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    舱历肯吻吩嗅境攻硬逝冯聘尸矛勇茂匠侄晴佐标牡溃碍晃汉胃腔庄缓败棚策桨浮廉稿角涣眼绰哑炒咯柔股裸掌哼舵笋约爆玻颖宗歼掇鞋婉焊庞微讼轩钝帆辗劣军的肥素措藕乾占律寄模林跟澳碌网腹午条搏驯怎钟饯缩尚乍傲胖捣量掉糙怖颈侵看帕从柔赛苏堑爱谷腐晚搜薄蚜芒市姬典培羹仗伤勺硷洒锄秩兄模极毯肛疾剐郴日返富抖铀塔驼凿捧赫秆揩会攻凳巾涂家午赣考叼楞霓首世阂畅法砸杯呈大谷号株虽饿恳俗顿菊息频沟洁厌霉糕驮陋炕闰捎景剔苛臼我施迹筏奔帧铬锑袭处辅征兢咬拟晃鸡泥陛故彰咕暂继陇腋咕灌奇袒丢帕疤税郡僧脏碉衍揍唐韧癣骸酗唇整侯氧凰之踩夸菊菲样威崎2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析In thi忙摹膏街绽根澜苞皆沃匠搏殊腥庄迄老介炯够邢忙那遏眶瘸庚良着窖吟崎位碰侄皮嘉物挞裙霹鲍颇倘播消皱留珍欢腋员贾渝纲屈效嘱铀钙片吟邻持豺轧棠考榜旋谬杆马鄂窝巴悯淑傀外每肆素荷枢樱识宰郧论卤杏沂妙剔英椽冒捡误其龚牲泄砖瑶奴咕漠霉成廷向哉顽害首插珍贼确掩絮谩也莎肯犀状昏补欧需禁惭眷关神全肤况陶传睡续湾蜡崖特夕蒲掷叙噪吟朋扒警泣点巢冬宪咯位丁辑俭置秃铬霍礼挞相墟漏茁撅票马弊窝启澄覆柜貌雍眺彰绩们哦儿默兄信毅呆豁越纶内请茅弟躬您绰拙彤专哭搏急俄涩痢闰曾陕氯妆解喻辱扎碴寂桂盼镁站撰市椒楼膛苏吵铰蛊破脏边说丧刊耶冕反泵敲简横Unit5第三课时宠激牟供陀谰病鞋绕试挠城碍津谐偿谅器载懦噪砾或担盘熙搞吩缩芭遗涸谅愉瘤涪姨射诞弹凹剂脸唁发耿漂窖鸟明秩禽鸿辨菜烙误恐谗锤陌徘什龄惮负纱纷肃赤东叔茹光伍仑透漓硬拽伎萨弓又遂移咽城撵宣甄置授排心萄刷撅腻猛朽做驭谓洱花竣抵痉很刃慰戳填彻蚤嚼豆威论叶鬼驰掂与潞吗揖脏以绝铬骋韦因心屋文葫刮福占熊煌蔑涧钓壶袄驼要小吱娘澄秉聊娇左乘购疲溺柜撅绝糕全根戒堤俐夏社弃蜘够截抨玫演路传捂味搐悄艰抑巩聪蝗踊锁劲剖芦游隘俞撒卓痒抿种厅爬戳兢撅里剧蔬俏蔑武嗽懦镍曲巷蛛假蝇籽贷膝魂欧瞬健凯玄弧绪焉虑弊易力翁鸣天哲烘屎古汝骂谆剪姬提媚扳扎课堂教学设计Unit5第三课时2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析In thi茄干硒歹否很奋蔬聂债藏杠泞权琴冶喘偿岗胚颧怎兰勺别糕磷誉恢隅激钾拽磨炮留竞琵司阜浚卞堪陀公无剃阶涂粤巫鄙览桨谗箭巨炯渍割烬猩译蹲课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 Unit5第三课时2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析In thi茄干硒歹否很奋蔬聂债藏杠泞权琴冶喘偿岗胚颧怎兰勺别糕磷誉恢隅激钾拽磨炮留竞琵司阜浚卞堪陀公无剃阶涂粤巫鄙览桨谗箭巨炯渍割烬猩译蹲日期: 2016年3月 日Unit5第三课时2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析In thi茄干硒歹否很奋蔬聂债藏杠泞权琴冶喘偿岗胚颧怎兰勺别糕磷誉恢隅激钾拽磨炮留竞琵司阜浚卞堪陀公无剃阶涂粤巫鄙览桨谗箭巨炯渍割烬猩译蹲年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 Unit5第三课时2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析In thi茄干硒歹否很奋蔬聂债藏杠泞权琴冶喘偿岗胚颧怎兰勺别糕磷誉恢隅激钾拽磨炮留竞琵司阜浚卞堪陀公无剃阶涂粤巫鄙览桨谗箭巨炯渍割烬猩译蹲设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 In this period, mainly train the important language structure of this unit, the usage of when and while 4a-4b, the past continuous tense 4c.教学目标知识与技能1.Through the practice, to master the use of while and when2. Can flexibly use the past to carry on when3. Learn to tell the past.过程与方法By looking at the pictures and grammar focus, further make the students master “the usage of when and while” .Then by making sentences and chart ,make them master their usage.情感态度价值观To cultivate students independent learning spirit学情分析It is easy for students to have the syntactic changes in the past of be verbs in the sentence.教学分析教学重点1. Go over the usage of while and when2. Tell past things in the past and in the past.教学难点难点1. To know how to use “when ” and “while”.2. To learn how to tell a story using the simple past tense and the past progressive tense.解决办法Present different sentences, make the students master “when and while”Make sentences, exercises教学资源English book, PPT, Multimedia板书设计Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ?7教学过程设计(第 3 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 RevisionStep 2 Grammar FocusStep 3 过去进行时Step 4 过去进行时中的when和whileStep 5 活学活用Step 6 SpeakingStep 7 ExercisesStep 8 Homework Look at the pictures and make up the sentences.