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    【演讲稿】英语演讲稿: Television News Coverage.docx

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    【演讲稿】英语演讲稿: Television News Coverage.docx

    第 1 页 英语演讲稿: Television News Coverage 特征码 IvQcyKYqYsHcqvbUIEkC Spiro Theodore Agnew: Television News CoverageI think its obvious from the cameras here that I didnt e to discuss the ban on cyclamates or DDT. I have a subject which I think if of great importance to the American people. Tonight I want to discuss the importance of the television news medium to the American people. No nation depends more on the intelligent judgment of its citizens. No medium has a more profound influence over public opinion. Nowhere in our system are there fewer checks on vast power. So, nowhere should there be more conscientious responsibility exercised than by the news media. The question is, Are we demanding enough of our television news presentations? And are the men of this medium demanding enough of themselves?Monday night a 第 2 页 week ago, President Nixon delivered the most important address of his Administration, one of the most important of our decade. His subject was Vietnam. My hope, as his at that time, was to rally the American people to see the conflict through to a lasting and just peace in the Pacific. For 32 minutes, he reasoned with a nation that has suffered almost a third of a million casualties in the longest war in its history.When the President pleted his address - an address, incidentally, that he spent weeks in the preparation of - his words and policies were subjected to instant analysis and querulous criticism. The audience of 70 million Americans gathered to hear the President of the United States was inherited by a small band of network mentators and self-appointed analysts, the majority of whom expressed in one way or another their hostility to what he had to say.It was obvious that their minds were made up in advance. Those who recall the fumbling and groping that followed President Johnsons dramatic disclosure of 第 3 页 his intention not to seek another term have seen these men in a genuine state of nonpreparedness. This was not it.One mentator twice contradicted the Presidents statement about the exchange of correspondence with Ho Chi Minh. Another challenged the Presidents abilities as a politician. A third asserted that the President was following a Pentagon line. Others, by the expressions on their faces, the tone of their questions, and the sarcasm of their responses, made clear their sharp disapproval.To guarantee in advance that the Presidents plea for national unity would be challenged, one network trotted out Averell Harriman for the occasion.


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