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    【演讲稿】就职英语演讲-The College.docx

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    【演讲稿】就职英语演讲-The College.docx

    第 1 页 就职英语演讲:The College1 特征码 yMiqPOqXZjTyhPjueHbQ How can I ever forget the beautiful campus in Africa? The grounds were covered with dark GREen grass through which stretched a straight white stone path. On both sides of the path were planted what I believed to be poinsettias. Now the flowers were surrounded by pinkish leaves instead of bright red ones as they should have been. Trimmed with light GREen edges,the leaves looked delicate and charming. Along the long path I often took a stroll which world take me to a wide terrace,where I could watch the enchanting glow of sunset,and occasionally catch the sight of a train puffing and hooting on its way southward. On my way back I would pass by the laboratory and library building whose large French windows had soft curtains let fall to the floor. Just outside the windows kapod flowers glowed red in full bloom. A short way off stood the dining hall,where I found a tree bearing snow- white blossoms so graceful and soft to the touch. 第 2 页 Viewed together from the distance,they were as beautiful as a bridal veil. Later I learned that it was a tree called datura which I had so often read about in books. In the centre of the campus was a newly-built fan- shaped fountain. A number of Chinese taihu rocks were arranged in it with a touch of artistry. And there was a story behind it. In the courtyard of the hose where Chinese teachers were living,there was also a similar but much smaller fountain looking like potted landscape. It was built by the Chinese teachers who had e earlier in their spare time. They had graced it with water plants and goldfish. Perhaps out of a yearning for their homeland,they had even engraved on a taihu rock four Chinese characters:“Er Quan Ying Yue”meaning“two springs reflecting the moonlight.”These characters were painted red and written in an ancient calligraphic style. The homesick Chinese teachers seemed to feel that at the sight of these characters,they could by a flight of the imagination bring to their presence a native moon smilin 第 3 页 ngly beaming over West Lake. One day the president of the college came to visit the Chinese teachers. Delighted by the beauty of their fountain he asked them to design another one for the college. Thus in the centre of the campus,in a field of green grass and colorful flowers appeared a new Chinese fountain spurting out water drops glistening in the sunlight.


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