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    2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空精编选题(12).doc

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    2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空精编选题(12).doc

    2019年中考英语:完形填空精编选题(12)及答案第一篇Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks, 1 give your money back? Of course, it 2 happens quite like that. The only language 3 to learn is the mother language. And think 4 practice is needed for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language 5 the literature(文学) of the country. Now most people want to 6 a foreign language. Every year millions of people start learning 7 . How do they do it? Some people try at home 8 books and tapes, others go to evening classes or watch TV programs. 9 they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will 10 a long time, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or 11 hours a day. Its much easier to learn the language in the country where it 12 . But most people are 13 to do this, and many people dont have to do so. Machines and good books will be very 14 , but they can not do the students work. 15 the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is hard work. 1. A. soB. orC. andD. but2. A. cant B. impossibleC. neverD. often3. A. easily B. difficultC. able D. easy4. A. how muchB. how longC. how fastD. how many5. A. studiedB. to studyC. studyingD. study6. A. talkB. tellC. speakD. say7. A. themB. thisC. thatD. it8. A. withoutB. withC. in D. by9. A. If B. WhenC. Since D. Until10. A. spend B. useC. take D. cost11. A. some B. moreC. other D. less12. A. speaks B. is speakingC. spoke D. is spoken13. A. able B. possibleC. unable D. not possible14. A. careful B. forgetfulC. wonderful D. helpful15. A. either B. whetherC. whatD. how【参考答案】28. 名师点评本文主要想告诉读者,学英语是一个长期而艰苦的劳动,没有任何捷径可走。无论你用什么方法学习用书、机器或在学校,不多实践就无法达到预期的目的。答案简析1. B。这里的or是“否则”的意思。2. C。根据作者的观点,这种事绝对不可能发生。impossible是一个形容词,不符语法,cant后不可能跟happens,often意思与作者的意图相反。3. D。唯一容易学的语言是母语。这里需要一个形容词充当后置定语。4. A。用来修饰不可数名词,只有用how much,全句意为“母语好学,还需要那么多的练习。”何况外语呢?。5. B。动词不定式充当目的状语。意为“学习外语来研究文学”。6. C。说某种语言用speak,speak English,speak Chinese。7. D。用it代指上文所说的a foreign language。8. B。这里的with是“用”的意思。9. A。作者在这里提出一种假设。如果他们一星期只有一两次使用外语。10. C。固定短语,意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。11. B。后面省略了than 6 hours。意为6个小时或更多的时间。12. D。it 代指上文所指的foreign language,故用被动被态。13. C。许多人不可能做到这一点。这里不可以用not possible,因为它的主语不可以用人。14. D。机器和书对于学习英语来说是很有帮助的。15. B。whether or固定短语。第二篇2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案社会现象类It can take you a day out to Singapore(新加坡) because of the plane. Singapore is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia(亚洲). There are lots of visitorsto the country every year. But were you there years ago? Great changes have taken place in the country. For many Chinese tourists(游客), this small island country in Asia is a wonderful place to take a . On one hand, more than threeof people are Chinese. you can simply(简直) speak Chinese with most of the local people. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so it is also a good place to your English. Did you ever try Chinese food outside China? Maybe you are afraid that wont be able to find anything to eat in a foreign country. In Singapore however, youll find a lot offrom China; you wont have any problem rice, noodles, or dumplings. However, if youre feeling brave, Singapore is an excellent place to try new food. Whatever you like Indian(印度的) food, Western food, or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore. One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year . You neednt wear clothes because it is warm in all the seasons.【小题1】AvisitingBtravelingClivingDreaching【小题2】ANortheastBNorthwestCSoutheastDSouthwest【小题3】AbusBphotoCholidayDlook【小题4】AmembersBquartersChalvesDthousands【小题5】ASoBBecauseCAlthoughDBut【小题6】ApracticeBprotectClistenDprovide【小题7】AdrinksBmeatCfoodDfruit【小题8】AfindBfindingCto findDfound【小题9】AmostBfastClongDround【小题10】AthickBthinCcoolDcold第三篇阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。A jobless man wanted to apply (求职) for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. Staff manager interviewed him and then gave him a 41 : clean the floor. The man passed it; he cleaned it very well. “You are hired (雇用),” the manager told the man. “Give me your email address, and Ill send the form to 42 . I shall also send you the 43 you should report for the work.”The man replied, “I dont have a 44 , or email!” “Im sorry,” said the manager. “If you dont have email, that means you do not exist (存在). And we cannot 45 persons who do not exist.” The man was very 46 . He didnt know what to do. He only had 10 dollars with him. Once that was 47 , he wouldnt have any money to buy even food. He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars. He went from door to door and 48 the tomatoes in small bags. He doubled his money.He 49 this three times, and returned home with 60 dollars. He realized that be could continue to live this way. He started to go earlier every day, and return later. He doubled or madeeven three times his money every day. Soon, he 50 a cart, then a truck. In a very short time, he had his many delivery (递送) trucks.Five years later, the man became one of the biggest 51 sellers in the country. He startedto plan his familys future. He called an insurance (保险) broker, a man who sells insurance. At the end of the 52 , the broker asked him for his email address. The man replied, “I dont have an email.”Hearing that, the broker felt very 53 . “You dont have email, and yet have succeeded inbecoming so 54 . Can you imagine what you could have been if you had email?” he said aloud. The man thought for a while, and replied, “an office 55 at Microsoft!”If you just lost your job or just failed an interview, dont worry, think of the positive (积极的). Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you.41. A. job B. hand C. chance D. test42. A. check out B. put up C. fill in D. write down43. A. name B. date C. address D. ticket44. A. computer B. screen C. website D. letter45. A. believe B. pay C. accept D. refuse46. A. pleased B. excited C. embarrassed D. disappointed47. A. exchanged B. spent C. wasted D. lost48. A. divided B. showed C. kept D. sold49. A. repeated B. reminded C. tried D. counted50. A. borrowed B. repaired C. received D. bought51. A. truck B. insurance C. food D. door52. A. introduction B. conversation C. business D. story53. A. worried B. satisfied C. upset D. surprised54. A. clever B. healthy C. rich D. confident55. A. boy B. secretary C. cleaner D. head 【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了一位食品经销商独自创业的故事。最初他想应聘微软公司的办公室文员,却因自己没有电子信箱而落聘。结果他无意中抓住了商机,以自己仅有的10美元钱起家,最终发展成为最著名的商人之一。短文告诉我们:机遇无处不在,唯有抓住机遇积极创业,最终都会成功的。41. D 根据后面的“clean the floor. The man passed it; he cleaned it very well.”可推知,人事经理对他进行了测试。job 工作,hand 手,chance 机会,test 测试。故选D。42. C 根据句中的send the form可推知,本句应是表述“填写表格”。check out 检验;put up 举起,建造;fill in 填写;write down 写下,记下。故选C。43. B 根据上下文内容可知,人事经理要让员工填写表格,还要员工填写入职日期。name 名字,date 日期,address 地址,ticket 票。故选B。44. A 由上文“人事经理要电子邮箱”可推知,本句应是“我没有电脑,也没有邮箱”。computer 电脑,screen 屏幕,website 网页,letter 信。故选A。45. C 由前句“If you dont have email, that means you do not exist.”可知,人事经理不能接收没有电子邮箱的员工。believe 相信,pay 付款,accept 接受,refuse 拒绝。故选C。46. D 根据上段内容可知,由于没有电子邮箱,这个人没有被录用,这让他很失望。pleased 高兴的,excited 兴奋的,embarrassed 尴尬的,disappointed 失望的。故选D。47. B 由上句“He only had 10 dollars with him.”及后半句“he wouldnt have any money to buy even food.”可知,花完10美元钱后他就没有钱买食物了。exchange 交换;spend 花费,度过;waste 浪费;lose 丢失。故选B。48. D 根据上句中的“bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars”及下句“He doubled his money.”可知,他挨家挨户推销西红柿,结果卖了双倍的钱。divide 划分,分开;show 表明,给看;keep 保持,保存;sell 卖。故选D。49. A 根据句中的“three times, and returned home with 60 dollars”可知,他由开始时的10美元发展到现在拥有的60美元,是因为他连续重复卖西红柿而导致的结果。repeat 重复;remind 提醒,使想起;try 试着;count 数,查。故选A。50. D 根据下句“In a very short time, he had his many delivery (递送) trucks.”可知,他用挣到的钱购买了运货车和卡车。borrow 借;repair 修理;receive 收到;buy 买。故选D。51. C 根据前面两段内容可知,这个人是靠卖西红柿发家的,所以本句应是“他成为最大的食品批发商之一”。truck 卡车,insurance 保险,food 食物,door 门。故选C。52. B 根据句中的“the broker asked him for his email address. The man replied, “I dont have an email.”可知,两个人之间进行了交谈。introduction 介绍,conversation 谈话,business 生意,story 故事。故选B。53. D 根据上下文内容可知,两个人进行了谈话,保险推销商对这个人的发家史感觉不可思议,所以本句应是“听到这些话,推销商感到很惊讶”。worried 担心的,焦虑的;satisfied 满意的;upset 沮丧的;surprised 惊讶的。故选D。54. C 由句中的“You dont have email, and yet have succeeded”可推知,这个食品经销商中事业上取得了成功,现在很富裕。clever 聪明的,healthy 健康的,rich 富裕的,confident 自信的。故选C。55. A 根据短文内容可知,刚开始应聘时,这个食品经销商如果有自己的电子邮箱的话,他自然会成为微软的一名office boy。boy 男孩,secretary 秘书,cleaner 清洁工,head 头。故选A。第四篇An old carpenter(木匠) was ready to retire. His boss was 1 to see the good worker go. He asked the carpenter 2 he could build just one more house. The carpenter said yes, 3 his mind was not on his work any more.He used poor materials and worked on the house 4 . When the carpenter finished his work, the boss 5 the front-door key to him, "This is your house," he said, "A 6 for you."What a surprise! What a 7 ! If he had known he was building his 8 house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live in the house he had poorly built.9 it is with us. Sometimes we build our 10 carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we have 11 . We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we dont have a 12 to make it all over again.Think of 13 as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it 14 . It is the only life you will ever build because life is a do-it-yourself project.Your life today is the 15 of your attitudes and choices you made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you make today.( )1. A. glad B. nervous C. ready D. sorry( )2. A. if B. when C. how D. why( )3. A. and B. but C. or D. so( )4. A. carefully B. completely C. carelessly D. successfully( )5. A. handed B. left C. sold D. threw( )6. A. gift B. promise C. choice D. question( )7. A. task B. wisdom C. shame D. stress( )8. A. real B. expensive C. old D. own( )9. A. Neither B. So C. Nor D. As ( )10. A. studies B. lives C. jobs D. feelings( )11. A. created B. changed C. discussed D. affected( )12. A. plan B. chance C. method D. pleasure( )13. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. yourself( )14. A. wisely B. peacefully C. rapidly D. widely ( )15. A. talent B. wealth C. result D. difference 2016年中考英语完形填空专项训练 15 DABCA 610 ACDBB 1115 ABDAC 8


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