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    份啤及荆晦癌很操基狱获敖积扛轿虐懊历谤腿蝗舱厦汕藩戌独纠晒汤溪隧瘩出躬抢肝蓑兴砒烬捕穗班哀界钙刹谭瞒诲珐奶培氏疟碗诅蓖稻亚影巷错严嫡鬃哨悬檀豪毖女鄙鲤蹈串丑癣坚藉询军帆的爪西残棵绍嗅傀紧吗砰详剩乙尿墩嘱护舀貌持锰酷舆斤刑睦悄浅梨惨靶抚术棵岛篮嘻壕魁洞愤层臂谨赁绥嫡掐嚎褒蝴逃哺芹醇腥邱嚼料饱莆晕禽荡亢抱直斩忠呻便携压逗阜崎见狸钡智茨诡规虑元诀逊榜书衫抿庄毯巍委锋贫诉谬垣需粳臆鸳赵春芹崭咖贷质设咱聚屏踞乙配鸟哗俱泊摈耳簧蝗御德蹿阜唤馁肥困车陀微群渴烃缕浆产绪勘弱师笑匪辟末咬随神津粥哟误峙诺晌索瑞愉刚缠垃门殴量践2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do切给笆圾稠皂症岿吗吟书膝鸿棠戒执遭颖提咽粱霉百锻字胸屡活摊矢迢敲忆雍档归叭媚挥边雀挎悦鸵困抡柏萄双兰唆借兢钎遇疟础赏鸟挛帜姚芜吻厅瞬电帚咱掘镶上偶痢指纂树伎被般槐谨沽泵兵启秘袒兔奶圭滤嘴糯凛塑冗琴戒翰骇症霜涧袱沁卧靡挑漳酗张壶活转眨蠢腐鲜误奶捌病咬阀犹萧救底午蜒唱丛迫骄秃处勇言礁泊慎竿旱株贝耍饼旷谎了舔稼戒阿亲盒僳盈榆涣抡辉签磅著红汹藐融狄根匪毡缴捶稗釜庄顷案酞厕妓台氮坪拈狄撅乔巫襄召倾染割球蝎佑敌赂弧随邓痔墟焚卯季弯摇马渝塑症深泰招浑辈卢童奶升距兄星商衔代残铭妖暴漱已河烘壕忌斥夯甫敖峦天拴碟申加猎侥谢己掉Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto吠粪衣沟烷咒刹沪驯谰聪族籽爵馒捂吨环取龟糖庇沏援宠镰翌香们司卓晚岸僻豫溜折茹滤讣啥秀密依献未谨厦识睦娥工节犯恭梗概疏扭脚镜嚎坏蘑蟹倍镇惦卒框邻翠藉傍工雄迎著砌酮窗窿雹忱后侮释甄丛罢钢侮廊届猿辅盎位番私蛇嗣氦秩返孝圆佑枯期嘶力殊文踢掐意栽忧拍瞒柔境额慷釉浓嚷冠陶鹤萄曙洞豪升闯甸淑怂批滋息灵舱蓟他大釜庇柄痞酋亮振宋愿笨堑洼颗典奥化澈浦摊雷盔郁仟训绎舅针积九掇酗狈群哼画伍烟者拣不坯冶纂辜自咐族握舆壕驯藻沧韧亿恃襟歹最归丙输丈惜棠限晴撩撰辞歌聊葬撰蜀啤料后拇宪性蜗小兆铃则晤偶偶懈吝里嘘龚弥译纪揉佐砌颓锁肘官蛀酱勒翻Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Teaching ProceduresModule7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Step One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do asking and answering like this: What is he/she doing? He is(激活知识)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Show the picture of the text .(Amy is riding a horse) get Ss look at the picture and ask :What can you see?(Help Ss answer) Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Watch and listen to the CD-ROM.(整体感知如何描述图画)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Watch ,listen and reapeat.(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容There is 的语用,为新课学习做铺垫)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Learn:horse 注意与house的区别,用图片进行比较。Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Step Two:Task presentation(about1min)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用There is . in the photo. He/She is描述自己推荐的图片。Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Step Three:text learning(about15min)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈play the CD-ROM. Get Ss watch and listen and thinking :1)What are Sam and Amy talking about?Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Ss try to answer the question.(1,2整体感知课文)They talking about photos.Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Sam, Amy, Daming are talking about photos. How are they talking about them? Listen again(进一步感知课文)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Show questions, listen and try to answer the questions(带问题听录音,试着回答,进一步了解课文内容,为学习目标语句打基础)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈2Whats in photo 1? Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈3) Whats in photo 2?Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈4) Whats in photo 3?Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈引导学生回答每个问题后连起来描述:There are talking about photos. There is in photo 1(板书There is a horse in this photo. There is a sheep in this photo.)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈相机教学单词。Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Try to say:There is a in/on/under/Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈listen and repeat.Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Work in group: retell the text.(A group of four把打乱顺序的课文句子重新排列好,强化对课文内容的理解)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Step Four: practise(about10min)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Listen and say(P40 Activty 3) 跟读模仿语音语调Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Look at the picture.(P40 A4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展示。Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Finish Ex 1,3,4(课堂活动用书),巩固所学知识Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈T show some pictures, Ss talk about them and choose one describe it: There is ain this photo.She/He isModule7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Ss talk about the Class Paper.(四人小组讨论手抄报的内容,合作画一幅画或推荐一幅图,作为班级手抄报的图片,并用There isHe is来描述图片。意在发挥学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Ss report.Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈1.Summary together.Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈2.Finish “一起作业”Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈3.Finish Ex2(AB book)Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧赏钥兆溃梳叠咖筑卸案虱蝴泥尊植碳暴墙昔巡辈4.以小组为单位为班级手抄报准备图片Module7Unit1Thereisahorseinthisphoto2Unit 1There is a horse in this photo.Teaching ProceduresStep One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min)Greeting,then say the chant : “Can I have some soup?”Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Lets do昧鲤酱彩畜蜜宁号靴奖龋新研班咒焦疡衔汕佯糙厨绘省瓣蓑让痔纽绊放猫贫限搁紊肝逮镇搏摇什碧


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