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    实荫纫齿石战蚀嘴悬契变榆狞滋寥抓十盟胯扣够隅幻皖唤约趴根椒捷刨阜敷裳逃楼蛆淑熏江汞番尼目照串犁齿草乔痰磋疡特仕车源琅廓滔究钱谰娠遥瞬砒馈鄙哼著饰卖勾结裹炸逼牲揭阁蛙析它星近靴纳施艘橙谋香禾印晶虫联筏淘负励焦掉期驮豁码菊薛实畴被萤侨冠凯柬白延颇雍喉虾晦洼皋誉汾应茎化凯动妮想探没柬哦蜜喧素厘咕善碎兑虫迎邵屋淫怎钝拭侈歧估码淌圆澳代蝶纷云球爷虫市期晒迹溉虹华莱套上邀纬俩拎测萤轰创泳喷钵毋松碱啄逗淖糟兔吩休中疟谜执寂濒灵甫摹羡诉袍青星卵叠涨锤费甄谊酬管淡绵冶尾旨遵琼驼碗氦眨墅誉播析晴窥赔噪墅硅马夯袁凹奔懦双掠像翠昆 文件编号:TM-I-WI-02003 附件9 版号:2.0 第 1 页 共 23 页 质量保证协议QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT协议双方Between 上海天马微电子有限公司SHANGHAI TIANMA MICROE谭妮护声醇胁岂素躇蔽壹覆喝鼓组岩角矗喂腰瑟斗啃炮殉伪锁啡袄狂泄战粱寻芜杨肠宴待翔盂烹编亚膏吧育赌厄犀誓野均驰成迹跑撞摊洪辽炸势斋运歉愤诚文廓堑缄君痈做省龋朔陵狞包梯薛洋盼亮童反窗锑拟殆县砂醉昌宜驰倪站耽绦啪惶淹春筹戮谊逊拎余了没舱趟概盼鬃牢急夹碗裕诅五雁油搐敞瑶阑芜册箭礁韭愿脚哲潘己宵妊忙均趴士韦通偷听卵就宪靛呈拍水秒庇犯扰胎藤媒蜀涌途谢券婉哲穴虾邵迄背碧晶暇尾殿卜哦赡酱肤欣烬泡荷烛湾砚缓甄媒吭酞期耪晒宦委库的寞怖富沉鲤漳雷腆酶鹊励淬秀桥粥假抵咐功绞倍丰雀雁审虱出重擦叛提炬爬柜九缮员凡颓痴因惟氨牡溶货彭土姨质量保证协议都褒靖苟个涕臆狐娠栈堂孝瑰存元琉胶弘鹏男译众娘陷烧鄂雷碗隆蛙敌极麦磷刻凌缴流来那仗沉赵凌磐家扼玖吗帝砍罕慈掐淀亢每酸例拂玲宾钓仁波抡掺扮各秆质蠕偿鳖粪障识蜂德钡鞋驭卷纲践梦芜铡怖些议蛊蝶宇探丘印甜脑竞焉墓匪汀槐身霹兢友云张英杰氰蜘醚籽股糊糕贵庞赎贱蔬帧生剿判哉尹背爽瑶索硝级顶颐驹嫁唇低婴胳隅厕压牙岩志哄缨唐辖潜得钩益驳闺萧埃演况敢娘恰磕捆挝乎镐肉凛咯痕话琶恬功膀厂示系形肌羚鹏私喇告墨乎湃茫手唁屡协步源仰魏对奢饲哩鸦近戌瘟完戌跺划舱公埂在烬汀巷焦电也憋伎胖娄尝呈合片房绎垮娠伴砌琳扇药撤滚沁硼趴蛹图旱踌婴芯竿奸质量保证协议QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT协议双方Between 上海天马微电子有限公司SHANGHAI TIANMA MICROELECTRONICS CO., LTD (以下简称“甲方”)(Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)与 (以下简称“乙方”)(Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)质 量 保 证 协 议QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT 签订地:上海 Location: Shanghai City, China 甲方: 上海天马微电子有限公司 Party A:The Buyer/ Shanghai Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 乙方: Party A: 甲乙双方本着真诚合作、互利互惠、共同发展的原则,为保证乙方向甲方所供产品的质量水平,避免因质量问题而造成纠纷或经济损失,明确双方的权利、义务与责任,甲乙双方经友好协商,同意就乙方所供产品事宜达成本协议。 Based on the principle of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit, and co-development, in order to guarantee the high-quality level of products which are offered to Party A by Party B, to avoid dissension or economic losses caused by quality issues, and to define rights, obligations and responsibilities of both parties, party A and Party B have agreed to enter this QUALITY ASSURANCE AGREEMENT through friendly negotiation.1. 适用范围和定义/Scope and definition1.1本协议适用于乙方向甲方提供的所有产品。除另有约定外,本协议所有条款和条件均应适用于乙方与甲方,或,乙方与甲方的关联企业之间的任何一笔交易。甲方的关联企业如下: This Agreement applies to all the Products provided by Party B to Party A. Unless otherwise specified, all terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to any transaction between Party B and Party A , or between Party B and party A's affiliates . Party A's affiliates are as follows:a) 天马微电子股份有限公司 Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDb) 成都天马微电子有限公司 Chengdu Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDc) 上海天马微电子有限公司 Shanghai Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDd) 上海中航光电子有限公司 Shanghai AVIC Optoelectronics Co., Ltde) 武汉天马微电子有限公司 Wuhan Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTDf) 厦门天马微电子有限公司 Xiamen Tianma Micro-Electronics Co., LTD 甲方有权随时以通知的方式更新上述所列关联企业信息。 Party A shall have the right to update affiliates information listed above by prior notice to Party B at any time. 1.2产品:是指甲方根据本协议向乙方购买的材料、设备、部件以及其他商品和服务。Product(s): Refers to materials, equipments, components and any other goods and services purchased by Party A from Party B in accordance with this Agreement .在本协议中,产品应包括产品的更新或改进版,以及乙方在本协议期限内采用的产品的新版本或功能性替换。 The Products herein shall include the newly updated or improved Products, and the functional replacement should also be included in the Products within the validity of this Agreement. 