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    七年级(上)教案U2T1SC (2).doc

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    七年级(上)教案U2T1SC (2).doc

    Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic 1 I have a small nose.Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:come, come from, student, sister, different, knife, dont=do not2. Continue to learn the simple present tense with“have/has”:(1)Do you have a knife? Yes, I do.(2)Do they have long legs?No, they dont. They have short legs.(3)Does he have a ruler? Yes, he does.3.(1)Talk about the introduction and review the description of peoples appearances:I come from England.Im a student.I have a sister.She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth.(2)Talk about the similarities and differences:We are in the same school, but in different grades. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/纸/录音机/实物/小刀/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)通过复习,巩固表示人体部位的单词,提高学生的表达能力。1.(教师出示一块小黑板,同时叫学生拿出预先准备好的纸和笔,先看示范,然后在纸上作图:head, hair, nose, mouth, ears, eyes, legs, arms, feet。注:可以画出不同的姿势,学生边画边用英语说出所画部位,教师巡视并督促学生大声说出单词,然后在全班范围内对所画的图进行介绍,如big eyes, a small nose, a wide mouth等。) T:Lets draw a picture of the people. Take out your paper and pens, and follow me. Begin! Head.Ss:Head.(让学生边画边说。)T:Hair.Ss:Hair.(复习巩固表示人体部位的单词,最后展示画得最好的,并给予鼓励。)2. (1)(教师让两个学生以“Who is your favorite friend in your class?”为话题,根据Section B中的1a编对话并表演。)T: Make a conversation to talk about“Who is your favorite friend in your class?”. Please go.S1: Oh, I have a good friend in our class.S2: A boy?S1: No. She is a girl. She has a big nose.S2: Does she have long hair?S1: No, she doesnt. She has short hair.S2: Does she have small eyes?S1: No, she doesnt. Her eyes are big.S2: Is she Hu Xue?S1: Yes, youre right.(2)(利用学生的表演内容,师生互动问答,导入新句型。)T:Come to the front, please, Hu Xue.Hu Xue:OK!T:Can you introduce yourself including your appearances?Hu Xue:OK! My name is Hu Xue. Im a girl. Im thirteen years old. Im from China. I have a big nose and big eyes. My hair is short.T:Great. Are you a Chinese teacher?Hu Xue:No. Im not a teacher, but Im a T:Good. Youre not a teacher. Youre a student. Do you have a big nose?Hu Xue:Yes, I do.(教师帮助学生回答“I do”)T:Do you have small eyes?Hu Xue:No, I dont.(教师帮助学生回答dont,并说明dont=do not。)T:Do you have a sister?Hu Xue:Yes, I do.T:Are you in the same school?Hu Xue:No, were not in the same school.T:Good. You can also say “were in different schools”. Do you come from China?Hu Xue:Yes, I do.T:Thank you. Go back to your seat and sit down.(板书生词,分析并强调相近或相反的词、词组,加快记忆。然后带领学生朗读并要求掌握,板书新句型。)student (teacher)Do you have ?sister (brother)Yes, I do.different (same)Do you have small eyes?come from=be fromNo, I dont.do/dont(=do not)3. (教师通过介绍,导入1a,并设置听力任务。)T: I know a boy. He has a sister. Do you want to know what the boy and his sister look like? Now listen to 1a.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)学习1a,培养学生的阅读理解能力。1. (让学生听1a录音,然后回答问题。)T: Listen to the tape carefully, and then answer the questions.(板书)(1) Is the boy a student?(2) How old is his sister?(核对答案)T:Is he a student?Ss:Yes, he is.T:Right. How old is his sister?Ss:Twelve.T:Yes. Youre right. Now listen again and repeat. When youre reading, you can underline the key words.2. (根据短文里的关键词,完成1b,巩固1a所学知识。)(找出正确图片后,让学生归纳描述人物外貌特征的关键词语并板书。)T: Please find the key phrases in 1a.a round face.I have small eyes. a big nose. a small mouth.a round face.She has big eyes. a small nose. a small mouth. (根据关键短语进行问答。)