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    单元检测(十三)Europe I ?阅读理解 A Our new house in Venice is by the side of the little San Cassian canal and a small square of the same name* We have a door which leads onto the street and two entrances from the water One runs under a rounded arch (拱门)into the ground floor of the house, which,as is customary in the city, is used instead of a cellar (地下室)for storing things. The second is used for our business activities and it is located in another building which has three floors. The house is almost 200 years old. It has beautiful arched windows and green-painted shutters (百叶窗)to keep out the cruel summer heat. When I lie in bed at night, I can hear the songs of the passing gondoliers (威尼斯小划船船夫)and the conversations in the square nearby. I understand why Uncle Leo runs his business here The prices are not too high. The location of the house is near the city centre and easy to find. Besides, the printing trade has many roots in this area of Venice, even if some of the old publishers from the area are no longer there. Venice is like a large copy of our old library at home in Spain, full of dark corners and unexpected surprises, some very close to me. Last night, while searching in the corners of the house,I found a single copy of Aristotle s Poetics, published in the city in 1502. I raced to Unde Leo with my discovery and a smile almost appeared on his face. “A find, boy! This' 11 fetch good money when I sell it down in the market?” “May I read a little first, sir? ” I asked, feeling worried. Leo has a frightening manner at times. “Books are for selling, not readings ” he replied immediately. But at least I had it for the night, since the dealers were by that time closed. 禧篇咖後 ; 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者在威尼斯的新家。 1.What does the underlined word “it ” in Paragraph 1 refer to? A ? A cellar B. An arch. C. A floor. D. An entrance. 解析: 选D 代词指代题。此处的it和该句句首的“Thesecond“指代同一物;根据第一 段中的“two entrances from the water. One runs . The second is ”可以看出,此处it 指代 “入口”。 2.What do we know about the author 1 s house in Venice? A? It has a long history. B? if s in a very bad location. C.It has an underground storeroom. D.It can be very hot in the summer. 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The house is almost 200 years old.”可知, 作者在 威尼斯的房子有着悠久的历史。 3.What does the author say about his uncle“ s printing business? A.If s the only printing business left in the area. B.It lies in a historic publishing area. C.It , s less expensive than others. D.It has attracted many tourists* 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the printing trade has many roots in this area of Venice可知,作者叔叔的印刷公司位于这个行业起步发展的地方。 4.What does the discovery of the book show about Uncle Leo? A ? He has problems with money. B.He has a good sense of humour. C.His main interest is making money. D.His manner of dealing with people is frightening. 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据作者的叔叔在第三段说的“This'll fetch good money when I sell it down in the market.”可知,他的主要兴趣是挣钱。 B It all started a few years ago in the quiet village of Mollington after a number of burglaries (盗窃).Those living in the village came up with the idea that they themselves could keep an eye on their neighbours' property (财产)while they were away on holiday* Since then, with the help of the government and police, more than 50,000 Neighbourhood Watch” schemes (项目)have been set up in the UK. The object of each “Watch” group is to prevent things like this from happening again in any street or area. Each villager who is a member of the scheme agrees to do their best to stop anyone stealing something in the village. Everything is done calmly and carefully it is the police who check out each report and find out what is happening. Villagers who are part of the group are not supposed to act as police or put themselves in any danger. When a new Neighbourhood Watch” scheme is set up in an area, the first thing people notice is the large, brightly coloured Neighbourhood Watch” board. This is a real warning to most burglars, because very few of them will take a chance of breaking into someone's house if they know that there is a high risk of being seen by neighbours keeping a lookout Burglars also know that people who are part of the Neighbourhood Watch” schemes are more likely to have fitted good locks to their doors and windows. Since the Neighbourhood Watch“ scheme was set up, there are fewer burglaries and there is a new community spirit It is bringing people together as never before, and encouraging people to care for each other New friendships are also being made. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了英国的“邻里守望”项目。 5.The Neighbourhood Watch” scheme in Mollington was started _ ? A? as the first of its kind in the UK B.after 50,000 burglaries in the area C.because the police were short of hands D.because it was a popular holiday centre 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Since then, more than 50,000 Neighbourhood Watch' schemes (项目)have been set up in the UK.” 可知,米林顿郡的“邻里守望”项目在 英国是最先开始的,故选A。 6.The job for members of a “Watch” group is to _ ? A. do their best to catch burglars B? ask strangers to leave at once C.help those who are in trouble D.report a burglary to the police 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 uit is the police who check out each report. put themselves in any danger可知,该项目成员的主要工作就是将发现的情况及时上报,由警方来处 理,故选D。 7.What does the author think of the scheme? A. He doubts it B? It is worrying. C.It is successful. D.He is uncertain about it 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“fewer burglaries and there is a new community spirif 9 和最后一句可知,作者认为该项目十分成功,故选C。 8.Whaf s the purpose of the text? A ? To advise.B ? To discuss. C. To educate. D A musk ox (麝牛)wears two coats in winter 1_ It keeps the inner coat of soft fur warm and dry. The furry undercoat falls off each spring and the ox grows a new one every winter. A snowshoe rabbit changes its coat to match the season. _2_ In winter it grows white fur to match the snow. It even has fur on the bottoms of its feet. 3 A seal (海豹)has an extra layer under its fur coat too. This thick layer of fat lies under the seal“ s skin and is great at holding in heat, especially in the water The Arctic fox has fur on the bottoms of its feet and one of the warmest double coats of any animaL But on very cold and windy days, it adds something, g A polar bear“ s big feet act like snowshoes 5 The bottom of each foot is protected by fur and the fur helps the bear walk on the snowy ground. A. It can run very quickly. B? Do you wear a sweater under your coat? C.They can move quickly across the snow. D.The outer coat reaches almost to the ground. E.It uses its thick tail like a scarf to cover its nose and face. F.In summer its brown fur helps it hide among dirt and rocks. G.They spread out the bear“ s weight so it can walk easily on the snow. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了动物如何抵御寒冷以及在冰天雪地里行走。 1?选D 根据空格后的“It keeps the inner coat of soft fur warm and dry.”可知,D 项 “ 外面 的皮毛几乎垂到地面”符合语境。D项中的“outer coat”与空格下一句中的“inner coat“相呼应。 2?选F 根据该空前的“changes its coat to match the season“和该空后的“In winter it grows white fur to match the snow.”可知,雪兔的皮毛为了和不同的季节保持协调而发生变化,因此F 项介绍雪兔的皮毛在夏天时的情况符合语境。F项中的“In sirnimei'“和下一句中的“In winter“形 成对比。 3?选B 根据该空后的 uan extra layer under its fur coat toow 可知,B项“你在外套里面穿 毛衣吗? ”符合语境。B项中的“a sweater under your coat”与下一句中的“an extra layer under its fur coat“相呼应。 4?选E 根据该空前的“it adds something”可知,北极狐的尾巴还可当作围巾使用,包裹鼻子 和脸。故选E项。 5.选G 根据该空前的“A polar bear ,s big feet act like snowshoes.“ 可知,G 项“北极 熊宽大的脚 可以分摊自身的重量并且保证它们在雪上轻松行走”符合此处语境。故选G项。


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