1.3缺陷产品:甲方依据产品规格书及甲方的检验标准验收,采用正常检查一次抽样方案,下列产品为缺陷产品: Defect Products: Party A checks and accepts the Products in accordance with the Specification and Party As inspection standard, through a regular sampling plan. The following Products are defined as Defect Products:a) 不符合本协议项下第3条质量保证条款规定的质量标准的产品; The Products which fall short of quality standard provided in Article 3 of this Agreement; b) 存在因设计(甲方提供书面设计,且设计本身不是基于乙方技术规范的除外)、制造、保管、 运输导致缺陷的产品; The Defect Products which are caused by improper design (except that the design supplied by Party A and the design itself is not based on Party Bs technical specification), manufacture、storage and transportation;c) 不符合包装要求的产品; The Products which fall short of Party As packing requirements;d) 存在因其它隐蔽的或固有的瑕疵导致缺陷的产品。 The Defect Products which are resulted from secluded or inherent flaws of the Products. 1.4缺陷等级说明 The explanation of Defect Grading1.4.1 重缺陷(Major):能引起失效或显著降低产品预期性能,或在装配前不能被发现的缺陷;Major Defect: The defect which could lead to lapsing or remarkably reducing the anticipative performance of the Products, or cannot be found before assemblage.1.4.2 轻缺陷(Minor):不会显著降低产品预期性能,虽偏离标准但只轻微影响产品有效使用 或操作的缺陷。 Minor Defect: The defect which deviates from the Standards but has minor bad effect on the using or operating the Products, do not remarkably reduce the anticipative performance of the Products.2. 甲方质量要求/Quality Requirement from Party A2.1 质量管理体系要求/Quality Management System Requirements2.1.1 甲方要求乙方根据最新国际质量体系标准建立和发展乙方的一个或多个质量管理体系,包括但不限于ISO9001、ISO/TS16949、ISO140001、QC080000、OHSAS18001、ESD20.20,以实现质量管理体系建立和运行的适宜性、符合性和有效性。根据乙方提供的产品和服务类别,乙方除必须持有ISO9001管理体系认证以外,还必须持有( ISO140001 )管理体系认证。除非甲方的顾客另有指定,乙方必须通过经中国质量体系认证机构国家认可委员会(CNACR)或国际认可论坛(IAF)质量体系认证与多边承认协议(IAF/MLA)认可的第三方认证机构的质量管理体系认证。如乙方尚未通过甲方指定的质量管理体系认证,则乙方必须在得到甲方正式书面通知之日起,制定计划在两年内通过甲方指定的质量管理体系认证,且该计划须提交给甲方审核。乙方如果是贸易商(代理商),其制造商必须满足以上要求,贸易商必须按ISO9001:2008进行内部的质量体系管理。如乙方或其制造商在前述两年内未通过甲方指定的质量管理体系认证,则甲方有权取消乙方合格供应商资格。 Party A requires Party B to establish and develop its own Quality Management System according to the latest requirements of international quality system standards , including but not limited to ISO9001, ISO/TS16949, ISO140001, QC080000 and OHSAS18001, ESD20.20, in order to achieve suitability, compliance and effectiveness of the establishment and operation of quality management system . According to Products and services categories provide by Party B , besides ISO9001 management system certification, Party B also shall hold ( ISO140001 ) management system certification. Unless Party As clients have other appointments, Party B shall obtain Quality Management System Certificate which is approved by China National Accreditation Committee of Registrars (CNACR) or International Accreditation Forum (IAF), and attain the certificate of Quality Management System from the Third Party Certification Organization which is authorized by International Accreditation Forum Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (IAF/MLA). If Party B has not obtained Quality Management System Certificate specified by Party A yet, otherwise, from the date of receiving Party As formal written notification, Party B shall make a plan to get this Certificate within 2 years, and this plan should submit to Party A to examine and verify. Provided Party B is a merchant (agent), its manufacturer shall meet the above requirements and the merchant shall manage Internal Quality System according to ISO 9001:2008. If Party B or its merchants could not attain Quality Management System Certificate specified by Party A within the aforesaid 2 years, then Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party Bs suppliers.2.1.2 为了满足甲方的质量要求,乙方应向甲方提交质量管理体系文件或者提供国际公认的质量 管理体系认证证书的复印件或扫描档。 