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    Unit 4 Unit 4 Can I use your pencil. 五年级英语.docx

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    Unit 4 Unit 4 Can I use your pencil. 五年级英语.docx

    白牙市一小2014年下期五年级英语-导学案内容: Unit 4 Can I use your pencil ?(A-B) 青学习目标词汇:1) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 2) 复习: You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他们,它们,她们 Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺语法:can开头的一般疑问句句子: 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are. 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home. 3) Can I borrow your pencil? 二 水平目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达借物。 三 情感目标:文明、礼貌借物。学习过程 自主学习(单词 . 8分钟) 教师复备或学生笔记栏Step 1 Group work:Let Ss read the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组学习:请同学们自己复习和学习下列单词)1) 旧单词:You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他/它/她clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺2) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论每个单词的词义。)Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. 展示(单词 . 3分钟)Step 1. Pairwork Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the words in front of the class.Step 2.Evaluation The teacher make appropriape evaluation.Then read the words after the teacher.自主学习(句子 . 10分钟)Step 1 Learn by oneself. Let Ss read the sentences in A. Make sure to understand each sentence. Finish the practise below.Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below. Practise. (一) Translate the sentences below into Chinese. 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are. 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home. 3) Can I borrow your pencil? 展示(句子 . 2分钟)Ask St to show their answers.一起学习研讨 (教师讲解 . 10分钟)1.Excuse me. 打扰一下,对不起,劳驾。2. Can I use your pencil,please? 我能使用你的铅笔吗? (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且五人称和数的变化 如:I can swim. She can swim, too. (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。 He can draw a line.-Can he draw a line? (3) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:cant. He can draw a line.-He cant sraw a line.3. A: Thank you. 谢谢。 B: Youre welcome. 不用谢。/没关系。4. Where is/are+某人/某物? 某人/物在哪里? (1) 何时用is?何时用are? (2) 关于回答:何时用it? 何时用they?测评反馈( 60分 . 5分钟 )一小小翻译家 20分( ) 1. Excuse me. A. 对不起。 B. 谢谢你。( ) 2.Can I use your ruler? A. 我可以用你的直尺吗? B. 你能用你的直尺吗?( ) 3. Here you are. A. 这是你。 B。 给你。( ) 4. This is a Chinese book. A. 这是一本语文书。 B. 这是一本英语书。 二. 抄写单词 (三遍) 40分 课后反思白牙市一小2014年下期五年级英语-导学案内容: Unit 4 Unit 4 Can I use your pencil ?(AC) 五年级 科目:英语 课型:新授 (第2课时) 主备:蒋建国 审核:唐 青学习目标一 知识目标词汇:1) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 2) 复习: You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他们,它们,她们 Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺语法:can开头的一般疑问句句子: 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are. 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home. 3) Can I borrow your pencil? 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达借物。 三 情感目标:文明、礼貌借物。学习过程学习过程自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)教师复备或学生笔记栏Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)1) 旧单词:You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他/她/它们 Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺2) 新单词:l use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水3) 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are. 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home. 3) Can I borrow your pencil? Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.b展示(单词、句子 . 5分钟)Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words in front of the class.自主学习( C . 7分钟)Step 1. Let Ss practice after the model.分组活动,仿照示范练习。Model A:Can I use your pencil? B: Yes.Here you are.Step 2. Group work. Let Ss write their conversitions and practice them.展示( 对话 . 10分钟)Ask some students to act out their conversitions in frone of the class.一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)1.Excuse me. 打扰一下,对不起,劳驾。2. Can I use your pencil,please? 