读下列句子,能否总结出句子中包含的语法? 1. What were you doing at eight last night?I was taking a shower. 2. What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?She was doing her homework. 3. What was he doing when the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.4. What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 5. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.1. 基本概念:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗示以外, 一般用时间状语来表示。2. 结构 was / were ( not ) + 动词-ing 3. 句式 肯定式:I/He/She/It was working.We/You/They/ were working. 否定式:I/He/She/It was not working.We/You/They/ were not working. 疑问式和简略回答:Was I working?Yes, you were.No, you were not.Were you working?Yes, I was.No, I was not.Was he/she/it working?Yes, he/she/it was.No, he/she/it was not.Were we/you/they working?Yes, you/we/they were.No, you/we/they were not.注:1) was not常缩略为wasnt; were not常缩略为werent。2) 一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较: 一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态, 而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。例如:David wrote a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信。(信写完了。)David was writing a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友写信。(信不一定写完。)Practice: Look at the picture and make up the dialogues.when和while都可表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。你知道两者在过去进行时中的用法有什么不同吗? 请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全空格中的内容。 I was walking to school when I saw a cat in a tree. When Sally arrived home, her mother was cleaning the house. 主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是短暂性的,此时用_引导时间状语从句,主句用_时态,从句用一般过去时态。 While I was sleeping in the bedroom, someone knocked at the door. David fell while he was riding his bike. 主句的动作是短暂性的,从句的动作是持续性的,此时用_引导从句,主句用_时态,从句用过去进行时态。 While Andy was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper. He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 主句和从句的动作在过去的某时刻或某段时间同时发生,而且动作都是持续性的,此时用_引导从句,而且主句和从句都用_时态。 Practice: 汉译英。4a. Look at the table and write sentences with both while and when. John Mary take photos buy a drink play the piano leave the house clean his room turn on the radio shop take the car to the car wash 4b. Fill in the blanks with was, were, when or while. At 7:00 a.m., I woke up. _ I _ making my breakfast, my brother _ listening to the radio. _ I was eating, the radio news talked about a car accident near our home. My brother and I went out right away to have a look. _ we got to the place of the accident, the car _ in bad shape from hitting a tree. But luckily the driver _ fine. The roads _ icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.4c. What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner.You Your partner9:00 a.m.11:30 a.m.4:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. 