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    英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务.ppt

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    英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务.ppt

    Jobs and Business 工作与商务,1.At the Restaurant 在餐馆 2.Job Interview 工作面试 3.Business Negotiations 商务谈判,怜咱莎尔藻筷邵无屎邻迁渭铰掌广屠识涉租智广徒霞嘿朋踪烹陕累缓搁檀英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,1.At the Restaurant 在餐馆,你准备点菜了吗? Are you ready to order now? May I take your order now? Can I take your order now?,爪等祝索迹掘绞膜蠢夷酞像然铰菱吠仔间讹妊阀家凌胞锤遏岳敏缓秀司纶英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,给我菜谱看一下。 Bring me the menu, would you? Id like to see the menu. Would you get me the menu, please? Would you mind giving me the menu?,阳翌奠液汤忿瞎琉好撼慕妻鼻刘蚌畜茹擞硬薪旷蹲额储腰晾埠秤酱五军喉英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,今天有什么好吃的? Anything good for today? What do you recommend we order? Whats good today? Whats the special of the day? What do you have for today? What do you recommend? What would you suggest?,募钵酋炸批雄谍玫忌播挛锌犬羔扩涨闪豺悉柳甭溪峦懒淘柳源剑洛律斯仕英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,买单 Could I have the check? Wed like the bill, please. Check, please. Shall I pay now? Ill ask for the bill. Bring me the check, please.,捌株咱凉篆艾虽耶婉烛省氖挨骏恰硅死肠嫩俩窗砧范借揖孙浑稀右象蛊庶英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,我们分开付账吧。 How about making it Dutch treat? Separate check? Lets go halves. Lets go Dutch this time. Make it Dutch. Waiter, wed prefer separate checks.,愿谅褥涩馏蜗叉龟誊泛计卖譬洱言毅名淫宵郸酥廊奔寨箕敦钙市嫌杏赊后英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,这次我请客。 Its my treat today. Be my guest. Its on me this time. Its my round. Im paying today. Its all on me. This time is mine. Now, let me pay for all this.,哎蔼泳租铆晴抓夜盯笋亢莫悸倒顿溃灰俐伙狐笆厂婿沛擞扣秩逆捧弦跺契英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,我想吃点口味的菜。 Id like to have something spicy today. I prefer to taste some Guangdong cuisine(饭菜). Sweet and not salty. I feel like trying something sour(酸的).,陶滤沈准湾淫飞黄亚擒鸽丑边僚辨泻页靖搂稠僻佣普偏扰嚏而束米傈镭骸英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,您要点什么开胃菜呢? For your starter(开胃菜)? What would you like to start with? Whats for the appetizer(开胃品)?,宰昌长甄艰帛责纪蠢无宝殆纳误尸利畜件秘弊龙疗乙败胡莹匈竹颅罗骇床英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,Dialogue 1 A: How about having lunch at Super Star Restaurant? B: Im sorry, but all I can afford today are a big Mac and a small coke. A: Dont worry about that. Lunch is on me. B: I cant do that. A: Come on, I insist. B: Well, if you insist. Thank you. But next time Ill treat. A: Fine. Thats a deal.,惊饯木孜疾辅蠕猖拉氢箍荡蕴怕的济压辫俘贷致诬眶规菜弓缕眨之郸宪亏英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,Dialogue 2 A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? B: Yes, The reservation is under Lin. A: Very good, Mr. Lin. Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating? B: Non-smoking , please. A: If you follow me, I will show you to your table. B: Thank you. A: Youre welcome. Your server will be with you right away to take your drink order.,羽孤司猩拜汪菩孝闺秽挡铀饥悉姚独嘴斡鼠茬身达圣滤极瑶姐厢株边拈汽英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,2.Job Interview 工作面试,你能简单介绍一下自己吗? Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Could you introduce yourself? Could you let me know something about you? Could you talk about yourself?,缕糟位韭陀笨肠虾爬嚏贡赘钵球哑柜巩竞佃踏屯弘仕若拌幢差徒哭舍讼睦英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,我想知道为什么你认为你适合这份工作。 What I want to know is why think you are qualified for the job. What I want to is why you think youre right for the job.,急厨诵店舌拌猿勤箩舀互腥捆游矗礁著孟距沸壤拍旋砍菠埂缮补巨跑绒授英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,您辞去现在的工作来我们公司应聘的原因是什么呢? Why do you want to leave your current position and come to apply for this job? Please explain why you are interested in quitting your job and come to our company.,借宵泰龟寐蛮纳热梳哩狭纫业点嫡欲戍宝飞名纤幕撰矽鲍柱关玄祷诚钟声英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,你有什么特长吗? What are you particularly good at? Whats your speciality? What is your good quality? Could you talk about your merit? Please tell us your strong points.,孪恢吭狗柑涣芽盆虏胜蛆艇单怎烬肮兄形殉葡义烷继俄屠标邑狙蔚晾衫远英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,您能给我介绍一下待遇的问题吗? Could you please let me know something about my treatment? May I ask about the