.Is it 7:00 now? Yes, it is.( ) 4.What time is it? Its 11:10.( ) 5.Time to go to bed . Its 9:15.三、听录音,根据录音内容写出正确时间。(7.5)四、根据录音内容,在句子的空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整。(每空一词)(7.5) Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock , Its 9:45. Its time for . Its 11:05 . Its time for .Its 2:50. Its time for . Its 4:20. Its time for .Writing Part(70)一、用英语写出下面房间的门牌号.(10)1268317549 二、看一看,选出正确答案。(12)( ) 1.Time for P.E. A.Hand in the homework.( ) 2.Time to go to the garden. B.Draw a tree.( ) 3.Time for lunch. C.Jump and run.( ) 4.Time to go to the library. D.Have some chicken.( ) 5.Time for English. E.Drink some milk.( ) 6.Time to go to the teachers office.F.Water the flowers.( ) 7.Time for breakfast. G.Read and write.( ) 8.Time to go to the art room. H.Read a book.三、 选词填空。(7.5)( )1.School over. Lets go to the playground.A.am B.is C.are( )2.Lets go home! Just minute.A.a B.the C.an( )3.Its 7:05. Its time school.A.to B.to go C.to go to ( )4. Its 6:30 . Its time dinner. A.for B.to C.have( )5. Its 6:00 in the morning. Its time to . A. get up B.go to bed C. go home.四、把单词按“e”的不同发音分类.(8) ( desk egg she me pen he these get )1.we: 2.bed: 五、请给问语选择合适的答语。(7.5)( )1.What time is it ? A.Yes ,it is .( )2.Where is your classroom? B.Its on the first fllor.( )3.Lets run. C.Its 10:30.( )4.Do you have a library? D.Yes ,I do. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/( )5.Is this your schoolbag? E.OK.六、连词成句。(7.5)1.play Lets football(.) 2.watch TV to time Its(.) 3.is now it What time(?) 4.oclock Its eleven(.) 5.for Its dinner time(.) 七、阅读小短文,选择正确答案。(7.5) My name is Jenny. Im a student. I get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7 oclock. Now, its 7:30. Its time to go to school. Its 9:45. Its time for P.E class. My P.E teacher is Mr.White.( )1. Its . Its time to getup. A.eight oclock B.six oclock C.six fifteen( )2. She goes to school at . A. seven thirty B. seven oclock C. seven twenty ( )3. Its 9:45. Its time for . A.breakfast B.computer class C.P.E class ( )4.Whos her P.E teacher? A. Miss Liu B.Miss white C.Mr.white( )5.What is Jenny? Shes a .A.teacher B.student C.farmer 八、仿照例句,写句子。(10) What time is it ?例句: Its six oclock . Its time for dinner. lunch 1. P.E. class 2. 听力答案:一、 听音选择正确答案。1、go home 2、breakfast 3、ready 4、hurry 5、over (A B A A B)二、听句子判断正误。 1.Its 6:30. Its time to get up. 2.Its 4:45. Its time to go home. 3.Is it 10:00 now? Yes, it is. 4.What time is it? Its 7:10. 5.Time to go to bed . Its 9:15.(F T F F T)三、 听音,写出正确时间。1、4:35 2、9:30 3、2:50 4、10:20 5、12:00四、 听音写单词。Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock , Its 9:45. Its time for Chinese class . Its 11:05 . Its time for math. Its 2:50. Its time for English . Its 4:20. Its time for music .笔试答案:一、 用英语写出下列房间号.1、three one seven 2、five four nine 3、one two six eight二、 看一看,选出正确答案。1、C 2、F 3、D 4、H 5、G 6、A 7、E 8、B三、 选词填空。1、B 2、A 3、C 4、A 5、A四、把单词按“e”的不同发音分类.1.we: me she he these 2.bed: desk pen egg get五、请给问语选择合适的答语。1、C 2、B 3、E 4、D 5、A六、连词成句。1、Lets play football.2、Its time to watch TV.3、What time is it now?4、Its eleven oclock.5、Its time for dinner.七、阅读小短文,选择正确答案。1、B 2、A 3、C 4、C 5、B八、仿照例句,写句子。1、What time is it? Its time for lunch. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/2、What time is it? Its time for P.E. class.


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