我能使用你的铅笔吗? (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且五人称和数的变化 如:I can swim. She can swim, too. (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。 He can draw a line.-Can he draw a line? (3) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:cant. He can draw a line.-He cant sraw a line.3. A: Thank you. 谢谢。 B: Youre welcome. 不用谢。/没关系。4. Where is/are+某人/某物? 某人/物在哪里? (1) 何时用is?何时用are? (2) 关于回答:何时用it? 何时用they?小 节 (1分钟)Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.Step 2. After-school summary.测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)一选择题 20分( ) 1. A: Thank you. B: . A. Yes. B. Youre welcome. C. Thank you ( ) 2. A: Where is your schoolbag? B: on the sofa. A, Theyre B.Its C. Hes ( ) 3.This is eraser. A.a B. an C, x( ) 4. A: Can I a pen? A.use B. uses C, to use. ( ) 5. A: ? B: He is very tall. A. What would you like B.What does he look like? C. Whats this 二组句 1. things, youe, are, Where?-2. the, blackboard, clean, Please.-3. Can, ruler, your, use, I? 4. you, are, Here. 三. 请排序,组成一段对话 20分1. Yes, here you are. 2. Excuse me. 3. Can I borrow your English book?4. Youre welcome. 5. Yes? 6. Thank you very much. 正确顺序: , , , , , 6 ,教学反思白牙市一小2014年下期五年级英语-导学案内容: Unit 4 Unit 4 Can I use your pencil ?(DF) 五年级 科目:英语 课型:新授 (第3课时) 主备:蒋建国 审核:唐 青学习目标一 知识目标词汇:1) 新单词:use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水 2) 复习: You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他们,它们,她们 Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺语法:can开头的一般疑问句句子: 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are. 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home. 3) Can I borrow your pencil? 二 能力目标:能朗读单词、句子,能了解每个单词的词义及句意,能用英语表达借物。 三 情感目标:文明、礼貌借物。学习过程自主复习(单词、句子 . 5分钟)教师复备或学生笔记栏St Step 1 Group work:Let Ss review the words in the guiding learning plan in group. (分组复习:请同学们自己复习下列单词)1) 旧单词:You are welcome.不用谢。Schoolbag书包,they他/她/它们 Clean擦, draw画,line 直线,ruler 直尺2) 新单词:l use使用, excuse me请原谅, English英语 thing东西, borrow 借, Chinese中文, dictionary字典, eraser橡皮擦, marker记号笔, glue胶水3) 1) A:Can I use your pen? B: Yes. Here you are. 2) A: Where is your schoolbag? B: At home. 3) Can I borrow your pencil? Step 2 Discussion: Let Ss read the words and discuss the words in the guiding learning and think them over what the meanings are.(分组讨论单词的词义)Step 3 Let Ss read the words by themselves. Step 4 Read the words and sentences after the teacher.展示(单词、句子 . 3分钟)Step 1 Pairwork Ask Ss to read the words and Part A in front of the class.自主学习( D-E . 10分钟)Step 1. Let Ss read the message in Part D by themselves. Make sure to understand each sentence. If possible, teacher may give them a hand.Step 2 Group work. Lst Ss discuss each sentence. Finish the practise below. (一) Tranlate the sentences below ino Chinese.1. David wants to make a kite. 2. Can we look at your kite? 3. Excuse me. 4. Please draw a line.展示( Part D . 5分钟)Ask some students to read each sentence and translate them into Chinese.一起学习研讨(教师讲解 . 7分钟)1.Excuse me. 打扰一下,对不起,劳驾。2. Can I use your pencil,please? 我能使用你的铅笔吗? (1) can“能,会”,是一个情态动词,情态动词后接动原,且五人称和数的变化 如:I can swim. She can swim, too. (2) 若肯定句里有can, 其一般疑问句则把can提前即可。 He can draw a line.-Can he draw a line? (3) 若肯定句里有can, 其否定句则在can之前加not, 一般用缩写:cant. He can draw a line.-He cant sraw a line.3. A: Thank you. 谢谢。 B: Youre welcome. 不用谢。/没关系。4. Where is/are+某人/某物? 某人/物在哪里? (1) 何时用is?何时用are? (2) 关于回答:何时用it? 何时用they?小 节 (1分钟)Step 1. Read the text after the teacher.Step 2. After-school summary.测评反馈(60分 . 10 分钟)一. 英汉匹配 20分( ) 1. make a kite A. 借一把直尺( ) 2. look at your picture B. 做风筝( ) 3. draw a line C. 用你的铅笔( ) 4. borrow a ruler D. 画一条直线( ) 5. use your pencil E. 看你的图画二选择题 20分( ) 1. I want your dictionary. A. borrow B.to borrow C. borrowing( ) 2. A: . Can I use your pen? B: Yes, here you are. A, Hi B. I am sorry. C. Excuse me( ) 3.Mike, please the blackboard. A. clean B. cleans C. to clean( ) 4. She gives some chicken me. A.at B. on C, to( ) 5.A: you want some bread? B: Yes, please. A.Would B.Are C. Do 三组句 20分1. Draw, line, please, a.-2. borrow, an, I, eraser?-教学反思


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