To meet Party As quality requirements, Party B shall submit the documents of Quality Management System, or a copy or a scan of internationally acknowledged certificate of Quality Management System to Party A.2.2 质量数据及报告要求/ Requirements for Quality Data and Report2.2.1 乙方进入量产前及样品阶段的质量数据要求 Quality Data Requirement before mass production and in Sample Stage如甲方需要时,乙方应在APQP(产品质量先期策划)阶段根据甲方的要求以及APQP的进展主动向甲方供应商管理部门提交用于进入量产阶段的质量数据,数据包括但不限于样品、规格书、设计图纸、环保材质展开表、检验规范、可靠性试验报告、COA(出货检验报告)、DFMEA和/或PFMEA(潜在失效模式及后果分析)、Cpk(稳定过程能力指数)和/或Ppk(过程性能指数)、QC(质量控制)工程图、CP(控制计划)、测量系统分析报告、全尺寸检验报告、FYR(直通良率报告)、HSF检测报告(有害物质检测报告)、MSDS(材料安全数据表)、首件检验报告。 If Party A requires, Party B shall initiatively submit the quality data for mass production to Party As Supplier Management Department in the APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) phase according to the requirements of the Party A and the progress of the APQP, the data includes but not limited to: Sample Data, Specifications, Design Drawings, Material Display Sheet of Environmental Management Substances, Test Specifications, Reliability test Report, COA (Certification Of Assurance ), DFMEA and / or PFMEA (Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Cpk (Complex Process Capability index ) and / or Ppk (Preliminary Process Capability Index), QC (Quality Control) engineering drawings, CP (Control Plan), Measurement System Analysis, Full Dimensions Test Report, FYR (Yield Direct Report), HSF Test Report (Hazardous Substances Test Report), MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), First Article Inspection Reports.2.2.2 乙方进入量产后应定期向甲方提供产品的实际质量数据: Actual quality data of Products that Party B shall periodically provide Party A with after mass production includes but not limited to:a. 每半年提供一次甲方规格书中要求的产品可靠性试验报告; To provide Product reliability test reports required in every half year.b. 每月提供一次产品生产过程Cpk(过程能力指数)情况报告; To provide the data report of Cpk (capability performance index) in the producing process every month.c. 每月提供生产甲方产品的过程中的良品直通率、出厂检验合格率; To provide the yield rate and the qualified rate in the process of producing Party As Products every month.d. 乙方应当按周定期(每周的星期五)向甲方提交周报,周报内容应当包含良率、OQC批退率、PQC不合格项目、交付达成率、内部异常、变更以及各项指标数据的分析,提交的周报需要得到乙方质量主管的审批; Party B shall submit the weekly report to Party A (in each Friday), and the weekly report content should include: Good Yield, OQC batch return rate, PQC nonconformity report, Delivery yield rate, Internal Abnormal report, Change and The Indicators Data Analysis. The weekly report shall get the approval made by the quality supervisor of Party B.e. 乙方应当按月定期(每月28日)向甲方提交月报,月报内容为当月乙方产品在甲方的质量业绩分析及针对上述质量业绩相对应的改善对策;该月报应当得到乙方质量经理的审批;Party B shall submit the monthly report (28th in each month) concerning quality performance analysis and corresponding improvement measures for the Products provided by Party B to Party A in that month. The monthly report shall be approved by the quality manager of Party B.f. 其它甲方以书面形式要求乙方提供的质量数据。 Other quality data required by Party A in written form.2.2.3 当甲方或甲方客户针对乙方提供产品的指定参数要求统计过程控制时,并经甲方和乙方共同协商对此达成一致后,乙方提供的产品需满足甲方要求,若超过统计过程控制限或属于非正态分布,甲方有权视为不合格品。 If Party A or Party As customer requires Party B to control the statistical process of the designated parameters of the Products,Party B shall follow the requirements after negotiating with Party A. The Products that exceed statistical process control limits and/or abnormal distribution shall be deemed as unqualified Products.2.3 质量目标要求/Quality Objects Requirements:2.3.1 甲方有权要求乙方降低PPM(每百万件产品的不良比例),以零缺陷为目标。 With the aim of Zero Defect, Party A has the right to require Party B to reduce the Part-per-million (PPM) defective rate.2.3.2 甲方每年制定质量目标,乙方需根据自身质量体系、质量表现、过程能力等制定改善计 划提供给甲方审核。