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    Making An English Biomedical Paper: Why, What, and How 发表英文医学论文技巧 Ruiwen Zhang, MD, PhD, DABT 张瑞稳博士 Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology Director, Cancer Pharmacology Laboratory Sr. Scientist, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Clinical Nutrition Research Center, Chemoprevention Center, Gene Therapy Center, Center for Aging, NEJM, Science, Nature = 90%) nPerform laboratory work with a manuscript in mind (Design a paper) nScientific writing involves work Why and How to Publish (1) Session 1 释 好 籽 活 遣 合 汝 唱 钨 塞 实 书 峰 某 障 烛 者 菩 霸 指 肿 了 畴 拥 獭 程 骄 质 形 犯 报 营 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nThe first publication on a specific topic has priority. nThe findings should be expressed as simply as possible. Succinct, concise, “crisp,” and terse, i.e., brief and to the point. You are NOT writing a novel. nSentences should be stripped to their “bare bones.” nWriting requires: Perseverance Self discipline Orderly thinking nWriting is best accomplished in a quiet place, in a straight-backed chair, and in good lighting. (Once again, writing involves WORK; you need an excellent writing environment.) Why and How to Publish (2) Session 1 催 抨 惜 旱 啮 噪 挨 行 刨 浅 凰 拟 华 丽 掳 随 酣 倒 堑 沦 溉 壶 款 赎 泻 右 互 赤 娥 免 事 吐 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nPresent substantial, fresh, relevant information (A manuscript is worthless if the authors have nothing worth reporting) nWrite what you know nGood writing comes from good thinking nWord power comes from intelligent reading Why and How to Publish (3) Session 1 Reading Thinking Writing 概 汽 纲 车 赡 拽 蔚 伺 鸭 鸣 姥 炮 爽 艘 句 隔 肆 光 锅 艾 则 漾 减 首 徐 梨 鳃 蒜 邀 憨 诱 吟 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nWrite too much and then make deletions. nBe brief. “Brevity is the soul of wit.” Shakespeare. nDo not publish several articles when one will suffice nDo not publish similar articles with minor changes. nAllow trainees to develop their own style, while maintaining quality control. nTo learn what works: Read more Write more Review more nYour reputation can be affected by a poor publication. nIf you have a reputation for scientific honesty and careful writing, editors and readers may give you the benefit of the doubt. Session 1 Why and How to Publish (4) 贡 霹 哉 钥 叠 最 坟 继 鳞 闯 函 炼 疤 寸 惕 振 术 坛 诲 臃 局 拷 泊 谜 膜 亥 拐 厂 徒 帐 炉 饶 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Steps in Writing a Manuscript (1) Session 1 Q: Professional Writing Service? ReadingThinking Writing Revising 婶 伐 勋 坦 咙 赴 谎 赊 烟 袋 迁 涩 语 帖 镊 瞩 惦 拼 杏 牌 霄 剪 氛 议 无 趾 谈 嫡 骇 丁 胯 窝 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Steps in Writing a Manuscript (2) Search and Review the Literature: nUse MEDLINE + other sources nSearch using all appropriate keywords nSummarize relevant points of related articles Prepare an Outline nPreparation forces you to think and organize. nAll points should be supported by appropriate data. nGives a logical, step-by-step order in which the manuscript will be presented. nGaps can be filled in, and extraneous material can be eliminated. nWriting can be done with less interruption. Session 1 熬 毕 帐 鸦 珍 丰 午 湛 柞 否 肘 敷 省 真 疽 埃 蛾 殷 琶 锌 嗅 浸 彩 闲 叼 笔 契 瓶 弹 样 毛 云 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 qEnsure that you are up-to-date on the literature in the field qConfirm that the results are “real”- i.e., they cannot be explained by experimental error and have been repeated qComplete the initial statistical analyses qSelect a target journal qLook over the “Instructions for authors” qDecide on the authors, and decide who will be the corresponding author qVerify the current institution and address for each of the authors qDecide who will be responsible for the various parts of the manuscript: Introduction:_Methods/Materials:_ qResults:_Discussion:_ qFigures:_Tables:_ qReferences:_Overall formatting:_ qDiscuss who will be responsible for other parts of the submission process qCover letter:_Online/mail submission:_ qRevisions:_Letter for revision/rebuttal:_ qDetermine who should be included in the acknowledgements qSelect a targeted date for submission qSelect major references to be cited qMake a list of the procedures and instruments used, along with the conditions for each experiment qVerify the details of the experiments (cell culture conditions, age of animals, duration of treatments, doses of agents used, etc.) qPrepare the figures and tables for the major data that you will present qPrioritize the data (The most important? Supporting Data? Supplemental data (if applicable for the selected journal)?) Session 1 Checklist for Preparing an Outline 狰 与 障 氛 垮 琉 率 倪 饲 胆 未 髓 嘘 厩 蜡 履 月 裔 励 砖 喳 车 通 暗 促 矮 规 虽 公 装 店 蹈 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Sample Outline nIntroduction Epidemiological studies show a correlation between isoflavone consumption and cancer. Evidence supports the idea that genistein is the most important isoflavone in the diet. Genistein has an anticancer effect in animal models. nMain Point: Epidemiological studies show that diet, which can vary substantially from one country to another, is one of the major factors in cancer etiology and may account for up to 35% of the differences in cancer rates among different countries. nThesis Statement: Genistein, a dietary component, has a novel mechanism of action, whereby it specifically down-regulates MDM2 at both transcriptional and post-translational levels. nMaterials and Methods: Plasmids and reagents Cell lines and cell cultures Reverse transcription-PCR Assays for apoptosis, cell proliferation, cell cycle distribution, and clonogenicity Xenograft models nResults: Genistein inhibits MDM2 expression in human cancer and primary cell lines, regardless of p53 status. (Figures 1 and 2) MDM2 transcription is repressed by genistein. (Figure 3) Genistein promotes degradation of the MDM2 protein, independent of p53. (Figure 4) Inhibitory effects of genistein on tyrosine kinases are not required for the down-regulation of MDM2. (Figure 5) Genistein has antitumor effects on apoptosis, cell cycle distribution, and cell proliferation, regardless of cellular p53 status. (Figure 6) In vitro antitumor activities of genistein are associated with its capacity to down-regulate MDM2. (Figure 7) In vivo MDM2 inhibition by genistein shows dose-dependent antitumor activity and chemosensitization, independent of p53. (Figure 7) nDiscussion: Reason for interest in genistein. Purpose of study and summary of results. Transcriptional activation of MDM2. NFAT, a specific transcription factor. Post-translational regulation of the MDM2 protein. Lack of effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Importance of MDM2 expression in cancer. The antitumor effect of genistein and its effect on MDM2. nConclusion: Importance of results in relation to cancer prevention and therapy. Session 1 害 摘 秋 虹 坤 峨 滴 颁 维 柬 德 蛋 虱 禄 疹 窄 酗 轴 钓 珊 胶 檀 契 晴 春 愧 美 歹 臻 潦 奎 胸 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Steps in Writing a Manuscript (3) nGeneral Approach to generating first draft: Tables and Figures Results Methods Introduction Discussion Abstract Title References Other parts Session 1 nGeneral Approach to Revising first draft: Read the First Draft (From the beginning to the end Read it again Read literature again Revise nIntroductio n, Results and Discussion nMethods nAbstract nTitle Abstract Title and other parts Actual Writing (Turtle or Rabbit Writer?): 费 石 绎 湿 钎 踪 北 粉 洱 七 慈 淋 股 圭 唇 浩 断 杠 授 讥 涝 庚 泼 衣 渣 条 翌 氰 尝 陨 泅 缀 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Steps in Writing a Manuscript (4) nGeneral Approach to Revising 2nd and nth drafts: 2nd Complete Draft Send to all authors Nth Draft Semi-final version Send to Outside reader/consultant/editing service Final version Send to all authors Session 1 nGeneral Approach to preparing the final version: Reading, reading, reading Checking, checking, checking Submission package nCover letter nSuggest ed reviewers, if needed nSubmiss ion nApprove submission nWaiting for the news Actual Writing (Turtle or Rabbit Writer?): 氮 烙 啸 曳 缕 嘴 砍 认 需 讽 欢 瓶 争 渡 烷 竿 贩 介 雁 翻 羞 放 悼 尾 缨 孰 闭 尊 浓 求 尤 免 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nHave a journal in mind as you design and perform your experiments. nBasis for selection of a target journal: Who is the target audience? nGeneral nMultidisciplinary nSpecific How important is the contribution? If it is “earth-shaking” and of interest in several scientific fields or if it is a major advance in a particular discipline, submit the manuscript to Nature, Science, Cell, or PNAS. Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (1) Target Journal Not Sure? Ask a trusted colleague! 茶 盎 含 状 奈 词 窗 析 曾 锑 卞 龄 圭 娱 万 夸 纪 豁 肮 绢 草 肛 谈 荐 锯 圈 潜 屠 交 毖 勾 密 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nWhat is the impact factor of the journal? Calculation for journal impact factor: nExample: Nature 2007 Impact Factor Cites in 2007 to articles published in: 2006 =25635 2005 =32644 Sum: 58279 Number of articles published in: 2006 =962 2005 =1065 Sum: 2027 Calculation: 58279 /2027=28.751 Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (2) SCI and Impact Factor 辞 递 饮 暂 启 膳 娘 座 聋 坤 箍 喘 望 娩 格 骑 底 镁 脆 鼻 宵 勉 帕 邢 互 郴 刑 筷 弧 增 贸 楞 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Myths of Impact Factors (IFs): IFs do not reflect the quality of individual papers. Review journals generally have higher IFs. IFs are biased against specialty, clinical research or new fields of research. Not all journals are included in the index. IFs can be manipulated by editors/publishers. IFs fluctuate year to year for a given journal. Journals originated from Non-English country generally have lower IFs IFs cannot be used to compare publications in different fields (subject category) Simple math does not work here: IF 10 = IF1 X10? IF 5+ IF5 =IF10? IF 10X 6= IF60? IF 5.614 is better than IF 5.613? Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (3) SCI and Impact Factor 缄 郭 踞 隅 浴 购 哑 瞧 洱 涟 渭 贬 封 蔼 檄 载 脐 胯 打 蒂 犊 眷 斧 拄 佬 拖 胃 眨 卧 无 孰 株 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nIs it recognized by one or more of the major secondary services (Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, MEDLINE/PubMed)? MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online) is an international literature database of life sciences and biomedical information. It covers the fields of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care and much of the literature in biology and biochemistry. (5000 serials) PubMed is a free search engine offering access to the MEDLINE database of citations and abstracts of biomedical research articles. It also provides access to many pre-1966 publications. CA (Chemical Abstracts Service), a division of the American Chemical Society, produces Chemical Abstracts, an index of the scientific literature in chemistry and related fields. (9500 serials) Biological Abstracts directs users to information on life science topics, ranging from botany to microbiology to pharmacology. (3700 serials) Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (4) Major Secondary Services 侈 胎 邦 患 翌 笆 辗 篓 铜 屎 可 薪 涯 罢 赐 彰 咀 讨 丽 迂 柑 生 瓜 逞 赤 砸 淬 枯 亚 杠 绣 赌 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nWhat is the prestige of the journal? nIs it a primary journal? nIs it an open journal? nWhat is the circulation of the journal? nWhat is the review time for the journal? nWhat is the publication time for the journal? Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (5) More than IF Most Journals publish the dates of submission, review, and acceptance. You need to check the publishing date: Epub ahead of print; In press MS; Open access; online only; PubMED submission; etc. 臆 沉 啮 孙 酣 缠 象 擦 幌 檬 迫 恨 法 威 斯 挝 还 糙 犁 氨 拽 氦 赏 寅 抉 纠 哄 兴 渴 渡 夺 叠 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nWho will be interested in reading the paper basic scientists, clinicians, or both? nWhom do you want to read the paper members of the funding committee, the promotion committee, or the competitors? nIs the paper within the “Scope” of the journal (in the “Instructions for Authors” ). nBe familiar with the journal, especially papers published in the last 6-12 months Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (6) More than IF Still not sure: Ask a trusted peer, and, if possible, be acquainted with the editor. 贾 梢 惺 找 媒 挛 洞 颁 戈 绅 允 拐 鳞 果 亲 敖 蘸 通 芽 钓 灶 漾 涣 话 了 概 苯 绸 建 潮 庚 睁 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nCheck recent articles in various journals; examine their format and content. nExamine several articles in potential journals. How many figures and tables do they have? nRead the “Table of Contents” of recent issues of potential journals. nConsider: Am I qualified to write an article for this journal? nConsider: Where were the papers you will cite as references published-were they published in a similar quality journal? nRead the “Instructions for Authors” and examples of publications in these journals. Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (7) Knew What You Wish For Keep in Mind: Topic, Contents, Format, and Style. 籍 朋 馒 郁 慑 炸 呛 华 涧 女 聚 很 敷 丸 裹 跳 御 森 先 诵 凭 途 劲 骇 淆 旬 岭 裴 遇 速 番 蛇 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 nIf you submit to a wrong journal: Your manuscript may be returned to you without review. It may be reviewed inadequately. Its publication may be unnecessarily delayed. Your work may remain unknown because it is not read after publication. Session 1 Select an Appropriate Journal (8) Wrong Journal or Wrong Paper? Still not sure: Ask the Editor of the potential journal. Do not overly depend on Professional Editing Service” 薄 忿 僧 祸 荆 匹 愈 喊 冗 指 嫡 锚 葵 乎 泰 妓 狮 宦 奄 凛 锁 稳 赶 续 梢 仔 镀 磐 农 恨 忧 泛 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 发 表 英 文 医 学 论 文 技 巧 Data Preparation and Evaluation (1) Checklist for finalizing data for a manuscript qMake sure your results have been repeated/confirmed qSelect results that are representative of your repeats (for Western blots, photographs, spectra, etc) or prepare averages and standard deviations for your data (clinical parameters, animal studies, etc.) qEnsure that your data are statistically significant, and that you indicate this in the text and figures. qPrepare an appropriate number of figures and/or tables (many journals have a limit of 6 figures) qConfirm that your figures and tables are supported by raw data qMake sure that the raw data is retrievable (in laboratory records) qOrganize data by importance (key data, supporting evidence, and/or supplemental data) qDetermine they type of illustration that will best showcase the data (Figure? Table? Photograph?) qGenerate figures of sufficient quality for your selected journal (journals frequently require figure quality of 600 dpi) qFormat your illustrations according to the instructions for authors (font style and size) and, if possible, use a consistent size and style for each figure and table qAvoid redundancy between tables, figures and the text q The corresponding author needs to check the


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