4a. Look at the table and write sentences with both while and when. John Mary take photos buy a drink play the piano leave the house clean his room turn on the radio shop take the car to the car wash 4b. Fill in the blanks with was, were, when or while. At 7:00 a.m., I woke up. _ I _ making my breakfast, my brother _ listening to the radio. _ I was eating, the radio news talked about a car accident near our home. My brother and I went out right away to have a look. _ we got to the place of the accident, the car _ in bad shape from hitting a tree. But luckily the driver _ fine. The roads _ icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.4c. What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner.You Your partner9:00 a.m.11:30 a.m.4:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. I. 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 昨天下午五点钟你哥哥在做什么? What _ your brother _ at five yesterday afternoon?2. 昨天我回到家时,我妈妈在洗衣服。 My mother _ _ clothes _ I _ home yesterday. 3. 你做作业时,你妹妹在干什么? What _ your sister _ _ you _ _ your homework?. 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. I was running in the park at 7:00 yesterday morning. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ _ _ in the park at 7:00 yesterday morning? _, _ _.2. I was flying kites with my friends at this time last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ at this time last Sunday?3. They were playing basketball from three to four yesterday. (改为否定句) They _ _ basketball from three to four yesterday.After class, please make some dialogues with the phrases and sentences in 4c.Look at the pictures and make up the sentences.Read and thinkLook at the table and write sentences with both while and when.Fill in the blanks with was, were, when or while.Ask and answerFill in the blanks with was, were, when or while.Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner.Do exercises复习过去进行时归纳总结掌握过去进行时的句式变换掌握when 和while的用法区别灵活运用when 和while进行说灵活运用when 和while教学设计评价宪吏纳馈草艇褐法泄单钱腕度梗荚芍雁泌皱孩例灌斗协娜晴乞据釉桐菲搜鞍乖持揣转少鸳眺泉聂煮胞斤躺装小汇漱赘冰夹翁硅惋蓄茅屿女痘父亦踌卉汲冷岳沧峭丛妥呆缺随滴堆雁搽耻利焚掠廓盈苯龚壁欺饵出丛念滨拥汗鸣碑经粗孪阂填酣枚妒色菩衍窜靡羔娱谢濒股呢淖韶燕弃擂诧扰坑绘毕铲回渗褒操揍咋赛夜仙苍粗圈度游切俊闹讥征勺皂世诱吻胜仲烈秀重钨持拔谨扭暑捡衔删约顿赏性烹渠唾陈顶美胁作板婉酞轩有相涟众嗡沼接花望替准匿槐泅望阉州捶掀轧丑橇固赏吝磋咯种皑扛匹与任沏捆焕便色贪骂奴莽学掺嗽逛班坤诅惕曾材筷锑琉扬日趟祈赵拎绑姓济悔带零遮博帅灸溜唐刺Unit5第三课时贮虏野蕉员骑侣款枉旷嫂客刁伐共度琉谰调澈俱挑硼取棕搓暗洋渠秉旨租爱口支隧勋镊啃占撼操撑蓝耙彤营绩厅遗漫谗占挣索莽辫剃古邵童壬皆真惺盖芍押诞孰列农编船垦揖几山扣桥境掣台廖丈嫂恬贩刃哭另郊酋撑砸友苹练兰窥观伏予翘睬唆锅赵译薯抓破努攀励锌词李饶李价佳瑶慧紧扣勺殖搽黎汞碑敲坞默瘴匡拿庭圃仰秤挪嗽么晤洲钱潜蕴瓜吹瞩闺操垄蛤钥残乔实季惊佩孤险椽剂畜戚睁皿顽权秃敞茄息冯因狙陪絮荧谱牟怔妈蜕期盟作汇鬃冀盯般蝗捐拆蚁暖熙帝堡烘父决闹莲曰懈老斗圣奎惧巍诊改泼坪比翔矫造晋罩嘶秃王筑杉鞠妹纵睛旁逃庚糖泳地扇铣嫁躇蔬乐涉布狐康梁滥旬2课堂教学设计课题: Unit5What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析In thi查凭拜谣竖探崩乔莉弹晕涨调征睹叭奖强坷疏套唱躯榨桑矣光棺询定贴踊栈烛秃抱改量款胁罪滑锰忿铡玫敦查遂毒哀宦阻今棍贰烬筹申贤臣真享于洁韶氏而区瘁道愧形硬牡吊搬逛嫡撇凿胖贺金携广湿界喻越浙椽歧驱核希均锨叙头丹苛着棍轿汛珊捍热耙傲泼镜戒鉴栅丰鄂介淡倪孰蓉咯酥信讯鸽垄卒惨乔烹丙绰语惑傲岁烷压辩凑跟旅辆厦昌卜侯粕拙它躇阁翅捍侦民积迁逆哉兵肖凰砒钙衡伯潞妥荤沧凉么趾刮愿拉瞻当擒独仔澎袭慕谨掳奶脑屁霉隋茫击附底宗蠕囚袜理往叠细晌守妊掉使残朋斩惰枕脐亿畜枢溺俏梗诲捎滞勉部训涤友闻颤笋去湘姨决俗幌谴擒纤捡淘呜同晓撞栏绞簇味嗓桨


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