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    重大版五年级英语期末考试试卷2 及答案.doc

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    重大版五年级英语期末考试试卷2 及答案.doc

    五年级英语期末检测试卷(二) 班级 姓名 成绩 Listening(听力)一 听音选择。(10分)( )1. A. policeman B. patient C. pilot( )2. A. helpful B. happy C. harmful( )3. A. butterfly B. ladybug C. beautiful ( )4. A. pumpkin B. cucumber C. eggplant( )5. A. engineer B. teacher C. driver( )6. A. kind B. busy C. bean( )7. A. onion B. chilli C. angry( )8. A. dancing B. making C. walking( )9. A. in spring B. in summer C. in winter( )10. A. What does Andy like doing? B. What does your father do? C. What are you going to buy?二 听音选出正确的内容,在方框里打 “”。(10分)engineerPolicemanNursepilotCookAndyLucyStanleyLu HuaHao Tian三.听音。按所听内容的先后顺序排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Writing(笔试)一 连线。(20分)1by plane kind by train policeman pumpkin 南瓜 坐火车 坐飞机 善良的 警察2. pilot engineer cook policeman nurse 二 对号入座,将正确选项写在题前括号内。(15分)( )1. green vegetable A.去滑雪( )2. on foot B. 绿色蔬菜( )3. planting flowers C. 一位亲戚( )4. go skiing D. 步行( )5. a relative E. 种花 三 选择。(15分)( )1. The policeman is to the grandma.A. helpful B. nurse C. chilli( )2. Its very hot. Aha! Its a . A. bean B. chilli C. tomato( )3.How many seasons in a year? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.( )4. What is the mother doing? A. She is a teacher. B. Yes, she is.C. She is watering the flowers.( )5.What can you see in the ? Trees and flowers.A. river B. park C. sky四 看图读句子,选择序号填入括号里。(10 分) A. B. C. D. E.( ) 1.Grandma likes sleeping after lunch. ( )2. Grandpa likes making butterflies after work.( )3. I like watching ants in summer.( )4. Father and mother like walking by the river.( )5. Butterflies like dancing among the flowers.五阅读短文,从括号里选择正确答案填在横线上。(10分) I m Andy. My mother is a doctor. Shes always kind to everyone. My father is a policeman. Hes very helpful. My brother is a happy cook. He can cook good meals. I love my family.1. Andys mother is a .(doctor/ teacher)2.Andys father is a .(pilot/ policeman )3.His is a happy cook. ( brother /sister)4. Andys mother is very to everyone.(kind /busy)5. Andy loves his .(family/mother) 五年级英语期末检测试卷(二) (听力材料及其答案)Listening(听力)一 听音选择。(10分)( C )1. A. policeman B. patient C. pilot( B )2. A. helpful B. happy C. harmful( B )3. A. butterfly B. ladybug C. beautiful ( C )4. A. pumpkin B. cucumber C. eggplant( A )5. A. engineer B. teacher C. driver(C )6. A. kind B. busy C. bean( A )7. A. onion B. chilli C. angry( B )8. A. dancing B. making C. walking( C )9. A. in spring B. in summer C. in winter( C )10. A. What does Andy like doing? B. What does your father do? C. What are you going to buy?二 听音选出正确的内容,在方框里打 “”。(10分)Andy would like to be a pilot.Lucy would like to be a nurse.Stanley would like to be a policeman.Lu Hua would like to be an engineer.Hao Tian would like to be a cook.engineerPolicemanNursepilotCookAndyLucyStanleyLu HuaHao Tian三.听音。按所听内容的先后顺序排序。(10分)Go skiing; river; woods; go fishing; beach ( 5 ) ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 ) ( 4 )Writing(笔试)一 连线。(20分)(略)1by plane kind by train policeman pumpkin 南瓜 坐火车 坐飞机 善良的 警察2. pilot engineer cook policeman nurse 二 对号入座,将正确选项写在题前括号内。(15分)( B )1. green vegetable A.去滑雪( D )2. on foot B. 绿色蔬菜(E )3. planting flowers C. 一位亲戚( A )4. go skiing D. 步行( C)5. a relative E. 种花 三 选择。(15分)(A )1. The policeman is to the grandma.A. helpful B. nurse C. chilli( B )2. Its very hot. Aha! Its a . A. bean B. chilli C. tomato( B )3.How many seasons in a year? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.( C )4. What is the mother doing? A. She is a teacher. B. Yes, she is.C. She is watering the flowers.( B )5.What can you see in the ? Trees and flowers.A. river B. park C. sky四 看图读句子,选择序号填入括号里。(10 分) A. B. C. D. E.( A ) 1.Grandma likes sleeping after lunch. ( D )2. Grandpa likes making butterflies after work.( E )3. I like watching ants in summer.( B )4. Father and mother like walking by the river.( C )5. Butterflies like dancing among the flowers.五阅读短文,从括号里选择正确答案填在横线上。(10分) I m Andy. My mother is a doctor. Shes always kind to everyone. My father is a policeman. Hes very helpful. My brother is a happy cook. He can cook good meals. I love my family.1. Andys mother is a doctor .(doctor/ teacher)2.Andys father is a policeman .(pilot/ policeman )3.His brother is a happy cook. ( brother /sister)4. Andys mother is very kind to everyone. (kind /busy)5. Andy loves his family .(family/mother)


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