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    10 议论文邮件的写作下10集.pdf

    逻辑英语第五季第10集 议论文写作 (下) 讲师:钟平PKU 转 1 反面观点。 2 反驳反面观点。 3 再次强调正确观点。 我们以阅读话题举例,看一下这种思路的构成: 转 1 反面观点: To my surprise, there are people around us saying that reading is simply a waste of time, because the internet has everything we need to know. Some even believe that books will finally come to an end in future. 2 反驳反面观点: Obviously nothing could be further from truth. Online information is massive but disorganized, while reading can provide an in-depth experience and a feeling of communication with the writer. 3 再次强调正确观点: Therefor it is fair to say that books are true friends in your life, no less than parents are, in terms of your growth. 合 方法论述 第一部分:引出信念的写法如下: 1 Although pollution is not easy to eliminate, the dominoes are starting to fall. 2 Despite ups and downs in the development of high speed trains, the tide is unable to return. 3 从小事做起:Sometimes in life we are called to do great things, but every day we are called to do small things, with great love. 4 Only understanding the causes is not the end, not even the beginning of the end, but possibly the end of the beginning. A even longer and harder way is still ahead of us. 5 双重否定:However, it is hardly inevitable that we shall lose hope. 类似写法:Eliminating pollution is hard, if not totally impossible, to achieve, yet we still have to try. 6 比喻: In spite of great difficulties in tackling pollution, we still see some silver-linings today. (silver lining, 乌云的金边,意思是看到希望。) 7 排比: It is time to put thoughts into words, and words into action. 8 人人为我,我为人人: a better tomorrow is shared by all, yet made by each. 第二部分:具体的方法。 具体的方法是因话题的不同而会发生变化的。 我举出几个比较通用的例子: 1 政府角色: 很多公共性的问题,都是政府可以解决的,所 以在说到方法的时候,政府行为非常常见。 The government is due to play a more positive role to.(promote.促进reduce减少 control控制 help帮助prevent防止 protect保护) - 政府有责任扮演更加积极的角色去-。 2 法律规则。 Functional laws and regulations must be set up to assure that-+观点句-. 比如:Functional laws and regulations must be set up to assure that any person or behavior that creates pollution shall be punished. 3 教育。 很多和行为有关的话题,都可以通过加强教育来进 行。 比如:Students, the next generation and the future of our society, need to know that reading is important as early as possible. 学生,我们社会的下一代和未来,应当尽早知道读 书是很重要的事情。 4 每个人的参与。 A better tomorrow is shared by all, yet made by each. To make a better and cleaner world, each one living in it shall bare the duty and devote whatever is required. D 第四段:总结。 1 词的活用: If we are all involved in fighting against haze, a cleaner tomorrow will not be a question of if, but when. 如果我们都投入到抗击雾霾的斗争,那么一个更加清 洁的明天就指日可待了。 2蒙太奇: Teamwork, the core requirement of success, was, is and will always be vital for the growth of a team and the victory of a project. 团队精神, 成功的核心,过去、现在和以后都会是 团队成长和项目成功的重要条件。 3 冰山一角:What this article has revealed above about the harm of smoking is only a tip of an iceberg, and we couldnt stress it stronger: say no to cigarettes! For you and for all. 议论文的更高境界 critical thinking 钟平PKU 钟平老师QQ 26735509 钟平老师微信zhongpingyingyu2 助理QQ 2770319995 微博:有道钟平钟叔工作室 答疑妈 关注微信公众号: 有道逻辑英语 钟叔带你, 一个公式读懂天下英文


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