T:Does he have a round face?Ss:Yes, he does.T:Does he have a small nose?Ss:No, he doesnt. He has a big one.T:Does he have a small mouth?Ss:Yes, he does.T:Does he have big eyes?Ss:No, he doesnt. He has small eyes.T:Does he have a sister?Ss:Yes, he does.T:Whats her name?Ss:Her name is Amy.T:Does she have a round face?Ss:Yes, she does.T:Does she have a big nose?Ss:No, she doesnt. She has a small one.T:Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)完成1c,并通过复述,巩固1a所学的重点词汇及短语。1. (听1a录音,可在呈现新句子后按暂停键,让学生重复,找出关键词及疑难点,师生共同解决。)2. (完成1c,核对答案。)T: Now please read 1a again and mark True (T) or False (F) in 1c on Page 29. Check the answers together.3. (根据1b中的图3和图6以及小黑板上的关键词,让学生复述1a。)T: OK, now can you have a try to retell 1a according to the key words on the small blackboard?Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)完成3和2。帮助学生学习和运用have/has的一般疑问句。1. (利用1a的内容,师生互动问答。过渡到操练Do you have ? Does he/she have ?句型,完成3。) T:Nice work. We know the boy has a sister. Do you have a sister, too?S1:Yes, I do.T:And you? S2, please. Do you have a sister?S2:No, I dont.T:Good. Now lets do chain drills by using “Do you have ?” You can use the words we have learnt, especially the parts of the body and the adjectives. Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:OK. Lets begin. Do you have a big mouth? S3, please.S3:No, I dont. Do you have a small nose? S4, please.S4:Yes, I do. Do you have ?(教师转向个别学生。)T: Stop! Well done. Do you have a pen?S5:Yes, I do.T:Do you have a knife?(教师出示一把小刀。)S5:No, I dont.(教师用一把小刀和多把小刀对比,教学小刀单复数形式并板书。)(板书)knife knives(接着利用身边的实物,运用Do you have ?句型继续操练。)T:Do you have a book?S6:Yes, I do.(根据学生相同的回答,呈现新句型。)T:Excuse me! S7, do they have pens?S7:Yes, they do.(帮助学生回答。)T:Do they have rulers?S7:No, they dont.(帮助学生回答。)(板书新句型。)Do they have pens?Yes, they do.Do they have rulers?No, they dont.(教师走近一个学生用Does he/she have ?句型问他/她的同桌是否有什么东西,然后让学生间相互问答。)T: Does your deskmate have a ruler?S8:Yes, he does. S9, does your deskmate have a pen?S9:No, she doesnt. S10, does your ?2. (1)(让学生先观察2部分的四幅图,然后根据图片选对话。完成2。)T: First, please look at the four pictures. Then match the pictures with the right conversations.(2)(听教师朗读一遍对话,给每个句子标上语调。)T: Listen to me carefully and mark the intonation.(核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过让学生介绍自己、朋友和家人,培养学生综合运用本课目标语言的能力。1. (让学生学会自我介绍,并介绍自己的好朋友。)T:Try to introduce yourself.(1) (请两三个学生做自我介绍,不少于十句话。)Example: I am a girl. My name is Huang Lili. I come from Fuzhou. Im twelve years old. Im a student in Xiwang Junior High School. I am in Class One, Grade Seven. My telephone number is (0591)2873-7598. I have a round face, big eyes, a small nose and long hair. I have a good friend in my class. Her name is Huang Xiang.(2) (让学生加入好朋友的信息并进行示范。)T:Then Ill ask you to introduce yourself and your good friends.S1:I am 2. (让学生听录音跟唱,完成4。)T: Lets chant together! Are you ready?3. Homework:(1)根据关键词复述课文1a。(2)预习Section D中1和3a。(3)试着描写自己的母亲。板书设计:I have a small nose.Section C1. I come from England.=I am from England.2. We are in the same school, but in different grades.3.Do you have short hair?Yes, I do./No, I dont.4.Do they have knives?Yes, they do./No, they dont.5.Does he have a ruler?Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.6. come from=be fromstudent (teacher)sister (brother)different (same)6


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