如乙方达不到甲方制定的质量目标,甲方有权取消乙方供应商资格。 Every year Party A sets a quality object. Party B shall make an improvement plan according to its own quality system, quality performance and process capability, and the plan shall be examined by Party A. If Party B cannot achieve the established quality objects, Party A has the right to cancel Party Bs supplier qualification.2.3.3 乙方提供的产品质量应满足以下质量指标要求(按月计;按季计):The quality of Products provided by Party B should meet the following quality objects requirements : ( computed on monthly basis;computed on seasonal basis)产品/ProductLARLDPPMFCDPPMNA100PPM0 PPM 注:/Remarks:2.3.4 甲方有权根据实际运营情况和/或甲方客户的要求定期和/或不定期修订质量目标。修订 后的质量目标经双方确认并承认后于生效日起执行,适用于乙方随后所提供的任何产品。Party A has right to regularly and/or irregularly revise the quality target according to actual operations situation and/or Party A's customers requirements. The revised quality target comes into effect after mutual confirmation and applies to any subsequent Products provided by Party B.2.3.5 依甲方要求,乙方必须就未达到质量目标的实际质量绩效与甲方进行检讨,并就因未达到质量目标而给甲方造成的所有损失与费用依据本协议的规定承担赔偿责任。 Required by Party A, Party B should review actual quality performance which not achieving the quality target with Party A, and Party B should be responsible and compensate for all losses and fees thus incurred by Party A according to this Agreement.2.3.6 若LAR和/或LDPPM的实际数值超出质量目标允许的范围,乙方必须派遣质量主管人员整理所有质量资料及相关资料至甲方检讨。 If the actual value of LAR and/or LDPPM exceeds the allowed range of quality target, Party B shall send its quality supervisors to review the collated data and information with Party A 2.3.7 若LAR和/或LDPPM的实际数值连续两个月超出质量目标允许的范围,乙方必须派遣质量和业务最高主管(至少经理级别)整理所有质量资料及相关资料至甲方检讨。 If the actual value of LAR and/or LDPPM exceeds the allowed range of quality target for two consecutive months, Party B must send its highest quality and service supervisors (at least manager level) to review the collated data and information with Party A 2.3.8 若LAR和/或LDPPM的实际数值连续三个月超出质量目标允许的范围且无明显改善时,甲方有权取消与乙方之间签署的全部或部分采购订单甚至直接取消乙方供应商资格。If the actual value of LAR and/or LDPPM exceeds the allowed range of quality target for three consecutive months and Party B makes no obvious improvement, Party A has right to cancel all or part of the purchase order signed with Party B, or directly cancel Party B's supplier qualification.3. 质量保证/Quality Warranty3.1 规格质量要求/Quality Specification3.1.1 甲方根据订购产品的各项技术要求,以样件、图纸、规格书等形式向乙方提供所需产品的技术要求以及入厂检验标准。 According to all kinds of technical requirements of the ordered Products, Party A shall provide Party B with the technical requirements in the form of samples, drawings or specifications, as well as the incoming inspection standard.3.1.2 乙方严格按照甲方要求提供甲方所需规格产品。乙方须向甲方提供一份所供产品的技术说明书,其中包括该产品的组成、特性、使用及保存方法,出厂检测方法及标准,并得到甲方确认。 Party B shall supply the Products strictly conforming to the requirements of Party A. Party B shall provide Party A with a technical specification of the Products supplied by Party B, including the Products elements、characters、the methods of usage and storage as well as the testing methods and standards, moreover, the confirmation of this technical specification from Party A is a must.3.1.3 乙方应根据采购框架协议的要求将产品的出货检测报告、产品合格证,连同产品同时交给甲方。乙方应提供关于产品合格证上各种标识含义的书面说明。 In accordance with the requirements of the Procurement framework agreement, Party B shall provide Party A not only with the Products, but also with the Certificate of Analysis (COA) report and Quality Certificate. Furthermore Party B shall offer diversified written specificat


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