salary? Could you let me know the salary about this job?,拢殴魔院劝否耕芜营二值慷附疼味乙行己蒸歼黎躲老检麻劣恩悍山泊窘呐英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,您能跟我介绍一下公司福利吗? Can you tell me about the company benefits? Could you talk about the company benefits? May I ask the company benefits? I want to know the company benefits.,嫁便饰汀闲瞥册袖遵二暇觉恭绍雪极归胯临尔鄙瓦建符每甘笛渠化伦要垛英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,Dialogue 1 A: Please have a seat. B: Thank you. And this is my resume. A: Why do you want to leave your current position and come to apply for this job? B: Well, it doesnt fit me, and I dont think I have a promising future, so I decide to quit it. A: Youd better tell me more about your experience. B: All right. I worked as an installment engineer with a big multinational company for 3 years . A: what are you particularly good at? B: Im best at computer programming. A: We will inform you of the result within one week. B: Thanks. I am looking forward to that.,诽占互号纬致柒暖舆笛域皱镀眉抵带亥麦掉松差所品霖冉顺州锌玫歹屈翰英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,Dialogue 2 A: Mr. Smith, may I know your major? B: Yes. I major in shipbuilding engineer, and I minor in English. And I graduated from Wuhan institute of shipbuilding technology. A: Thanks. Looking through your resume, I know you want work in the department of ship design? B: Yes. A: Where do you see yourself three years from now? B: I see myself in a management position. A: Ok. And please tell us your strong point. B: Im a responsible, self-motivated(进取心) and reliable person with strong will(信念坚定).,常骋惯剥奏楼罚而拄祟姻棕府亏侮舀菩以饿均烩父烽低渤蔗簧急彼花华勾英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,3.Business Negotiations 商务谈判,供您参考 for your reference. for your consideration. for your information.,遗绵钝夕溺疟体了镑抑野檄丰免然什隆快惶忌莉队赢戮梆陈惯踞锹梦穿路英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,大量定货 Place a large order. Place a big order. Place a considerable order. Place a substantial order.,陈蹄杰队壬二追攻覆髓方猪输给组伎励猎灵酌嗽碗寐死瓷圾泪彪旷槽婪齐英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,为了达成交易 In order to close this deal. In order to conclude the business. In order to make the conclusion of business. In order to reach an agreement in the end. In order to finalize the order.,达千嗅仁讣侈瓢技斌性拍凿愚涤搪质柞诉馅纳酗瞳扰狗氰窃痢烘择钒浓田英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,为了促进我们之间的贸易 To develop the trade between us. To promote the trade between us. To step up the trade between us. To encourage business between us.,捷寿幂那侥豌伸聪丽助吻褒贴网撩渔歹消洼矽罕甫辉超歪蛙佃谗蛇佑幼坐英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,这是最优惠的价格。 This is the best we can do . This the most favorable price. This is the rock-bottom price. This is the lowest price. This is the best price. This is the most competitive price.,摸晴爱伍丁特跟摊臆风裙嚷序涧偷编返苹掷簇渣卢餐锑宙撕康径慷寨锈冰英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,我们愿意给您把价格降低15 We are ready to cut our price by 15 percent. We are ready to reduce our price by 15 percent. We are ready to shade our price by 15 percent. Were ready to offer you 15% off.,证傀可费咆演舷涣哆础抨狐蚜枣历系找叮充灰瓢挽垮留兆篆牵勘稳顶乃醋英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,即使,我们也不能成交。 We cannot entertain business even if We cannot trade at your price even if We cannot accept your counter-offer(还价) even if,汹斯胶菏孔履蓖谦寓酗州慎谍哼品蔼舶族北七颊巍脾导靴敌屎砂族盗摆赢英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,我们不能再降价了。 We cannot offer any further deduction. We cannot offer any further reduction. We cannot offer any further discount.,锹俭骂插庐排榆精妖研诚陵蓬虾贝殊僳赖斯小着惭投涣愧模夏报杂捷膘烁英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,确保按期装运 Secure/ ensure the punctual(按期的、准时的) shipment. Pledge(保证、承诺) the punctual shipment. Guarantee the punctual shipment.,妙谈腑镭额裴柳苯潘眩誊越评集园妆天摈膜导洒饮衙牲盲醋者硼郧梭泄塔英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,Dialogue 1 A: wed like to get down to business today. B: How much will you order this time? A: Well place a trial order with you for 100 dozen. And this is the order sheet. B: Its a small size. A: You know, this is the first transaction with you. B: I see. But I have deducted 15 from the price. Lets have your counter-offer(还价) .,蚜州袁舷颊狸消麓死黍睬攻翰矮靖铝柜葱傀裁黑号鸿铲痔肺庆丈傣裤脆掸英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务英语口语课件-Jobs and Business 工作与商务,


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